3 payment by the County Clerk in emouato sad out of res peative funds as shown in Vol, d, pages 213 to 218, iaaluai ve, of the minutes o2 eaaounta allowed for %err County, Tezea, which ere ~~ made s part of this order. l O-O-O-O-O-a-O-O No, 528, MONTHLY E%PENSE ACCOUNT OF JNO. A. LEAVELL', Couaty Clerk. This 13th day oT June, 1932, creme on to be examined the monthly report of Teo, R. I Leavell, ooveriag his sa tual and neaassary office eapea ees for May, 1932, whioh report ie hereby approved Dy the Court. ' o-o-o-o-o-o-o i No. 529, APPROVAL OF REPORT Ai1D FEES OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OF PRECINCT N0. ONE. This 13th day of June, 1932, name on to be ooasi dared Dy the Court the report of E. H. Turner, Tuatioe of the Peaoe of Preoinot No. 1 of %err County, for the month of May, 1932, of oriminal cases filed, fine e, judgment and jury fees oolleoted, totaling I $24.10 entitling him to $E0.00 leas 1096, $18.00 in fees, and it appearing to the Court that said report is true and aorreo t, same is hereby approved end the County Clerk is direoted to pay said $18.00 in two eerranta oe the I;ouaty Treasurer, one for $3.40 out of A. & B. fund and the other for $12.80 against the Ad_Valorem fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 530, PETITION OF BDDIE BOSRNER, et, el., for TRIAD CL6SS ROAD IN PRECINCT N0. 3. This 13th day of Tuna, 1932, oams on to be tone idered by the Court the petition of Eddie Boerner, et. al. for third Dices road in Commi sai onera~ Precinct No. $ from the Witt oroasiag on the Guadalupe River to precast 6ea Antonio rood (old highway) aoroas tho lands of Joe Bohnert and Chae. Apelt, which petition is hereby passed to the nett term of this Court for further imeatigati on. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 No. 531, ORDER AUTHORIZING S. E. STOC%TON TO CLOSE TEMPORARY LAIC. This 13th day of Tune, 1932, Dame on to De oonsi dared the oral application of S. E. Stooktoa far authority to oloae the temporary road from the Vernon Powell road to Verde Creek Road in Commisaion~s~ Preoi net No. 2 of %err County, when said Vernon Powell road is opened sad settle guard removed, and St appearing to the Court that avid applioation should be greeted, therefore, it is ordered by-the Court that said S. E, Stockton be end is hereby authorized to close the temporary lane on hi• place by ereoting a fenoe Prom the S. W. oornar of the stook pass on the Verde Creek Road in a southerly di reotioa across said temporary lane whenever said Vernon Powell lane has been offioi alllr opened by Commissioner Storms. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0 II No. 532, APPOINTNLNT OF EDDIE BOERNER AS ELECTION :14DGE IN VOTING PRECINCT N0. 8. This 13th day of June, 1932, Dame on to be oo naidered the vaoanoy eaiating in the board of oleo tion judges of Lane Valley Voting Preci not No. B of %err County, oaused by the death of Mr. Rudolph Herbst, end it appearing to the-Court that Eddie Boereer is qualified to perform the du ti as of auoh eleotlon judge, ha is hereby appointed as Ele oti on Judge in said Voting Preoi nct No. 8 to fill the uaezpired term of Rud. HerDat, deoesaed, all as shown on page 110, in Vol. 1 of the Reoord of Eleotion Judges of %err Couaty, Tezna. 0-0-o-o-u-o-0 No. 533, REDUCTION IN ALLOWANCE TO SHERIFF FOR FEEllING PRISONERS. This 13th day of Tune, 1932, it appearing to the Court that Sheriff A. F. Moore ie reoeiving the mesimum allowance for feeding Cowrty pri soaera, and it further appearing to the Court that under Artiole 1040, Code of Criminal Prooeedure, Revised Statutes of