4 THK STLTH of 4&KLS, i ~:'~, COIINTY pF KSHH.1 ~ IT HF3~H~D, that on thla 3rd day o! Lngnst, L. D. 1832, l ~, there was begun sad holden s-2pgaie! term o! the Comma asioasrs' Court o! Kerr County, Tezaa, et the Court House theraol, in the town o! 8errville, Tssas, oilSesrs present: Chas. Heal, - - - - - - -County Judge, F. •. Kargar, - - - - - - Commissioner, preoinot fto. 1, Virgil Storms, - - - - - Commissioner, Preolnot fto. 2, wm. Karger, - - - - - - - Commissioner, Preoinot fto. 3, J. L. Peril, - - - - - - Commissioner, Preoinot Ho. 4, A. F. Moore, 8heriYY and Jao. H. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, the Yollowing prooaedings were had, to-wit: State of Tema, 0 Za Commlegionere' Court, Karr County, Tesas. No. 562 County of Kerr. ( Speoiel Luguet Term, 1932, This 3rd day oY 8ugu et, 1932, Dame on to be considered by the Court the proposal o! McCreary & 8ohott, oontraotora o! Kerrville, Tezae, oYYering to construct a 200 Yoot -~ low water bridge across the Guadalupe Haver on the Kerrville do Bandera Hoad at Legion, J Tezae, to connect with present bridge, pooording tp plena and eyenilioatioae prepared bg and submitted by said oontraotor s, Yor en amount sot to •~oaed 4,800.00, and St appearing to the Court that the present bridge was rendere$ useless by reason oY the foot that the recent Ylood in said river hue ohangedths oourae of said rives, and it further appearing to the Oourt that Karr County ie authorisefl to have s new bridge ooastruoted to connect with the old bridge and tku 8, w, bank of ea i$ river without advertising Yor bide antler the emergsmy.provisioa',in Lrtiole 2,368 Heviaed Civil Statutes of Tssas. Tt also-lgrther appearing to the Court that said oontraotore arc reliable and truet- worthy and that the price of said bridge oonsideziag the high ols es of work done by' paid oontraotors Se fear and rsasonabls. 'Thane;era, in orflarte rekis°ve the oittsans sifaokadbytiieweah-ant oY thsold. bridge by the flood and the Crave ll~ publlo Sa general, said Dro position o! 1toCreery 6 Schott outlined above, be and 16 hereby manlmously soaepted by the Court as autherised ^, by Lrtiole 2368 0! the Heviaed Civil Statntaa of Tezss, in such Dees made and provided. It Se lnrther ordered by the Court that the sum of forty-night Hundred Dollars ie hereby appropriated sad set aside out of the Hoad and Bridge land of precinct fto. 1, to Dover the cost oY the oonstrcation of said bridge, same to be paid Yor upon completion and aoceptanoe thereof by the Court. Lnd it 16 further orderefl by the Coact that the contrapt covering the creation oY said bridge be ezeaated by County Jndge, Chag. Heal and F. L. Kargez, Commissioner of Precinct No. One, Yor and on behaiY of Herr Qoanty. o-o-o-o-o-o fto. 5b3, PURCHdBK OF C6N8 FOR USPv OF H01fn DF310NBTHLTIOft CLIIBB. This 3rd day oY Luguet, 1932, Dame oa to be ooneidered the proposal oY the Homo Domonatration Clubs oY Kerr County, offering to Dan :1000 Dane of free meat and 7egatablee aL the Court House kitchen, said canned pr oduote, to ba used for feeding the goody this coming winter, provided Kerr County will purchase the wosseary pane, tarnish the ~~ 4.• 1 olootriaity and seasoning, and it appearing to the Court that same will be a saving to the County, same be and is hereby ohosrfully aooeytsd, and aai4 olnba are authorised to purchase said cane end aeaeoaing at the ezpeaee of Kerr County to be yaid Yor when proper bill Se presented to this Court, o-o-o-o-o-p-o-0 ,,