L ~1 IIasenwi nkal Creek on Cypress Creak Road near the msidence of i7m, Karger in Commi ssioners~ Pre~in~t.No, 3 of Kerr County. Than oe in a easterly direction over and across tie land o' said 'Aru. Karger along the di vY Si on fence Le tween said Sim. Karger and Kurt A. Holekamp a distanee.of about 250 yards to where this new route again intersects said Cypress Creek [toad in said Precinct No, 3, said road along said proposed change or new location to be' ' 40 fast in width throughout; and, .it appearing to the Court that said petition is in form required by law and has been filed for ~ti:e length of time required by law, and proper no tine of the Piling thereof was given as shown by Ernst Huernberger~s (om of petltioaera) sworn return on petition, and it appearing to ti:e Court that no objection has been Lade to the granting of said petition, it is therefore ordered [md deoreed by the Court that said petl tion be and is hereby granted as prayed for, and Conmiss inner Nm. Karger is hereby authorized and in struated by the Court to construct said piece of new road at expense of Kerr County, and to close the portion of the present road thereby di sc cnti Hued and abandoned when the new piece of road has been opened for travel. o-o-o-o-o-o ISO. 4'L2, PURCHASE OF RIGHT OF 17AY FOR CIIiiNGE IIQ CYPRESS CREEK ROAD. This 14th day of November, 1931, came on to be considered the pr oposl Lion of 17m. Karger to accept that part of the old road to be aDando ned and di sc ontinuad in the c:zanging of the Cypress Creek Road under the petition this day granted by tide Court, for the grazing land embraced in tim new piece of road and proposing to sell unto Kerr County the 41/100 of an acre of cultivated land embraced in said new road for ti:e sum oP y30.75, and it appearing to the Court that said proposition is fair and just and that it is to the best interest of Kerr County to aeoept same, It is the rePore ordex•ed by the Court that Mr. Karger~s proposition as mentioned De and is hereby ac oepted by the Court and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to issue and deliver unto him a vouoher against the R. & B. ~ 3 Fund Yor the sum of X30.75 in payme nk oY tine oulti vat ed laxyl mentioned, and it is further ordered by the Court that the title to the old road when.alosed and diaaontiaued shall revert unto and vest is said Wm. Karger. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 420, PURCHASE OF LASS FOR WIDENING SCHELLIId,SE & BARTEL ROAD IN PRECIS7CT N0. 3. This 14th day oP December, 1931, it is or dared by the Court that the Poll o}rl ng mentioned strSpa of land be purchased by Kerr County from parties Hamad for prices given, for the purpose of widening the Sohel lhase k Bartel Rand to 29 Peat, to-wit: ° I 2984 square feet oP land from Sonnia Bartel for y5.13, 1032 equate feet of land fron Chas. Bartel for X1.78, and 3730 square feet of land fry IIe my Sahellha ae for yg6,42. Same to be paid by the County Clerk by proper vouchers drawn against the R. & B. j3 Pund aY Kerr County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 4E1. CHAI7GE II7 FItEDERICKSBURG i20liD 4CROS3 Ir1DID OI' MRS. A6i. NAGEL. P.. nsaje., Thin 14th day of December, 1931, came on to be considered by the Court1 f Mrs, lim. Nagel, proposing to give unto Kerr County the required land or right of way Prom the coa- crate slab on the 3redericlcsburg Aoad on her land and eztendi ng in a southerly direction ti: eraYrom Yor a distance of about 1500 feet in ezcha nge for that part of said Road along the bank of the north fork of fiasenwinkel Creak to be abandoned and di saontinued together