~I THg 9T1TE OF TE7CAS, COUNTY OF 'ffiC;. ~ BE ST , fast on this 11th day of July, 1. D. 1932, there vas begun sad holden a Regtlar tern o? the C®aiaeionera~ Court of Herz County, Teas, nt the Court House th ereaf, is the toim of %errville~Taas, ofiloers present: Chas. Real, .. .. - - _ " - - Codaty Judge, , F. 1. %arger, - - - - - - - Cc~i.asionsF, Praoinot Ao. 1, Firgtl Storms, - - - - - - Commissioner, Praoinot No. 2, Wm. %arger, - - - - - - - Coamiaeioner, Praoinot Ao. 3, J. 1. Peril, - - - - - - - Co~issioaer, Preoinat Ro. 4, /. F. 1SoaTe, Sheriff and Jac, R. Leevsll, County Clerk, and the Calm having been iogularly opened, the follosi~ prooaediags were had, to-wit: NO. 544, CLIIRS APID ACCOUN'18. 'Phis 11th day of Jtrly, 1932, Dame on to be ezemined and audl tad ~ th0 Court, the various claims and accounts filed against Herr scanty end its respective Co~lsaionere precincts since lest term of the-Court, ell of vitlph claims end eaoounta warn approved for ~,"- payment by the County Clerk in ariatnts sad ou4 of xeapeative funds as shown in 401, B, pages 219 to 280, ianluaive, of the minutes of accounts nl lowed for Herr County, which nre made a part of this ordap. o-o-o-o-a-o-o-a No. 646. TRANSPORTATION OF TWO 31LAIC/N CHILDREN TO 9T1'ffi BAN/TORIUIQ. • This 11th flay of July, 1952, same on to be aomidered Lhs claim of Dr. Leroy Jones of Legion, Teas, for $8.70 covering trgaspor taLloa advanced Por two Me~Coan children to the Stato Sans Corium at Carlsba~t, whi ah claim Se hereby allowed end the clerk is directed to pay same by proper voucher agaiaeL the Ad Valor ®. fund, o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ao. 548. 1PPROVIL OF REPORT AND FEES OF SU9TICE OF THE PEACE OF PRECINCT R0. ONE. This 11th day of July, 1952, Dams on to be oonsi dared by the Court the report of E. R. Turner, Juatioe of the Peace of Preainst No. 1. ~ So rr County, Tezae, for the month _ of June, 1938, of orlminal oases filed, finse,~~judgmeat and jury fees aolleated, totaling X12,86, entitling h1m to $12.00 lean 1096, $10.80 in foes, sad it appearing to the Court that said report is true and correct, same 1s hprebp approved sad the County Clark is directed to pay said X10.80 1n two warrants on the County Treasurer, one Por 91{ nut of the R. & H. land am the other for #10.09 out of the !d Valoraa fdnd. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 847, R$90LUTiON OB TR/IC;9 TO A. do H. EETENSZON BERVIOE OF TEZ/8. s'• THE ST1TE OF TETAB, In Camisal onera~ Coti:r t, Herr County, Teae. Rs~lar July Term, 1932, COUNTY 08 SERR. July 11th, 1932, Whereas, the A. & M. Bztension 9esviae of Teas, has submitted to the Court the ' generous offer of furnishing unto Harr, Handel! and Headers Counties jointly, the free ser- f vices of a Home Demonstration !gent and a Farm !gent until January lot, 1933, whi ah offer was promptly aoaep fed by the Court on behalf of Herr County; and, , Wharesa, the aerviaes of these agents are being contributed with the view oP r- relieving the aonditlon oY the flood sufferers is sa7Ld Oouatiee and to speed up their reogvery Yrom the efPOete of said disaster ;. now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Coma:issl chars Court of Serr County does hereby, ospxesa end record its apFs eolation of the kind .satins of said A. k SS. Szteaei oa 9ervi os, and the Court oa behalf of the farm