l,S~ No. 572, ELECTION TO CANCEL THE 38Y0,000.00 BERR OOUNTY ROAD BONDS. Thia'13th day of August, 193E, 1t appearing to the Court that it will be neaesaery to aall an eleotion throughout Kerr County Por the purposes of oanse111ng the $200,000.00 Kerr County Aoad Bonds released by the State Hi~way Depnrtme~, eafl the County Judge la hereby authorized to employ San H. Howard of San datonio Sn the matter, and it saoh', , eleotlon can be legally held on Saturday, September 17th, 1932, saws shall be held oa euah date. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 573, QUARTERLY REPORT OF COUNTY CLERK. ~+~ Thin 13th day of August, 1932, the quarterly report of Jno, R. Leavell, County Clerk ooveri ng fines imposed, judg~n is rendered and jury fees aolleoted for quarter ending July 31st, 1932, was examined and approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 574, QUARTERLY TABULAR STATE~SIT OF KERR COUNTY. This 13th day of August, 1932, name on to be ez~inad by the Court the quarterly - report of Jno. R. Lenvell, County Clerk covering Herr Couaty'a indebtedness, expenditures and reoeipts for quarter ending July 31a t, 1932, which report having been Pound oorreot ip hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o State of Tessa, q Ia Comffiasi onsrs~ Court, Herr County, Tezas. B No. 578 County of Kerr. August Term, A. D. 1932, Thin 13th day of august, 1932, came oa to be henrd the application of J. D. Car- miehall for permission to record a plat or map of a subdivi ai on of about one care of land, ~ out of original Survey No. 111, in the name of Samuel 19s1leoe, hereto attached, in the ', office of the Count Clerk of Kerr Coun , ppeeri ng to tho Court that said Y ty, Tezas and it a sore oP land ie properly deaoribed and suDdivi dad by said pl at 'i nto lots so ea to enable the owner or .owners thereof to use the subdivi aioa desarlp ti oa of any lot or lots thereof in any deed of co:meyance pr co ntraot of sale as required under House B111 473, Chapter 160, of the 42nd Legislature of the State of Tesas, and it further appearing that the ~ real estate subdivided by said plat is properly lox ated and identified on said plat to make it praetiosl for tazation and in all reapeots complya with House Bill 472, Chapter 217, passed Dy the 42nd Legi ale tore of the State of Tezas. It is therefore ordered Dy the Court that said subdlvl ei on plat be and is hereby approved by the Count and said J. D. Carmichall is hereby authorized to file same for ~!; raoord is the oPfi ce of the County Clerk oP Kerr County, Tessa, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 578, ACCEPTANCE OIL' CONTRACT FOR SALVAGIISG OF ST~L OF CEt]T:gi ?OIITf BRIDGE. This 13th day of August, 193E, it appearing that the proposi Lion oS Stroman & Nooda Conatruo ti on Company of Vi atoria, Tezas, offering to salvage all of tDe steel out oŁ the bed oP the Guadalupe River belonging to the Center ?oiat High Rater bridge, for the sum oP y800.00, acaordi ng to spa aifie etions required by the County, 1~ a Pair end reasonable proposition sad should be accepted by the County. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, • -- said proposition be and is hereby eoaeptad by the Court end the County Judge and Commiasion˘ ` oiPreoin at No. 2 are hereby au tharl zed and instructed to saeaute proper oon traot with aald Stroman & Woods Construction Company on beha7l of Karr County, covering said project as per terms and conditions agreed upon. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o