_ ~omm~s s °nex~ ; page 55 rlinute vOl, I, GRv~~ p,OAp o ~' o-o-o-o-O o- OF ;t~Y OF ~.II- J. ~ . FqR ~~~ the offer of ~T30~ si dexe d GountY 1~ ~ Rl to be con ed by X,err ~,grm ~'SI'~`r1 ~' came on d desir t~.e 1O'~ ~G~<~?, OF ~b~ ~ T.932 ~ strip °f tan TeYus t tO edag T?o. 6g1' },2th daY of pec err C~.,ntY tY~at o. 27 in 7.norall~e d for''"ETl` de This unto ~ day ~ of Ian ~e 1~8~ A to deed ~ m State K~~ the strip 36, n4 ~oposino eadin~ fro awe for in vol. Ord ` r~idenc>ar iA each d 1 deed reeorde Road tse rDa da~-u~ River, Greek for relocati~ S .~ of the Present Indian ~ ter bx`~-d~'=e acr°ss t t$r~~~ng on b4aY 1lTtio' a9p~ f Kerr Gounty tit Bch ero~'an" ' ova i Ferr GOUntY by Orr rx GountY grid est inte~st o ,.. n orris of ~ the b to ~ ositi°n °f said " ~ Deed .,ec is d ~irec'~ed ''h of the ~ to the Gourt that t the prop „n j ,eari dacreed tha aut,.1or3,zed " ~~ it a ~~" adaud~ed and and is hereby d r d road or oa be jade, It is .~heref°Te ordered+5u Cn Y Beal enour covexir'~ s4}d eve raenti°nua, less d~*e 1 d County exr Gou ~. Rid e deed c~ai'" d,;ed '1 donoux be a ce ~a on beige d °. ~ favor of 3 ~ Orris Garl~d by th Which ~uit_ ynto Ri ,.or claim my bJ I'a. 27 ~ deligCxea e a 2u1t to Kerr C~ Iii~~ay shay l be h ° ed ir'~ and ~^ls to eXeout din ~~ State Kerr G°unt`~ ,', land s° cony Y embrace ed of County by ad. Creek ° ~~ strip °f .. sffiae nom as tie act. and de of Kerr onion °i tad in f avor Indian ~ud~e ecu said ~' the north p Y Gounty eed eX changing ~~ ncv.~d b,J ~lze t of proper d rr County for -- `~ so V::. Ridenour up°n trip of land desired by Ke .,._rv-°-~ _ -- d. s '~ °per~~ the .~ - - --_-.--- ~l - • •.,. t. No. 69]6 von _±L.. ~~ •~ C. L8E MALTON AND MICE, S IN THE DISTRICT COURT I,028 N. MALTON S s OP RHRR COUNTY, '1 EXAS VS S S IQS. SNYDER RING S 216TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT JUDGMENT The above entitled and numbered cease came on regularly for trial on LM 5th day of December. 1977. Plaintiffs, C. Lee Melton and rite, Loi^ M. Melton, and Defendants, Mrs. P. Snyder Ring, Sr., P. Snyder Rinq, Jr., and Albezt Kenneth Rinq, appenred in l~.~raon and Dy their attorneys. A jury of twelve persons vas duly seer. red, impaneled, and srOrn to try the action. After hearing the evidence, arguments of counsel, en instruc- tions of the Lourt, Special Issues rare submitted to the jury. On the ~"~.~ day of December, 1977, the jury returned its Special Verdict. The follorinq findings were made in said Special Verdict: i. That Defendants, or their predecessors in title, r..,re- santed to Plaintitfe, or Plaintiffs' predecessors in title that an easement existed along the road described in Plaintiffs' Exhibit Number One. 2. That Plaintiffs, or or Plain*.iffa' precedesso ra in r.i tie, believed the repzesentation, of the existence of en easement along the rood described in Plaintiffs' Exhibit Number One. ,. That Plaintiffs, or Plaintiffs' predecessors in _i tie, relied on the representation that an easement existed along the road described in Pla~ntiffa' Exhibit Number One. ~. That ^laintiff s, or Plaintiffs' precedesaors in title, made valuable, substantial improvements to the read described in Plaintiffs' Exhibit Numbez One. 5. That Plaintiffs rill lose the value of the improvements to the road described in Pla intit.'s' Exhibit Niunbe- One if acid road is closed. ... ~:.::. _..:a.:fs, or Plaintiffs' pce~'~~aceasora ir, titles, ~d !