should reoeive a bounty for the killittg of said panther weighing 154 pnando, and saki 3 6 W. A. Masters is hereby ellowed~~a bounty of X20.00 on said panther whioh shall be paid uaL~t him by proper warrant drawn on the County Treasurer of $err County against the Ad Yelorem find by the County Clerk. o-o-o-e-o No. 598, PURCHASE OF 4.87 ACRES OF RIGHT OF .WAS FOA HIGHWAY X27 FROM JOHN TRIISH$L, $T. AL.~i This 10th day of Ootobar, 1932, it is oz dared by the Court that $err County purohasa p eras from John Truahel, at. al., the 4.87~of their land out of Survey No. 124, F. Martinoa em- braoed within the right of wqy of new State Highway No. 29, for the sum of X800.00 including all property damages oleimed by said John Tzushel and ahildrea by reason of the aenstrnotisg of said highway over and aeroaa their lend, and it is further ordered by the Court that the County Clark pay unto ae13 John Truahel and ohildren said ;800.00 by pro par warrant drawn on the County Treasurer ngaiaet the $err County Lateral Road Fnna, upon the ezeoution and delivery unto said Clark of proper right of way deed to said land in favor of the State of Tezea. o-o-o-o-o No. 599, PORCHASE OF LOTS 15-18, Blook 84, Westland Plnas Addition from Garfield Fairohild for State Highwe~y No. 84. This 10th day of Oatobar, 193E, it is ordered by the Court that $err County purohas• from Garfield Fairohild Lots Noa. 15 and 18, in Blook No. 84 of Westland Plao• Additiea tQ $errville, Tezas, part sf whisk lots are embraced 1a the right of way of sew State Highway No. E7, for the sum of +837.60. And said Barfield Fairohild is hereby instructed to eseeute ante the State of Tezas a Right of Way Beed oovering that portion of said lots embraced in said new highway sad another warrnnty deed to the remainder of sai6 lots ante The $arrv111e Dovelepment end Loan Gompeay which aozporatioa has agreed to accept said remaining portion or portions of said lots ae part of the payment for right of way to be acquired by $err Oouaty from it for said highway. The Oounty Clerk is hereby authariaea end directed to issue end deliver unto acid Garfield Fairohfld a warrant en the County Treasurer against the $err County Lateral Road Fend for the sum of $537.50 is full payment for said above mantionsd lots upon delivery of said Swe deeds to Sass Oounty ea aforesaid. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 800, APPROVAL OF 1932 STATE AMID COUN7R TAZ ROLLS. This 10th day of October, 1932, Dame on to be ezamined by the Court the State and County xa= rall^ fns the year, 1932, prepared by W. 6. Peteraaa, County 1'a= Aesoasor, and same having been found correct sad is proper few, sums were certified and approved by the Court u shown by the Court~a oortifioate of approval an Form Z thereof, duly signed by all the members of this court ani attached to said rolls in triploate. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ha. 801, ALLOWANCE FOR MRS. MARDIB BAATOI~. Mra. I[ardia Barton is haroby allowed tha.sum of $8.00 fns October by the Court, seals to be paid by the Cou~y Clerk bq proper warrant drawn against the Ad Yaloram foal.. o-o-o-o-p-o-o-o No. 802, TRANSFER OF ~E,000.00 FlIDD[ ROAD & BRIDGE FLtlID 4'0 6D yALOREM FUI~. This 10th day of Ootobar, 1988, .it is ordered by the Court that the County Treasurer transfer tie sum of X8,000.00 Eras the Road & Bridge Ho. 1 Fund to the Ad Valorem Fnnd, and the County Clerk is herriy direotod to charge said transfer against the A. k B. ~1 fund. Which amount fusels traaslsrrsd shall be raturaad by the Ad Valorem fund to said A. & B. ~1 2 3 / out o! the first available money derived by said innd from the oolleo ti on of 193E Lazes. e-O-D-Q-6.0-0 ~^ The foregoing mi~tss oa pages 27 to 31 heramf ineluslve, were read !n apes Court and found oorreot, and are hereby in all respeots approved by the Court, this the 10th day o! Ootober, A. D. 1932. Attest: ounty Clerk one y 8e By _-, Deputy. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0 :~ STATE OF TEYA3, V ( COUNTY OF KERB. ) BE IT RELiEi-iBERED, that on this 13th day of Ootober, d. ll. 1932, there was begun and holden a Spaniel term of the Commleaiona ra' Court o3 Kerr County, Tease, at the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Texas, olficera present: i~ Cha e. Real, - - - - - - County Judge, r. A. Karger, - - - - Commiaei aver, Preolnot No. 1, J. d. Peril, - - - - - Commisai over, Pr ao inat Ito. 4, . n. liners, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leavel 1, County Clerk, and the Court having bee^ regularly opened, the Yellow ing pr ooaedi nge were had, to-wit: No. 603, Puroha ae of 1.37 sores of Bight of Way Por Highway I7o. 27 from John H. Colbath. This 13th dgy of October, 1932, it ie ordered by the Court that Kerr County puraha ae from John H. Colbath 1.37 earea of land out of Survey No. 125, r'. ldartinez, embraced within the right of way o3 new Stets fiighw ay No. 27 between Kerrville and Ingram, for the sum of ~i102.00, end the County Clerk is hereby cut horiaed and direoted to issue and deliver unto said John H. Colbath a treasurer warrant for said sum of i$102.00 against the Kerr County Lateral Road Fund, upon the exeoutlon and delivery unto said Clerk of proper right of way deed to said 1.37 sores of land by said John H. Colbath and wife in Yavor of the State of Teaafi. o-0-0-0-0-0-0 ido. 604, ALLCi9ANCE OF CLAIIS OF JOHN H. COLBATH FOR CCNSTRUC TSNG FENCE 017 HIGHI9AY 127. i^ i . This 13th day oY Ootober,~ 193`L, came on to be examined the sworn eooount of John H. Colbath against Kerr County in the sum of t;41. 75 ooveri nB the oonetruotlon of faunas along State Highway P,o. 27 aorose hie property, wh SOh aaoount appearing oorreot Se hereby ell owed Dy the Court and the County Clerk ie hereby inatruatad to issue and deliver a treasurer's warrant in the sum of y41.76 against the Karr County Lateral Road Fund unto said John H. Colbath in payment thereof. 0-0-0-D-0-0-0 No. 605, PURCHASE OF 1.94 ACRES OF RICHT OF WAY FOR HIGHWAY N0. 27 FROBd LOUIS H. SURBER. This 13th day of Ootobar, 1932, it is ordered by the Court tha4 %orr County purchase from Louie H. Surbez 1.94 floras-of land out of Survey No, 128, Jonaa Aarrisoa, embraced within the right of way of new State Highway No. 27 between %errville and Ingram, Por the sum of '123.b0, to be paid by the County Clerk by proper warrant drawn egei set the $err County Lateral Road Fund upon the ezeoution sad delivery by said Louie H. Surber and wife of proper rlght of way dead to said strip of land in favor of the State of Tezsa. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 808, PUBCHASE OF LOT ~9, BLOC% $14, WESTLAAID PLAGB ADDITION FOR B/W of HIGHWAY N0. 27, (From Otis MoCaffey, Owner) On this 13th day of October, 1932, it is ordered Dy the Oourt that %err County purohese from Otis MoOaffey of Houston, Tease, all of Lot No. 9, in Blook No. 14 of Westland