~f N Precincts Nos, 2 end 8 in the Reaord oP Ele oti on Prao incta of %err County soaps Jingly. _ o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~~~ No. 558, ORDER COSI4LRTING 40 iING PRECINCTS NOS. 1 and la INTO TIIRBE 40TING PRECINCTS. This 8th dqy oP August, 1932, cmne on to be aoaeidered the divi aion of Election Preoinats Nos. 1 and lE of %arr County into three voting precincts anfl it appearing to ' the Court that said Election Preainets Nos. 1 and 12: contain an excessive amount of voters making it in˘oavanie nE end Dur deneome to the el eo ti on oPfioi als is said pre of seta, sad that it is to the best inters at of the public that aai8 two preoinata be re-apportioned and divided into three election precincts. It 1a therefore or dared Dy the Court thnt Court House Election preoinot fto, 1 shall hereafter include all the territory between Aayn and Tivy Streets in %errville, and that TSVy~~Yoti ng Preci not No. 12 shall include all oP said former preci not No. 18 lying southeast oP said Tivy Street in %errvi lle, acid that Westland Voting Preo in˘t No. 13 shall hereafter include all that portion oY former election precinct No. 1 lying north eat ad Hays Street in %errvi lle, Tezea, and that the field notes of said new precincts ae prepared by the County 3urveyca under direction of the Court be recorded in the Reaord of Ele oti on Preci ne is a~ $err County as required by law. The polling or voting please in said preolnta are he igby deai gna ted as follown: At the Court House 1n preoinot One, 8t the 71vy High School Gymnasium in preci not No. 12 sad at the Mezlean Baptist 'Ch~oh in %errvi Sle in said preoi net No. 13. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 559. APPOISTTMA7T Or^ ELECTION OFFICERS FOR PRECI NC7S NOS. 1, 8, 12 and 13. This 8th day of August, 1932, due to the changes made Dy the Court 1a eleati on precincts Nos. 1, 8, 12 and 13, el ea is on of flaeTS were appointed by tin Court Por said preoi nets ae shown in Vol. 1, pages 111 and 112, Reaord oP Ele ati on Judges of %err County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 560, TEMPO$6RY ALLOWANCES FOR AUGUST, 3SPTPbiHER AND OCTOBER, 1932, This 8th day of August, 1932, it is or Jar ed Dy the Court that the sum OP money set opposite the nemoa oP each of the Po11ow1 ng part iea be and is hereby appropriated r and shall be paid by the County Clark by proper warreatp, out oP the Ad 4a1or~ fund oP %err Oounty each month Por the months of Au~et, September and Ootob er, 1982, to-wit: • Mrs. A. J. Reynolds $20.00 par month, payable in two semi-monthly installmentemonth J. B. Clement $8.00 per month, Tim Tuttle $4.00 per month, G. Y. & Stta Moody $12.00 per month, W. L. SeaQ Por Moody house rent, $h.00 par month, Emma Buadi ak $8.00 per month payable to Mrs. W. H. 9nger stein on 15th of each month. Ph11 Bundi ok $8.00 per month, 3aaper Hunnicutt $8.00 per month payable to fir gil Beaver and T. W. Wilson $8.00 per ' month. o-o-o-o-o No. 561, ~kPPROVAL OF REPORT AISD FEES OF JUSTICE OF TES: PEACE OF PRECINCT N0. One. This 8th day oP August, 1932, came oa to be ooneidered by the Court the report oP E. H. Turner, Justice oP the Peace of Precinct No. 1 oP %arr County, Texas, for the month of Tuly, 1932, of criminal cease filed, Pines, Judgment and Jury foes ˘ollsated, totaling $29.8b, entitling him to $30.00 less $10~, $27.00 in fees, and it appearing to the Court l that said report is true and correct, same is hereby appro7ed, and the County Clerk is direa Led to pay said $27.00 in Lwo warrants on the County Treasurer, one Pea .77 out of the R. & B. fund end the other for $26.57 out of the Ad Valorem fund. • o-o-o-o-o-ro