.'t 7 THE STATE OF TESA3, C OIINTY OF %ERR. ~ BE IT REE0331AERED, that on this 10th day of Ootober, A. D. 193E, there wen begun and holden a Regular term of the Commisaionere' Court of Berr County, Tezas, at the Court House thereof, in the torn of Earrville, Rezsa, offioere preaeat: Chsa. Heal, - - - - - - - County Judge, F. A. Barger, - - - - - - Commi aei oner, Preoinct No. 1, Virgil Storms, - - - - - -Cammisai oner, Preoinot No. 2, Nm. Barger, - - - - - - - Commiesi mar, Preoi not No. 3, .J. A. Peril, - - - - - - Comtni eaioaer, Preolnet No. 4, A. F. Moore, Sheriff and Jao. R. Leavell, bounty Clerk, end the Court having Kean regularly opened, the fo llowlag pro oeedi nos were had, to-rit: No. 593, PGRCHASE OF 8.50 sores of RiHjtt of Nay for Highway fE27 from 6raea Laekey Estate. Thin 10th day of Oot ober, 1932, it is ordered by the Court that Barr County puroheae from the Green Laokey Estate that strip of right of way out of Survey No. 127, L. Cra~soa, oont alning 8.50 sores of land, emDraoed within the right oP way of new State Highway No. E7 between Berrv111e end Ingram, Tezas, for the sum of Two Hundred and Eighty-seven and 60/ Dollars (~E87.50) plus the right of way of the present or old highway sarosa saki Satate~s land when abandoned ae mentioned Sa agreement ai wed by the Ezeauto ra of said Eetats and the Commiasi m ere Oourt of Eerr County, to be reoorded as a part of this purohase order. And the County Clerk is hereby authorized end direetad to iaeue sad deliver unto for #E87.b0 L. R. Fassenden, Ezeoutor of the Estate of Green Laokey, deoeased, a warrant„agalaat the Barr County Lateral Road Fuad upon delivery of properly ezeouted deed to said right of way in favor of the State of Tezas. The separate agreement he reinabove-mentioned is hereby reoorded ea follows: s9 ~. i "State of Teaas, County of Berr. This Agreement entered into by and between Barr County, acting herein by and through its County Judge, Ohsa. Heel end Commies ioaera F. A. Karger and J. A. Peril, end L. R. Fe saenden end Orrin Garland, Independent Ezeouto rs under the Nill of Green Laokey, deoeased, withesaeth:- That as a vital part of the oonaiderati oa to be paid bq Berr County unto the Estate of Green Lankey, deeeeaed, for the right of way for State Highway No. E7 this day sold by acid Eetnte unto said Ben County, Berr County by and through the memb ere of its Commia- sionera~ Covrt above mentioned, ezpreaaly agrees Sa event St ie posaiDle to abandon sad discontinue the present Stets Highway No. E7 norosa the lands of avid Green Laokey Estate after the new Stets Highway No. E7 has been competed eoross said property sad opened for travel, that St will oonvey beak unto said Estate the right of way of said old highway so abandoned end disoontinued aeroea the lands of said estate, It ie further agreed that ea part of the a mat derati on to be received by said Laokey Estate the State Highway Department shall ooastruat a oonorete Stook IInderpase oa said new highway 300 yards north of the Laokey house, ewe to be 10 feet high, 8 tt. wide, with oonorete floor. Fenos oa each aide of road to be ooaneeted up with stook pass wings. Ezeouted in duplicate, thi• the 1st day K Ootober, 198E. (Sigaod) Eerr County, Tezas, By Chas. Real, County Judge. F. A. Barger, Comr. Preot. ~1, J. A. Peril, Camr. Preot. ~4. L. R. Fassenden Orris 6arlaa6 Ezeautora under the Nill of Green Laokey, deoenaad." C,S~f ~) 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 ORDER CANPASSING RETURNS AND DECLARII~ RESULT OF ELECTION. THE STATE OF TESAS, COUNTY OF SERR. ~ At a meeting of the Commiaslonain~ Court of 8err County, Teaea, held on the 10th day of Ootober, A. D. 1932, at the regular meeting plaoa thereof in the Courthouse is 8errvi lie, Tezas, all members thereof being preaen t, namely: Chsa. Real, Cmaty Judge, F. A. Barger, Commiasloner Prsoinot No. 1, Virgil Storms, Commissioner Preoinct No. 2, ~~ -2 8 Pm. %arger, Commiasi oner Precinct No. 3, ', i ', J. A. Peril, Commie si oner Preoi not No. 4, Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, ' the following proceedings, among others, were had, to-wit: There came on to be considered the returns of an eleation held on the 1st day of October, A. D. 1932, to determine the following proposition: PROPOSITION: Whether or not Two Hundred Thousand Dollars $200,000.00) ' of bonds of %err County, Tazas, being the balance unissued and unsold of an amount oP Four Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($450,000,00) oP ' bonds authorized by the resident property tsapaying voters of said County, voting at an alectlon held for that purpose on the 15th day of P7ovember, 1930, shall be voted DPP and so cam el led ea to forever prevent any Commissioners' Court of this County from issuing or sell- ~. ing said bonds or levying a tea to onforoe the payment thereof. It appearing to this Court that said election was in all respects lawfully held after due notice had been given and that said returns were duly and legally made, as follows: voting Preci net Votes Cast For the Canc ells tion oP Bonds Against the Cancellation