The foregoing minutes on pages 24 and 25 hereof, were read in open Court and found ~ ~ ~ correct, and are hereby in all respects approved by the Court, this the 27th day of Septem- '~~ bar, A. D. 1932. Attest: -County Clerk By ,2 . Deputy. County Judge. 0.0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THE STATE OF TERAS, ~ COUNTY OF SERB. ~ HE IT REE~IrIDERED, that on this 4th day of October, A. D. 1932, ~~j theta wsa begun and holden a Speoisl term of the Commisslonera~ Court of %err County, Tease, I. at the Court House thereof, in the torn of $errville, Tezsa, officers present: ~ Ches. Real, - - - - - - - County Judge, ~,I~, F. A. %arger, - - - - - - Commis alonar, Preoinot No. 1, J. A. Peril, - - - - - - Coimoi.aeioner, Precinct No. 4, A. F. Moore, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, the following proceedings ware had, to-wit: No. 592, TRANSFER OF $1,828.00 FROM R. & B. ~l FUND TO R. D. ~1 SINffiNG FOND. This 4th day of October, 1932, it appearing to the Court that the Sinking Fuad oP Road Diatriat No. 1 of %err County is in urgent need oP the sum of $1626.00 to supplement the amount in said Pund in order to take care of the obligation due against said Sinking '~, Fund on Oct. 10th, 1932, it is therefore ordered by the Court that the County Treasurer transfer the sum of Sizteen Hundred and Twenty-siz and no/100 Dollars ($1,626.00) Prom ~'~ Road & Bridge Fund of Precinct No. One to Road District No. 1 Sinking Pund, and the County ~'~~ Clerk is directed to charge the Road & Bridge Funfl of said Precinct No. 1 with said sum of ~~~' $1,826.00 so transferred. o-o-o-o-o-o ~~, The foregoing minutes on this page, were read in open Court and Pound oorreat, and ere hereby in all respects approved by the Court, this the 4th day of October, A. D. 1932, ~~~~ Attest: ~~ ' County Clerk sin y ge /~;' ~~ By - eputy, 0-0-0-0-0-0-0 ELECTION ORDER BY THE COIINPY JUDGE OF ffi2A COUNTY, TEEAS. %NOW YE, That I, Chas. Real, County Judge of %err County, Teaas, do by virtue oP the I, ii authority vested in me by law, hereby order anfl direct that an E]setion be held in the Couaty~l, ~, of %err and State of Tazas, on Tuesday the eighth day of November, A. D. 1932, for the ~l~o- ~~'~ tion of County Judge, County Attorney, County Clerk, Dlstrict Clark, Sheriff, Taz Collector, ~~ Taz Assessor, County Treasurer, County Surveyor, County Commiaeloner Precinct No. 1, County ~, ~~~; Commissipns:~ Precinct No. 2, County Commissioner Preoinot No. 3, County Commissioner, Precinsi~ a • a I ~~~'. No. 4,. Jtia+Y1Ce of the Peace Precinct No. 1, Justine of the Peace, Preoinot No. 2, Juatiee !~i of t1s'P~gaP ~e s~ No. 3, Justice of the Peace Preoinot No. 4, Constable Preoinot No. 1, ~'I, III ~OS~tieble p1eo1•No„ 2, Constable Precinct No. 3, Constable Preoinot No. 4. 1. i ~I ; •'-'.y9~4~TN$SS ~an$ ead official seal, this the Bth day of October, A. D. 1932. ~,,, ~, a. - ~ • ...: ~• t Cody ge, srr oun , 'Fazes. ~bNTY