No, 582f_6pPR04AL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF A. A, HARTMANN, DISTRICT phEH%. /,'~ This 8th day of August, 1932, game on to be eaemined 'by the Court the quarterly report filed by A. A. Hartmann, Distriot Clerk for quarter ending, July 31st, 1932, oovering fines imposed, fudgments rendered and fury Ease oolleet6d, end 1t appearing to the Court that same is in all respeots oorreot, said report be and ii haroby in all things npproved by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 553, APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF A, B. WILLIAMSOR, COUNTY TREASURER. This 0th dap of August, 1932, oama on to be aamminod and audited the quarterly report, of A. B. Williamson, County Treasurer, covering receipts and disbursements of %err County for quarter ending July 31st, 1938, and it appearing to the Court that same is aorreot and I in proper form, amma be and ie ha raby approved by the Oourt and same shell be raiordbd ~' ,•. County Clerk in the L/L reoord for that purpose in his offioe, All oanoelled bonds ar$ interest coupons disoharged during said quarter were destroyed by fire in open Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-,p No. 564. TEiIRD ADVANCE TO W. G. PETERSON, TA% ASSSSSOR ON HIS 1932 COD9diSSIONS. This 9th day of August, 1932, name on to be oonsiderad. the request of W. G. Peterson, County Taz Assessor for a third advanoe on his 1932 oommieaion.a, whioh request 1s hereby granted and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and direoted. to pay unto said talc assessor the sum of $250.00 out of funds ea folloxa: , 50.00 out of A. & B. fund, 25.00 out of C. H. k J. Sinking Fund, 20.00 out of Jury Fund, 100.00 out of Ad Valormm Fund, end 55.00 out of B. D, ~1 Sinking Fund. O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O No. 565, REFUND OF TASES DOUBLY PAID, ITtPfO PETER DONDLINGER. This 9th day of August, 1932, it appearing to the Court that for the years 1987 to 1931 inoluaive, Peter Dondlinger hea doubly paid County and State tease on Lot No. 10, Bloak 1 of Valley Viex Additlon to %errville containing about 1 eare~ out of Sur. 663, W. H. Crax- ford, the amount therebq illegally collected by the County mmounting to $9.02, it ie tl~re- fore ordered by the Court that said. sum of $9,02 be refuaded and paid bank unto said Peter Dondlinger by the County Clerk as folloxa: $2.45 out of R. D. ~1 Sinking Fund, $1.69 out of Ad VeSoram fund, $1.02 out of R, & fund, .14 out oY Permanent Improvement Fund, .88 out of Cour tL,ouse ~ Jail Sinking Fund, .14 out of Jury Fund and $2.70 out of %err County Aoad Bond Sinking Fund. oooo-o-oo I No. 56a, TRASSSFER FROM AD vALOREPd TO PE R4EANENT IMPROVEMFS7T FCP'ID. $500.00. a On this 9th day of August, 1952, camp on to be aonaide~red by the Court the overdraft eaisting in the Permanent Improvement Fund, and the County Troasurer is hereby authorised I and directed to transfer the sum of Five Hundred and no/100 Dollars (,500.00) from the Ad Valorem Fund to avid Permanent Improvenent Fund.. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 567, REDUCTION IN COURT HOUSE JANITOR'S SALARY. This 9th day of August, 193$, omme on to be oonsid.ereil the raduation of the salary ' of the Court House janitor for the remainder of 1932, beginning August 1st, 19S$, aad it appearing to the Court that same should be reduoed end paid he reef ter out of the Ad 4elorem fund, it is therefore ordered that said salary be and is hereby reduced from the sum of ~`75 to $65 per month, pa;~abla by tho County Clark by proper vouchers against the Ad palorem fund SA two semi-monthly payments of $32.50 aaob. _