Te3$e, the Commissioners Court is directed and authorize8 to make an allowance out of the Ad Valorem Pund oP not less than 45 oenta nor more than 75 cents per Bey to the 9hariff for feeding each oounty prisoner, it also further appearing to the Court that the 9hariff is allowed an additional 15 aenta a day for safe-keeping each prisoner. It further appearing to the Court that the maximum sllowanae of $. 75 per day for feeding each County prisoner should be reduced under present conditions, it is therefore ordered by the Court that said allowance of $. R5 per day for feeding each prisoner be and is hereby reduoed to the sum of $.45 per day for Feeding eaoh prisoner beginning June 15, 1932, and said Sheriff shall further receive the additional sum of $.15 par day for safe-keeping of eaoh prisoner beginning on such date, making a total ellowanoe out of the Ad Valorem fund of Herr County of x..80 per day for feeding and safe-keeping sash County prisoner. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 534, DONATION ON FrrnrFaer. EIPENSE OF MRS. W. M. SMITH (Pauper). This 13th day of Tuna, 1932, it appearing to the Court that Mrs. W. M. Smith one of the paupers of Rerr County died burdening her eon in law, Roy Rey with the ezpense of her funeral, it is therefore ordered by the Court that the pauper ellowanoe of X10.00 heretofore granted by the Court to said Mrs. W. M. Smith for the month of July, 193E, be hereby donated unto said Roy Kay towards the payment of said Funeral eapenae of Mrs. Smith. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 535, REPORT OF JURY OF VSEW ON THIRD CL6.S5 ROAD FAOM G. P. CADE'S PLACE TO ZNGAAM-HCNT This 13th day of Tune, 1932, it appearing to the Court that the report of the fury view filed with the 6ourt on April 21st, 1932, in the matter of Petition of Herbert L. Crate and others for a public road in Commissionera* Preoinat No. 4 of Kerr County from the A. B. Burton Camp site on south side of Guadalupe River saroea said Burton*a land and a:orosa the land owned by Jim Dowdy, Louis Grunwald anfl P. 3. Griffiths to paved Ingram-Hunt Highway, should ba saaepted ate. adopted by the Court, and sold report is hereby aocepted and adopted by the Court and ordered spread on the minutes of this Court as follows: "REPORT OF JURY OF VIEW. TO THE HONOR4BLE ' COURT OF RERA COUNTY, TEEA3: We, the undersigned, freeholders axd residents of the County of Rerr and State of Tease, duly appointed a fury by the Co~missioners' Court of said County, at the April Term thereof, 1932, as appears by the records of avid Court, to ley out, survey and deeorlbe a oertain-Road designated in the Petition of Herbert L. Crate and others, for a Public Road; having drat been duly sworn eaoording to law, and having given the five days' aotioe in writing to the land owners through whose land said pivpoaed road may run, or their agents or attorneys, ea required by law, did, on the 21st dqy of April, 1952, prooea8 to view the road 8eaignated in said Petition, end beg to report to the Honorable Court that we do not believe that a praatioal road aen be built and maintained along the route prayed for in said petitio. and for this reason we deolina to icy out, survey and mark suoh mad as we were direoted by the order of the Court. All of whieh is reapeatYully submitted. Witnoas our hands at Kerrville, Tems, this the 21st day,of April, A. D. 1932. (Signed) HENRY DIETERT " WM. WARD ^ SID PETERSON ^ M. D. HENDERSON " AOY RP31P." Filed Apr. 21st, 1932. Jno. R. Leaven, Clerk, County Court, lams. By W. A. Loehte, Depufy.