~S No. 588, PURCHASE OF 24.86 ACAEB FROM J. F. ROGEA3 FOA RIGHT OF WAY FOA HIGHWAY X81. This 27th day of September, 1952, St appearing to the Court that J. F. Rogers has oonveyed unto the State of Tezae strips of right of way for State Highway No~. 81 between Kerrville end the Gillespie County line containing 24.86 eoree of land is the aggregate is co na idsratioa of whim said J. F. Rogers shall reoelve from Kerr County the sum of $385.25 being $15.00 par sore plus $12.50 half of the cost of obtaining a par tlal release of Lhe lien held agai net same by the Federal Land Bank of Houston, e11 ea per agre arcs at entered into by and between the R/W Committee composed ai' Commla si onara Fritz Barger and Jim Peril, sad it being the request of said J. F. Rogare that said oonei derail oa of $385.E6 be paid over sad delivered by Kerr County Lo said Federal Lend Bank of Houston to apply on the payment required to be made by said J. F. Rogers on hie loan before said Hah]c will ezeoute and deliver re is sae releasing said right of way from its lien. It is therefore ordered, adjudged and deoreed by the Court that the purohase oT saki right of way by said R/Yf Committee as aforesaid be and i• hereby ratified sad ooafirmsd by the Court and adopted ea the sot and deed of Kerr County, and the County Clerk is hereby authorised and dir eoted to deliver unto A.'B. Williemeen, 8eoy-Preaa. of the Loael N. F. L. Assn., far the benefit of said J. F. Rogers a warrant flrawn agei net Lhe Lateral Road Fund in favor of said J. F. Rogare Por the sum of $885.26 is full •et dement of the right of way above menti arced. o-e-o-o-o-o-o .. No. 589, CLAIM OF MRS. ANNA SAENGER FOR CEDAR P09T3 ON HIGA1fAY N0. 81. This 27th day of 9eptemb er, 193B, oame on to be eaemined the ac count of 2~'s. Anna Saenger covering 200 8~' S~ pealed cedar poa to at 20/ and 950 oadar staves at 2}(, total $63.75 ueed in fenoi ng State Highway No. 81, which ncaount appearing oorreot ie hereby approved and shall be paid by the County Clerk by warra~ drawn against the County Treasurer on the Kerr County Lateral Road Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 590, PURCHASE OF RIGHT OF WAY FOR HIGHWAY N0. 27 FROM C. C. MCCOY k GUAR. HOME FIN. CO. This 27th day of Sept mbar, 193E, 1t is ordered by the Court that the strip of right of way ao nt ei ning 1.09 aerea out of the Joha You ag Survey No. 119 on N. W. aide of Towa to ba Creek for State Highway No. 27, and more fully desoribed in daed.ezeouted by G. C. 1[oCOy and Guaranteed Home Fins wing Company, Iao. is favor of the State of Tezae, be and Se hereby purahsaed by Berr County from said grant ore for the sum of $474.16 plus $260.00 for property damages, sad in addition to said damages of $260.00 allowed for tlu destrue tion of well by the highway psasi nB over same, Berr County shall aL its ezpehae fenoe said right of way end move the dwelling hauae from out of said right c2 way and put soma baok sate its pr eaent aond iii on; end the County Clerk is hereby authorized and di rented to issue and deliver unto said G. C. MoCOy and Guaranteed Home Flneaei ag Company a werrsat on the County Treasurer for the snm of $724.16 against the Kerr County Lateral Road Fund upon the proper eaecutl on and delivery of the herein-above msnti oned right of way deed. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 591, REDUCTION OF PAUPER ALLOWANCE OF C. W. & ETTA MOODY. This E7th day of Sa pt mbar, 1932, it appearing to the Court that G. W. Moody 1a dead, it is therefore ordered that the sllowanoe hs retoPore granted said G. W. and Etta Moody in the sum of $18.00 out of the Ad velorm fund for Ootober, 193E, be and is hereby reduoed to the sum of $8.00 end suoh $8.00 ahnll be paid out of said funfl by proper warrant unto said Etta Moody upon dmand.