should reoeive a bounty for tho killing of said panther weighing 104 pounday and said 3 6 W. d. Rasters is hereby allowed a bounty of $80.00 on said panther which shall be paid uatA. him by proper warrant drawn on the County Treasurer of 8err Coanty against the Ad Yaloraet fund by the County Clerk. o-o-o-e-o No. 598, PDRCHAS& OF 4.87 •CRSS OF RIGHT OF WAY FOR HI(~WAY X27 FROR JOHN TRIISHBL, BT. AL. This 10th day of Ootober, 183E, it is ordered by the Court that 8err County puroheae a.-.!S from John Truahel, et. sl., the 4.87~of their land out of Survey No. 124, F. Martine6 am- braoed withia the right of wqq of new State Highway No. 29, for the sum of $800.00 including all property damages olaimed by said John Trushel and ahildrea by reason of the aenstrsatieg of said highway over sad aeroas their lend, and it is 111rther ordered by the Court that the County Clerk pay unto said John Truahel end ohildrea said $800.00 by pro par warrant drawn on the County Treasurer against the 8err County Lnteral Road Fund, upon the ezeoution and delivery unto said Clerk of proper right of way deed to said lead is favor of the State of Tezas. o-o-o-o-o No. 599, PIIRCH6SE OF LOTS 10-18, Blook 24, Wse4land Plnoe Addition from Garfield Fairohild for State Highwe~y No. 29. This 10th day of October, 1932, it is ordered by the Court thnt Eerr County purchase from Garfield Fairohild Lots Nos. 15 and 18, in Blook No. 24 of Weatlead Plaoe ~dditisa to 8errville, Tema, part of whieh lots are effibraoed 1A the right Of ray Of sew State Highway No. E9, for the sum of $537.b0. lnd acid ~nrfield Yairohild 1.8 hereby Snatruotsd to ezeoute ante the State of Tezas a Right of Way Deed oovering that portion of said lots embraoed in said new highway and another warranty dead to the remainder of sa16 lots ante The 8errville Development end Load Oampany whioh oozporatiea has agreed to pooept said remaining portion or portions of said lots ea part of the payment for right of way to be eoquirad by 8err Oounty from it for said highway. The Oounty OlerY ie hereby authorised end directed to issue and deliver unto acid Garfield Fairchild a warrant on the County Treasurer against the 8err bounty Lateral Road Fund fns the sum of $637.b0 in full payment for said above mentionefl lots upon delivery of said two deeds to 8err 0ounty as aforesaid. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 800, APPRO4iL OF 1932 8TAT8 9PID COIINTY TAE ROLLS. This 10th day of October, 1932, Dame on to be ezeminefl by tho Court the State and County #,as rolls for the year, 193E, prepared ly W. 6. Peterson, Coaaty Taz Assessor, and same having been Pound correct end in proper form, same were oortified and approved by the Court eo shown by the Court's oortifioate of apprevel on Form Z thereof, duly signed by all the members of this court and attached to avid rolls in triploate. o-o-o-e-a-o-o-a 1Fs. 801, ALLOWARCB FOA MRS. l(At~IB BaRTON. Mrs. Rardia Barton is hereby allowed the pun of $8.00 fns October by the Court, same to be paid Dy the County Clerk by proper warrant drawn against the Ad 4alorem fend. a-o-o-o-p-o-o-o No. 60E, TR1l15F8R OF $2,000.00 FROM ROAD & BRLDOS F1RW TO aD QALOREM FU2~ID. This 10th day of Ootobar, 1902, .it is orflerpd by the Oourt that the County Treasurer transfer the sum as $2,000.00 from the Road d•. Bridge No. 1 Fund to the Ad 4alorem Fund, safl the County Clark is hereby directed to charge said transfer against the R. & H. ~1 fund. Which amount herein transfsrlad shall be returned by the Ad 4alarem fund to said R. is B. ~1