`,G~. U+j~ -.e.t~~ :. ,.~s, ,;-~t..a1 im{.~rovrm.~nts r1 '; Pla :r ~.a•f6, ur Fia •ntxffs' i. ~ .. ... :? :r, :i;::'. , el :«~:. i:a%~, ::.• r_x;u4ettca- c+f an e.aF~emunt s:e:,~: ~.:. z.{ dr..vritxr t: :n P;.a 1; t.if*. r.' ahibit N;1;7i..~..r O:~:e. .hd t. h~a vn_,~. ~ .. ..~ improvements r ~'lainuffs' rar... . FaR:b>,t v'.;.,c'•ec 's~.v is dosed N, Pi.?iP.^::IS ~•.. '!Y"'*! e'+'t'9l1^3ffiCLS ~i: t }1dVP <_ '1 •' ; .. t u{xa. - .. * ?~., ~ na;: ,l,~e. ,s. ..ks_. . th:. rya±i ::~~... sbe'-d ... Plat, . `. fs' F.xr ..,~; ~i~ar ~ for :^<;rt 'hen t. c'!'. f 101 ~C!lr' .,'. '1 9d':i-~ ... Ci:~' '}: (!f. ~ nU'v, ~1VC` . fir. t I 2~~dL': l~!. t.Yri b: :.lm: x'S IIf;P ... " .. ~ .. ~ n .. . S1 t .. _ T !l° a a .' L' . _ .... {.a tr .~ . - ,,~,. . .; von ....a:l_ rA~ ?L net Plaintiffs recover tzo~ Defendants the title to and use aM possession of the folloriaq described easesnat sitwted in the Cowty of Rerr, Stab Of 1'el[as, to-rift easearnt for w aoeess ~y across 0.2 sere ont of ^ iginal Survey 1b. 135, Jars Rockies, .,ustract No. 180, 2.1 acres of arwy Mo. 718, C. Creeshav, Abstract No. 6Si, 0.1 acre of Survoy Ms. 1fS1• J. R. Lively, Abstract No. 1212 sad 0./ sore of the RN 1/2 of 8urwy Ro. 1511, G.C. a a.r. 1. R. Co., Ceztifiwb Bb. 2110, Abstract Ro. 1396, or a total of 2.8 sores, bsinq a strip of land 30 feet yids lylsq 1S feet oe eacb aide of the cenbzllns of existiaq traveled road, which said centerline is as follow BEG77O1I1G at the point where the water of •:isting i~ian Creek Road inbrsects the east boundary line o! flu property of the Nirs o! Albert Bitbl, being located appros.iaately 310 feet N.76.25'E. from the awst Easterly HE corner of Original Survey No. 786, C. Crenshaw and the most Nortlurly NM corner of Original Survey No. 1951, J. E. Livalyi TB'ENCE with said wnterline as Follow s 5.76.25'N. 1110 feat, 5.29•'+. 90 feet, and South 80 feet to the canter of a gates THENCE continuing with the meanders o! the centerline of the pavement as follow] 5.11.21'P. 75 feet, 5.16°09'N. 86 feet, N.B~•18'N. 361 feet, 5.;.•19'M. 310 feet, 5.39.13'N. 112 feet, 5.41°03'w. 481 feat, 5. 31.12'N. 651 feat, and 5.39.19'N. 119 fset to a point is the canter of a gate in the South line of aforesaid Bittel Pstate propczty, said point being located 311.3 feet N.89.36'N. tram the SN corner of aforesaid Original Survey No. 1954, J. B. Lively, and 230.3 feet 8.89.36'L. fro. the SN corner of the Bittel estate property. It is further ordered that Plaintiffs may have their Nrit of Possession and that they recover from Defendants all costa incurred in this cause, for vhich.Lt}ey Qay haw xecution. !yam' Signed on the ~(~~/ day o 197 / /i ~ ~i f -~ u res ng / Entered on the TL day of 197. p 't, .. r". ~ :~ ..Y ..... d„Ar c •w.,,. TO BY ______._ .. PVC r ( ! J. /~J~. P iii 2.'rel~C v~-/_ /.