No. 582.APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF A. A. HARTMANN, DISTRICT CLERS. ~.~ This 8th day of August, 1932, Dame on to be eaei˘i nOd by the Court the quarterly report Piled Dy A. A. Hartmann, Distriot Clerk for quarter ending, July 31st, 1932, covering fines imposed, judgments rendered and jury ieea aolleeted, end 1t appearing to the Court th0.t same is in all respects aorreot, said report be en8 1e hereby in ell. things approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 563, APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF A. B. WILLIAMSON, GOUNTY TAEASDRER. I Thin 8th day of August, 193E, cemo on to be ozamiaed and audited the quarterly report.. of A. B. Nilliamaoa, County Treasurer, oovering reoeipta and disbursements of %err County for quarter ending July 31 at, 1932, and it appearing to the Court that same la oorreot and .. in proper corm, same be and 1s hereby ap~ovad by the Court and same shall be i~aiotded by the County Clerk in the L/L reoord for that purpose in his offioe. All oanoalled Donda a~ interest coupons disoharged during said quartos were destroyed by fire in open Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-,p No. 564. TIIIRD ADVANCE TO W. G. PETERSON, TA% ASSESSOR ON HIS 193E COI,RdCSSI0N3. Thin 9th day of August, 1932, owe on to be oonaldered the requoat of W. G. Peterson, County Taz Aase snot for a third advanoo oa hie 1932 commie aiona, which request is hereby granted and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to pay uhto said taz assessor the sum of $250.00 out of funds as follows: 50.00 out of A. & B. fund, " E5.00 out oP 0. H. & J. Sinking Fund, .20.00 out of Jury Fund, 100.00 out of Ad Valorem Hind, and , 55.00 out of R. D. ~l Sinking Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 565, REFUND OF TA%ES DOUBLY PAID, DNTO PEPER DONDLINGE&. Thin 9th day of August, 1932, it appearing to the Court that for the years 1967 to 1931 inoluaiva, Pster Dondlinger has doubly paid County and State tazea on 7.ot No. 10, Bloek 1 of Valley View Addition to Sarraille containing about 1 sera out of Sur. 653, W. H. Craw- ford, the amount thereby illegally colleoted by the County amounting to $9.02, it ie there- tora ordered by the Court that said sum oP $9.02 be refunded and paid baok unto said Pater Dondlingar by the County Clerk ea follows: $2.45 out of R. D. ~1 Sinking Fund, $1.69 out oP Ad Valorem fund, $1.02 out of R. 8 B fund, .14 out of Permanent Impr ovemont Fund, .88 out of Cour tkiouae ~ Jail Sinking Fund, .14 out of Jury Fund and $2.70 out of Barr County Aoad Bond Sinking Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 566, TRANSFER FROM AD VALOREkd TO PEE$~QAI~NT IMPAOPEMEP7T F(fATD. $500.00. ' On this 9th day of August, 1952, came on to De oonsidarad by the Court the overdraft ezisting in the Permanent Improvement Fund, and tho County Trensurer is hereby authorized _ and di rooted to transfer the sum of Five Hundred and ao/100 Dollars ($500.00) from the Ad Valorem Fund to said Permanent Improvement Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 567, REDUGTION IN COURT HOUSE TANITOH'S SAIA$Y. This 9th day of August, 183$, Dame on to be considered the re duetion of the Salary oP the Court House janitor Por the remainder of 1932, beginning August 1st, 183$, and it appearing to tho Court that same should be reduced and paid hereafter out of the Ad Val orP,m Pond, it is therefore ordered that Bald salary be and is heraDy reduced from the sum of X75 to $65 per month, payable by the County Clerk by proper vouchers against the Ad Valorem fund iA two semi-monthly payments of $3E.50 aaoD. _