ere and renohmen and others, who were among the ehief BS iT FIIRTHER RESOLVED HY THE COURT, that the Court andr~oeah msm3er thereof ln˘rit~ uelly, will assist and cooperate with the Department and their egsnta in story poasiblq way so as to have the citizens of Kerr County and particularly the (loot sufferers of said Gop~ derive the greatest benefit end ocmfort from the wo;k to be raadered by said agents. A certified copy of Chia xeaolution shall be mailed by the County Clerk to the A. k AH. Eztenaion $ervioe of Texas. o+o+o~ozo-o-o-e No. 348, PETZ TiCN OF EDDIE BOERNER, et. el, toy Third Class Road across Bohnart & Apelt lands This 11th day of July, 1952, Dame on to ba finally considered by the Court the ,..r petition of &ddie Boernar, et. al., for third olaao,;oad~the land of Jw Bohnert axrt Ohas., Apelt, from Witt crossing on Guadalupe River topresent San Antonio Road, end upon reoomolea- detion of Commisalonera, Virgil Storms and Wm. Karger, said petition be am is hereby, I~, re~eoted by the Court. @-O~p~O+O~p-D+O No. 349, B811JtCTION OF JURY OF VIEW ON STATE HICHYP~Y N0, S1. Th}0 11th day od' July, 1938, it appearing t0 thA Court that it may beooms neoessa7~, that a Jury of Viet be appointed to secure a portion as the right of eqy for State Highway No. 81 not yet deeded:. to the State of Texas, themfore, County Judge Reel with the asaiata7aoe of the members of the Court selected the following named men, 'ko-wit A, P. Brows, He~cy Cowan and J. Sid McElroy, as Speoiel Commie alonera and vdiv are to be appointed and ahRll , act ae Speoiel Commiasion~a in the matter upon request therefor by the Stato of Tema. o-e-o-o-o-v-o-o No. 660, TIDG.PORARY CLOSING OF TURTLE CREEK-CENTSH POINT ROAD. , This 12th day of duly, 1932, it appearing to the Court that tpe concrete slab or low-water bridge across the Guadalupe River oroasing..on the Turtle Creek & Canter Point Road was partially destroyed and washed away by the resent flood, it ie therefore orders d,an$ decreed by the Court that said Turtlo Greek & Center Point Road be ant ie hereby temporarjly i JJ closed from the E, H. Prescott neighborhood roa$ to said River crossing. , D+Q-O-e-O-O+0-0 State of Texas, ~ 1n Commigeionera' Court, Korr County, Tasss. 1 No. b51 July 12th, 1938. County of Kerr. ~ 7uly 'Perm, A. D. 1932.. Whereea, in the opinion of th• Commiesionera' Court of Kerr.COanty it Sa moeeeary~ that the expenses of Kerr County be further reduced ou account of the decreased rsvenn~ of the County; therefore, BE IT RE60LY5D.BY SAID OOU&T, that all the pµblio,offialale of Kerr County be and, 1 are hereby urgently requested to voluntarily accept another ten par Dent =adnotion 1n their respective salaries or oommiaaion,a effective August let, 1832, making a 20,40 redaction 1n their salaries and oommiaeiona for the rsmaindea of the oarrant year. $aoh of said offioiels ie further requested to notify the County Clerk on ox before September let, 1952, whether or not ha hoe aoosyted the additional reduction in salary oa oomniaaiona herein asked for Dy the Court. o-o-o-o-wo The foregoing minutes on pages T cad 8 hereof, wore reed is open Court and Pound correct, and are hereby 1n ell respects approved by the Court,.thiathe 12th dy of Jnly,- A. D. 193E Attest: County 'IT3~s'lt~ .,. By ~,-Deputy. can y ge. • ' - 0-0-0-0+0-0-0+0 _. __,... ,..~. _~,,~~..,; .,;;._,~.., i .,.