of sonde '~ No. 1 44 44 0 No. 2 44 43 1 ~, No. 3 38 37 1 No. 4 No election held ' No. 5 33 32 1 No. B 42 39 3 No. 7 9 7 2 ~' No. 8 42 37 5 No. 9 11 11 0 No. 10 No election held ', No. 11 33 32 1 ~ No. 12 52 48 4 IT FURTF~R AFFIRMATIVELY APPEARS TO THIS COURT from the above tabulation that there h were cast at said oleo ti on 348 votes, of which number 330 votes were oast "FOR THE CANCELLA-I~~ TION OF THE $200,000.00 %ERR COUNTY, TEBAS, ROAD BONDS, AND THE RESTRAINT OF FOREVER LEVYING I' A TAR TO ENFORCE THE PAYMENT THEREOF^, and 18 votes were oast "AGAINST THE CANCELLATION OF THE $200,000.00 KERB COUNTY, TERAS, ROAD BONDS, AND THE RESTRAINT OF FOREVER LEVYING A TA% TO ENFORCE TID; PAYMENP THEREOF". ~, IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY Tf~ COM6~SSIONERS' COURT OF ' KERR COUNTY, TEZAS: That the proposition to ca noel said $200,000.00 of %err County, Tessa, Road Bonds so as to prevent any Commissionera~ Court oP this County from issuing or selling said bonds ~~ or levying a taz to enforce the payment thereof, was sustained by a two-thirds majority of the qusli£ied property tazpayers voting at said election, end said bonds ere hereby cants lled. and held Por nmight. ZT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED, that this Commiasionera~ Court and hereafter all other Commis sionera~ Caurta and/ or gover sing bodies, end/ or officers of ' Chia County shall not be authorized to either issue or sail said bonds or ever levy a t9a ', to enforce the payment thereof. BE ZT FURTHER ORDERED, ODJUDGED AND DECREED that the County Judge be, and,he is hereby authorized, ordered and directed to prepare certified copies of all proceedings and orders leading up to and culminating in the cancellation of the said $200,000.00 of %err County Aoad Bonds, and eau se one Dopy to be filed in the Office oP the Attorney General of a 9 p the State or iezaa, end one copy to be filed in the otfios of the Comptroller of PuDlie Aaoounte of the 8tato of Tezas, and 4a be ao entered of reeard Sa auah reapeotive offices so ea to forever prevent the approval or regiatrntion of anid bonds; and said County Judge shall make due returns to this Court of the performsaee of acid seta. The above order being read, it wee moved by Comaiesiarer Am. Sarger, end aeoonded. by Commieai Duet virgil 3torma that the eems do pees, end thereupon, tlv qua stioa being called for, the follwing Ca~iaeionars voted AYE: F. A. Sarger, virgil Storms, IPm. Barger affi J. A. Peril; sad None voted N0. Attest: __.~.Q D Dun y er rr am y, Teue. Dun y ge, ann y, Tezaa. 0-0-0-0-0-0-® No. 594}, ALL01fANCE OF PEBDIEM TO ELECTION OFFICERS. This 10th day of October, 1932, it ie ordered by the Court that eaoh offioer partioipating in the holding of the elsoti on held Sn $err County on Oot. let, 1958, for the put pods of Deno elliag ¢E00,000.00 of unissued sad unsold Eerr County Read Bonds, be and is hereby slloTed a per diem d ¢3.00, end the presiding officers shall eaoh reoeive ea additional ¢E.00 far the return of the eUetien Dotes. o-o-o-e-e-e No. 595, CLAIMS AND ACCOIIN'PB. This 10th dny of October, 193 E, Dame on to be ezained sad audited by the Court, the various oleime and eooounts filed agai net Berr Carnty and .its reepeotive Commiasioners+ preoineta si nos last term of the Oourt, all of ah ieh olaims and eaaennte mere approved far payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out of reapeetive fends ae sho*n in Yol. 8, pages e2.3 /-a3~, inalu eive, of the ainutec of aosouats ellosed for Eerr County, :hi eh are aade a part of this order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 598, PAYMENT OF EEPENSE OF CANCELLATION OF ROAD BOND ELECTION. This 10th day of ootober, 1918, it is ordered Dy the Court that all the ezpenaes ooaaeated tith the eUotioa held ea Oot. Ut, 1958 in Serr County for the parpoee of oeaeel- iag the ¢200,000.00 of Barr County Aoad Bonds, shall be paid by the County Clerk out of the Berr County Lateral Road Fund of Eevr COnaty, pievided, eaoh ezpsnse^ Dan be Ugally paid out of ania funs. o-s-e-•-e-o-e No. 547, APPROVAL OF REPORT AND FEE6 OB JDSTICE OF THE PEACE OF PRECINCT N0. ONE. This 10th day of Ootober, 19ii* cane oa to be oonaidered by the Court the aeport of E. R. Tnrne r, Justiea d the Pease od' Preoi not No. 1 of Berr Carnty, Tezu, for the month of September, 193E, of •orimiasl eases tiled, fine e, ~nag~nt sad fury isee oolleeted, tetal- Sag ¢46.Qf, datitlin.g~.him.te ¢E7.Od lest 80~, voluntary reduction ¢E1.60 in fsee, sad SL appearing to the Court that said report is true and oorreot, acme is hereby agprovei., and the County Clerk is direot~d to pay said ¢81.80 in t*o ~arra~rts on the County Treeaurer, one for ¢10.94 out of the Hoad e~ Bridge Fund sad the ether for ¢10.41 out of the Ad valorem fund. o-e-o-o-o-e-e No. 596. PANTRER BOOATY POR R. A. MASTERS. This 10th day of October, 143E, acme oa to be oonaidered the applloation filed by A. A. liaaters .for bounty oa panther killed by him on the old Lear Baneh on South Fork in Earr County on Sept. Y9 th, 1938, aml St apyearing to the Court that 9eia applioant