ti hq~Ly authorised the oloee any~and all deals for said right of way, and County Judge,',Cbae. .~~,., .. Repl~is RirtheP authorised and direoted by the Court to,pay for sap part oP snid right of wag by oheok draxa against the county Panda deposited with Chas. Sohreiner Beak under the new of Bahsalaer Sana•pynd'Speoiel upon the •zeoutioa and delivery ai proper dsed.therete by the land owner in favor of the State of Tozaa. o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-e The foregoing ai;tutea on pages 2 to 8 hereof inolneive, were read is open Court and Pounat oorreot end are hereby in all reapeota approved Dy the Court, this the 13th nay o! June, A. D. 1932. Atte t: unty Clerk, y ty. one y ge. o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o THE STATE OF TEZAS, COTJrPPY OF SSRR. BE IT REA~I~BERED, that en this End nay of July, 1982, there was begun and holden a Speolel term of the Coil aionere' Oourt of Kerr County, Tezae, at the Court House thereof, in the team of 8errvillo, Tezas, offieera present: Chen. Realr - - - - - -Ceav4#y Judge, F. J. Barger,- - - - - Commisaiomr, Preoinet No. 1, wm. Barger,- - - - - - Commissionor, Preoinat No. 8, A, F. Moore, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leaven, County Clerk, and the Conn Laving bean regularly opened, the following proaeedinga were Lad, to-wit; ~ ~56E, CLAIM OF J. F. ROCER9, for oonrtruoting highray Ponce on Highway X81. ~I Thin End day o! Jtrly, 1982, Dame on to ba considered 'the olaim of J. F. Rogers oovering 113 hours moving affi rabnilding fence elopg Highway No, 81 at 85 / per hour, $E8.25, xhioh claim appearing oorreot and unpaid is Suraby allowed, end the County Olark is hereby authoriwed sad diraeted to Lava tame pei8 out ml'the leads belonging to the Lateral Road Fund of %arr County deposited in the Sahrainer Road Fund Speoiel, o-o-o-o-o-o-o X543, TRANSFER FROM R, 8 B. ~1 F[R`ID TO SINffiNG FOND OF R06D DISTRICT A0. ONE. Thin 2nd day of July, 1932, it appearing to the Court that funds on hand in the Sinking P~ynd of Road Dletriet No. 1 are 1nauPficlent to the eztant of $2,000.00 to take Data of the obligations maturing against said funds on Jhl.y 10th, '1958, it is therefore ordered by tho Court that the County Treasurer, A. B. Williamson transfer said tam of $E,000.00 from Road & Bridge Fund unto neid 9lnking hind of Aoad Distriot No. 1, see to be ohergad by the County Clerk against A. k B. ~1 Fund eaa is to be paid baok to Commlesioaera~ Preoinot No. 1 by said R. D. Sinking Fund upon rsoeipt of fntura taz oolisotions. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing mimitea on this page, were read in open Court and found oerreat, sad nre,hereby in all roepeots approved by the Court, this the 2nd day of July, A. D. 1988. Attest: C ty Clark. - - - Zaoun~'y 6ge ~ .- uty. ' 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 ~i: -.. .. .. i, _,~ . . ,.. _.M i. Yd .a=~,a .Jeu:,, _.... vx n,_au. s:i