should receive a bounty for the killing of said panther weighing 184 pounds, and said ~ 3 6 F. A. ldaeters is hereby alloyed a bounty of $80.00 on said panther whioh shall be paid unfit him by proper Tarrant drawn on the County Treasurer of Barr County against tho A8 Valorest fund by the County Clerk. o-o-o-o-o No. 598, PIIACHA3E OF 4.87 ACAEB OF RIGHT OF MAY FOR HIGHMAY X27 FR016 JOHN TRIISHEL, ET. AL.~' Thin 10th day of ootober, 1932, it ie ordered by the Court that $err County puroheae ~{ 4YBS from John Truahel, at. el., the 4. B7~of their land out of Survey No. 124, F. Martines em- braoed within the right of way of new State Highway No. 29, for the sum of $800.00 including all property damages oladmed by said John Sruahel and ohildrea by reason of the oenstruotle8 of said highway over and across their lend, and it is further ordered by the Court that the County Clerk pay unto said John Truehel and ohildren said $800.00 by proper warrant drawn on the County Treasurer against the 8err Oounty Enteral Road Fund, upon the ezeoution and delivery unto said Clerk of proper right of way deed to geld land in favor of the State of Tezas. o-o-o-o-o No. 599, PIIACHABE OF LOTS 15-18, Blook x4, Msatland Plnoe Addition from Garfield Fairohild Tor atnte Highway No. a9. Thin 10th day of October, 193x, it is ordered by the Court that fferr County purchase from Garfield Fairchild Lota Nos. 15 and 18, ih Block No. E! of Mestlead Plao• Addition to fferrville, Tezaa, part of whlsh lots are embraced is the right of ray of new StfltO Highway No. a9, for the anm ei $537.50. And said Barfield Fairohlld is hereby instructed to ezeeute unto the State of Texas a Right of May Bead covering that portion of said lots embraoad is said now highway cad another warranty dead to the remainder of said lots unto Tha fferrville Development cad Loan Oampany which aorporatien has agreed to accept said remaining portion or portions of said lots ea part of the payment for right of way to be eoquirad by fferr Gouaty from it for acid highway. The County OlerY is hereby authorised ahd directed to Saeue end deliver unto acid Garfield Fairchild a warrant on the bounty Treasurer against the Spry bounty Enteral Road Fund fns the anm of $537.50 in full payment for said above mentionefl lots upon delivery of aei d two deeds to fferr Oounty as aforesaid. o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 800, APPROVAL OF 1932 BTATE AD81 COIINTY TAE ROLLS. Thin 10th day of October, 1932, cams oa to be ezemined by the Court the State and County.;az rolls fns the year, 193x, prepared by M. 6. Peterson, County Taz Aeaessor, and aemo having been found correct and is proper few, anme were certified end approved by the Court as shown by the Court`s oertifioate of approval on Form Z thereof, duly signed by all the members of this court and attached to said rolls is triploate. o-o-o-e-o-e-o-e lie. 601, ALLOWANCE FOR MRB. YARDIS BAB'PODT. Nra. Yn7rdis Barton is hereby allowed the bum of $8.00 for October by yhe Court, same to be paid by the Gouaty Clerk by Proper warrsnt drawn ngeinat the Ad Valoren fans. o-o-o-o-p-o-o-o No. 802, TR{,NSFER OF $x,000.00 FA011 ROAD & BRIDG& F{QID @'0 AD QALOREM FU2~. This 10th day of October, 193a,.it is ordered by the Oourt that the County Treasarer transfer t~ha sum ad ia,000.00 from the Road k Brldge No. 1 Fund to the Ad Valorem Fnad, sad the County Clerk is hereby directed to charge said transfer against the R. & B. ~1 fund. Mhloh anount.herein iranafsrisd shall be returned by the Ad Valorem funs to said R. tc B. ~1