~~ THE STATE OF TELAS,I 1 COUETY OP KERR. 1' EHOw ALL NSE HI THESK PRESKE TS: That •e, Orris Garland, ead Sue is Gar- land, hnebena and cite, of the County of Ksrr, state of Term, for and in aoneideretion of the enm of Twelve and 60/100 118.60) Dollars to ne io hmd paid by Kerr County, the receipt of whioh ie heseDy folly saknoelsdgsd and eoafeeeed, have Grmted, Sold and Conveyed ead Dy these presents do Gsmt, Sell and Cosvey unto Lhe said Kerr County of the County of Karr, State Of Te=ae, ell that Oertaln trsOt or parcel of 16nd lying and belag eitnated Sn Kerr County, Te:ae, Hoar the toes o! Ingram, Tezae, and being a part ot.original survey Ho. 1P9, in the neuee of y. Treviso end deeoribed m follows: Bsginding at the feet oorner of a 3-6/10 sore tregt Bold ns Dy Artbur Noeel and wife oa Nay gTth,,1914, ae shown bq deed reoorded in Book 38, pegs 418. of Dssd Esoorde of Yerr Cannty, Tezne, said beglsnSng plane being on the Horth bmk of the Gundalnpe 81var and elan being the south or s, E. oorner of a treat of lasd owned by Iasgatos; Thence Borth 866} feet with said 8. line of the Langston treot to a stales; Thsao• East g6 feet to a stake; $henoe south 3b6~ feot to the river's edge; Thena• np the river elth.its meas4eringe to the place of Dsginning. Being a strip of land 366},feet long and db teat wide this day omvtyed >p ne to Kerr County for road purposes off of the Eorthwsst aide of that 3-6/10 sore trust purohaeed from Arthur yowl a YSfe ae above , refsrreA to. TO HAYS AED TO SOLD the above described premises, together, with all and eingular the rights and appnrtsamoe• thereto in mywlee belonging, unto the acid %err County, and ' assigns forever; red we do her~Dy Dind oureelvse and our heirs, ezeoutore and admiaiatrntore to -AHRAIIT AHD )OHEY88 DE1yrD, ell and singular the said premises unto the said Kerr County, and aesigd, against every De:son whomsoever lawfully olaiming or to olaim the same, or my pest thereof. iITEffiS our heads at Ingram, Tezae, this 11th dry of Yey, A.D.1918. ORRIS GARLIHD ~~ ~ ~ ~ 9US D3 GARLABD THE STATE 0y TES-S,~ OOUBTY 0) KEaa.i HEpOHE lOt, Ed. Smith, Juetioe of the Peace and SzoYfioio Botnry Publio, 1a and for Kerr County, Tezae, oa this day personally appeared Orris Garland, known to me to be the person whoe• name !e enDeoriDed to the foregoing iaetrument and aoknowledged to me that hs a:eontsd the came for the purposes and ooaelAeration therein ezpreseed. GIPEE under my hmd cad seal of offioe, this 11th day of Nay, A.D.1918. Ed. Smith Juetioe of the Peace end EzoYfialo Eotarq PubiSo, Kerr (SBAL) County, Tszae. THE STATE OP TEEAS,1 COUHTY 0y KEHR.1 HEH'OR8 l2, Ed. Smith, Juetioe of the Psnoe and BtofYioio Rotary Pnblio, 1a asd for Kerr County, Tezas, on this day psreonally appeared 9nsie Garlmd, wife of Orris Garland, known to ee to b the psreos whose name Se snbeoribed to the foregoing Suet rva,e nt and hsving Dees ezamiaed by r privily.and apart from her hnabmd, and having the same fully ezplained to her, ohs, the said shale Garlmd. mknowledged •uoh inetrement to be her sot and deed, cad deals»Q that she had willingly eigsel the sea for the purposes and ooneidera- tiea therein eapreessd, and that phe, did not wish to retraot it. GIVEg Hader my hmd and Beal of oftioe, this 11th day of Nay, A.D.1918. Ed. smith (SEAL) Juetioe of the Ysaos and Szotfioio Eotary Publio, Kerr Conaty,Tezae. )Sled for reoord Nay 13th, 1918 at 1 O'glook p, y,, 8eoorded Nay 16th, 1918 nt 10:b0 O'olook 1. N. . _ _ .0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 RE: IPIDIAN CREEK ROAD ORDER NO. 691 exchange of Land with J. W. 2idenour FOR RIGHT OF WAY OF INDIAN CREEK ROAD 11-12-1932 Vol. I, Paqe 55