V a '~ BTATS OF TSI1S . I0. 556 COiTITY OF YS@H It ie ordered by Lhe Court that In Commiaaloaera~ Court of gerr Couaty, Tezae. ~ lugueL Term, ~. D. 195E. •ugnet 8th, 1932. 8ETlI.SIDST PITH TiZ COLLSCTOE FOE TElB 1931. J. !. Poore, !az Colleotor of ]Carr County, lazes, be oredited with ffie following itse, tow it: , Yarions .02 Jar .lb E b B .26 adv. .40 LCB .02 PIF .13 CHJ. "? ~1 S9 #2 1920 8D #3 Polls Eaera is lsuaamsata .28 2.10 5.80 5.60 .28 1.8i 11.00 2.40 .24 18.25 Dsiln ate for sar 1931 49 2488.92 3982.88 199.11 1294.83 $b30.83 190.98 b7. b5 44.00 Delin;nente in former years ' Ideolvents 20,52 158.91 256.51 410.44 80. SE 136.39 E58.60 22.56 S. S1 25, 8b Collsoted Dy Comptrollor Lsada Sold Hadar Judgeeat locale, 219.91 1649.35 2748.98 4898.32 219.91 1429.44 8800.13 81b. 3 60 8 87.50 It ie ordered by the Court that J. ~!. Poore, !az Colleotor of Yerr County, lezea, De E> credited wlth the following items, to-wit: Diatriot 8ahoola ~2 #3 ~i #S ~8 #9 DLO #31 #lii #li #lt ;lb #14 ~ltl #19 #80 C. P. Indp. Delininenta Zor year 1931 896.0 20.66 1439.6 10.32 82.30 28.78 30.90 21.47 20,74 27.10 27.90 .60 6.12 110.79 108.04 41.28 1011,87 Delin(nsate in former Sears Insolvents 38.01 49.09 89.95 .50 8. b3 1.34 .22 10.00 25,00 3.11 1.86 4.38 184,Ob Errors la aesosameate 88.10 .15 a. 0o 32.10 Colleoted Dy Cagtroller - Totals 328.1 69.94 1b91.9 10,.12 $8,30 29.08 59.43 23.46 80.94 27 32 39 40 60 9.83 112.65 .48 46 28 1 0 ~ { ', It ie ordered by the Covrt that J. T. Poore, !az Colleotor of Ierr County, lazes, be sharged ei to the follo~ing S14ss, to-sit: Yariose Fnnas Joey B 6 B 8dr. % C B PIF CHd B1B. ~E#E B7~ Tj Pella Setaptioas 19,45 121.07 E1tl.80 ~ 9. s4 19.45 115.48 196.11 91.79 .60 InterNt ind Penalty E. E9 19.11 E8.51 ~45.~41 L.89 1l. tlE E1.05 13. Snpp3a~eatsl Yolle 183,00 TotaU 19. T4 148.18 846.81 594.66 14.74 188.50 E19.~16 85.01 .60 ltl' 00 It 18 ordersd by the Court Chet J. T. Moore, !ez Coliaotor of Yerr Cosnty, lases, Da ehargsd sith the following ite~e, W-sit: MstTiat SohooL /E }5 /6 'E30 #i7 fib #EO 2aflp. ~cpplewaetal lalla . Ysdanptions 41.37 8.69 J]i.E6 61.84 .88 10. E1 .63 247.EO intersst and Penalt 5.99 .98 1#.14 .09 9.76 lotal6 {9.14 ::B.iP n6.Eb 65.98 1t ie fnrtner ordered that the enn1191 report by Sollaotor, J. T.YOOre, oe and the 9ettlemant for the tas year 1901, and signed in open court, th ie the 8th day of August, E.D. attest: ~.e.~~•.•..aa 6onnty Ylerx. .88 10. E1 ~ 92 came Sa hereby in all tninga app roren and accepted 19or. loud u e, err oanty,iesq. _ E56 96 in foil