J ~~NO. 536, REPORT OF COUNTY HEALTH S'ORSE FOR IdAY, 1932. This 13th day oP June, 1932, name on to be heard by the Court the report Por May, 1932, oP 671ss Ruth Jana Moore never ing her work sa County Health Nurse, which report is heresy accepted by the Court. as well as her report Por period from Sept, 1, 1931 to Duna 1, 1932. o-o-o-o-o-o 2~Io. 537, ORDER CLOSING OI.U KERRVILLE & COMFORT ROAD ACROSS PROPERTY OF M. C. TALLEY. This 13th day of June, 1932, came on to be aonsi dared the oral application of Ill. C. Talley Por authority Yrom the Court to close the old Kerrville & Comfort Road across his prn party in Commi ssl onera' Precinct No. 2 of Karr County, end it appearing to the Court said road is no longer of benefit to the traveling public said appli oats on be and is hereby granted as prayed for and said M. C. Talley is hereby authorizedY"blo se said road along the east and west lines of hie property by erecting a fence across same and said old road sorosa the property of said Ill. C. Talley is hereby discontinued and ebsadoped and deal erred the private property of said ?;_. C. Talley. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 538, APPROVAL OF AA'NUAL REPORT OF SCNOOL FUNDS FOR YEAR, ending Aug. 31st, 1931. This 13th day of June, 1932, oame oa to be aaemined by the Court the annual report of Chas. Schreiner Hank, County Depository, covering school Punds for year, ending August 31st, 1931, which report having been Pound correot is hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 539, CREDIT TO J. T. MOORE, TAX COLLECTOR FOR SI7PPLEMEI"fAL DELIN~,UEIST & I.~:50LVEI:T ROLL, Thin 13th dqy of Sune, 1932, it is ordered by the Court that the County Clerk credit the various accounts of S. T. Moore, County Tsa Colleo for covering sums of money he is entitled to by virtue oP the supplemental roll of delinquent avd insolvent teaes far period Prom 1920 to 1930, inclusive, remitted b;r him to Kerr County in error, as follows; Ad Valorem Hind +95.85, Ron C. H. & J. Sinking Fund $49.64, Jury Fund 7.67, R. D. ~2 Sinking Fund, 12,39, Ingram School Dist. =`2 15,96, Lane 4a Lley Soh. Dist .;{11 .03, Center Point Sohool Dist.66.87, i and Bridge Fund y57.50, Permanent Improvement iyind 7.67, R. D. J~1 Sinking Fund 65.43, A. D. q/3 Sinking Fund .67, Hunt School District ~5, 13.27, b4asoa Creak School Dist. X17 3.37, and said J. T. 6toore is he rebp authorized end directed to hold out amount net opposite each fund named, out of the Pirst moneys belonging to eeah oP said funds ooming into his hands. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 540, ORDER PAYIh:C EP.1f.A BUNDICK AI.LOIYAtI CE TO I~2S. lY. E;. ANGERSTEIN FOR JUNE & JULY. Tnis 13th day oP June, 1932, it is ordered by the Court that the County Clerk pay the y8.00 allowed Mrs. Emma Bundiak for each of the months oP June and July, 1932, unto 1vlrs. }T, H. Angerstein for the benefit of said Eomma Ilundick. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 541, PURCHASI; OF RIGHT OF '•7AY FOR STATE HICH4YAY ,~81 AT A FIND PRICE. This 13th day of June, 1932, it appearing to the Court that an equal and reasonable prl ce should be paid by Kerr County to the Lnnd owners on State Highway No. 81 for right of way taken for said - - Ei~h vray and to be deeded unto the State of Tessa, it is therefore ordered by the Court that the price of $100.00 per acre be pall by Kerr County for said right oP way between Judge Baker's residence and Kerrville and price of 'y^^15.00 be paid for right of way from Judge Dakar's residence to the Gillespie County line, less credit to Kerr County at the same price per acre for right of way of present highwap returned to the land owners. And Judge Real and Comr. F. A. Karger with the aid oP Comr. Peril iP desir