L ~1 I IIasenwi nkal Greek on Cypress Creak Road near the residence oY vdn, Karger in Conmii ssioners~ Pre~in~t.No. 3 oP Karr County. Thon ce Sn a easterly direction over and across the land o: said 'rim, Karger along the division fence lie tween said bum, Karger and Kurt A. Holekamp a dietance.oP about 250 yards to where this new mute again intersects said Cypress Creek Hoed in said Fr ecinet No. 3, said mad along said proposed change or new location to be' ' 40 feet in width throughout; nnd, dt appearing to the Court that said petition is in form required by law and has been filed for tiie length of time required by law, and propel no tine of the filing thereof was given as shown by Ernst Huarnberger~s (one of petitlbnera) swore return oa petition, and it appearing to the Court that no ob jeetion hae been IIlade to the granting of acid petition, it is therefore ordered and decreed by the Court that said pets tt oa be and is horaby gran Ged as prayed for, and Cosrmiss Toner [an, Karger is iteraby authorized and instructed by the Court to construct said piece of new road at eapense of Kerr County, and to oloso the portion of the present road theroby disc onti hued and abandoned when the new piece of road 'has been opened for travel. o-o-o-o-o-o I7o. 4'L2, PD:iCfiASE OF RIGHT OF WAY FOR CHANGE IN CYPRESS CREEK ROAD This 14th day of November, 1931, came on to be considered the proposition of '~,im. Karger to accept that part of the old road to ba abando~d and discontinued in tiie c,~anging oP the Cypress Creek Road under the petition this day granted by tiie Court, Por tho grazing land embraced in ti~a new piece of mad and proposing to sell unto Kerr Oounty the 41/100 of an acre of cultivated land mibraced in said new xroad for tke sum of p30.75, and it appearing to the Court that said proposini oa is fair and just and that it is to the test interest of Kerr County to acaept same. It is the rePOre ordered by the Court that Mr. Karger~s proposition as mentioned be and is hereby accepted by the Court and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to issue and deliver unto him a voucher against the R. & B. ;~ 3 Fund Por the sum oP x'30,75 in paymerR of the cultivated lead meats oned, and it is further ordered by the Court that the title to tho old road when .closed and discontinued shall revert unto and vest is said Wm. Karger. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 420, PURCk1ASE OF LAiil FOR WIDENING BCRELLHASE & BARTEL ROAD IN PRECINCT N0. 3. This 14th day of December, 1931, it is or dared by the Court that the following mentioned stripe of lanfl be purchased by Kerr .County from parties Hamad for prices given, for the purpose of widening the Sahel the ae & Bartel Read to 29 feet, to-wit: 2984 square feet oP land Prom Sophia Bartel for $5,13, 1032 aquaxe feet oP land Pry Chas. Bartel Por $1.78, and 3730 square feet of land Pry Henry Sehallha se Por $6,42. Same to be paid by the County Clark by proper vouchers drawn against the R. & B. ;y3 Fund of Kerr County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 421. CHAISGE ZId FREDi~.FtICKSBUiiG it OAD ACROSS LAPID OF MRS. 29Lt. NAGEL. P.., s:2je., This 14th day of December, 1931, came on to be considered by the Court^of Mrs. :15n. Nagel, proposing to give unto Kerr County the required laical or right of way from the con- crete alnb on the Fredericksburg Road on her land and extending in a southerly direction Lis errYrom fora distance of about 1500 foot in ezcha nge for that part of said Road along the hank of the north fork of fiasenwinkel Creek to be abandoned and discontinued together