ti hgtepby authorized the oloae enp~end all deals for said right of way, and County Judge,';Chds, ~~i: ; Regc'is-further authorized and direoted by the Court to,pay for-any part of:eaid right of way by oheak drawn against the oounty funds deposited with Chea. Sohroiner Hoak uadaw Lhe' aims of Sohrainor 8end•Fnad~'Speoiel upon the •zeoution ana delivery of proper doed.therete. by the land owner in favor of the Stnte of Tezas. O-0-O-0-e-O-o-O-O The foregoing slantes on pages 2 to 6 hereof inclusive, were read Sa open Court and found oorraot and are hereby in all respects approved Dy the Court, this the 13th dqv of June, A. D. 1032. Atte t: "rip uaty Clerk. -`~~~1S~CgeG~- - Y. eputy. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THE STATE OF TEZAS, ' COIINfY OF BBRR. HE IT RE6'0,E'BERED, that en thi• Ead nay of Jtrly, 1952, there was begun an8 hoiden a Special term of the Commiseionare' Court of Berr County, Tema, at the Court House theroof, is the town of 8errville, Tezas, ofrioera praaent; Chas. Real, - - - - - -COanty Jl~dge, F. L. Barger,- - - - - Commieaioaer, Precinct No, 1, 1fm, ][anger,- - - - - - Commissioner, Precinct Ro. 3, A. F. Moore, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, sad the Court having been regularly opened, the following proeeedings were had, to-wit: ~54E, CLAIDQ OF J. F. AOC~RS, for oonatruoting higlaray foace on Righway X81. This tad day of July, 1982, came on to be considered the claim of J. F. Rogers covering 113 hours moving and rebuilding fence along Righway No. 81 at 85 ~ per hour, $EB.ES, which claim appearing correct and unpaid is hereby allowed, and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and direeted to have eaIDe paid out a?'the fouls belonging to the Lateral Aoad Fund of %err County deposited in the Sohreiney Road Fund Special. o-o-o-o-o-o-o X543, TRANSFER FROM R. R H. ~1 FOND TO SIN%ING F[TND OF ROAD DISTRICT N0. ORE. This 2n8 daq of July, 1932, it appearing to the Court that funds oa hand in the Sinking Fund of Road piatriot No. 1 are inaufficiant to the oztant of $2,000.00 to take oars of the obligations maturing against said funds on July 10th, 19SE, it is therefore ordered by the Court Shat the County Treasurer, A. B. Williamson transfer said sam of $E,000.00 from Road & Bridge Fund unto said Slaking loud of Road District No, 1, same to be obargad by the County Clerk against R. ~ H. ~l Fund and is to be paid book to Commisaloaers~ Preoinet No. 1 by said R. D. Sinking Fund upon receipt of future taz oollsotionw. ' o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing mimrtes on this page, were read in open Court and ibund earnest, and are ,hereby in all respects approved by the Court, this the 2nd day of July, A. D. 195E. Attest: C sty Clerk. _ _ _ - - Zroun~'y ge nty. ' o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 ` .+a