3 ~~ J. C. Sheffield, nox abraced in the ri ~t of xay of nex State Highray No. 27 between ' %srrville end Ingram, Tens, for the enm of $184.25, sae to be paid by the County Clerk ^ by proper warrant drexa ngai net the %err Cpunty Lateral Road Fund neon ezeeuti on am delivery by said G. R. Starkey of proper riaht~of way deed to said at rip of land in favor of the State of Tezas. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 610, PUft CHASE OF 2,47 ACRES OF RIGHT OF WAY FOR STATE HIGHWAY x$87 FROM ALICE STAR%ESC. Th1e 22nd day a2 OotODer, 1932, it is ordered Dy the Court that %err County purchase from Aline 9terkay 2.49 narea of land out of the J. C. Sheffield Survey No. 181 emDraoed in the right of xay of nex`~ State Highxay No. 27 De tween %errville and Ingram, Tezas, for thea`cum of $185.85 plus M0.00 property demegea'ellowed Dy the Court, said total cum of $2.25 t;o be paid by the County Clark Dy pr opar xarrant Qraxa against the %srr County Lateral Hoad Fund upon ezeeution end delivery by •e1d ilioe §tarl®y of proper right of xay deed to said strip of land in favor of the State of 'Tezas. D-e-O-O-O-O-O-O-O N0. 819, PIIRCHASE OF 2.92 ACRES OF RIGHT OF WAY FOA HIGA9PAY No. 27 FROlS CLEVELAND GRIFFIN. Thin 22nd day of OotoDer, 1932, it 1e ordmrod by the Ccurt that &srr County purchase from Clevel end O'ZriPfln 2.9E sores of land out of the P. Trevino Surveys Nos. 129 and 130, embraced in the ri ~t of xay of nsx Stato Hig bray No. 27 at Ingram, Tszsa, for the sum of $398.00 plan property Qema gee alloxsd by the Court in the aim ad }507.00, said total enm of =900.00 to be paid by the County Clark by proper xerrant Qraxa agoinat the %err County Lateral Road Fund upon ezeouti on and delivery by geld Cleveland Griffin of proper right of xay deed to said strip of land in favor of the State of Tazae. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 620, PUROHASE OF LOT 13, BLOC% 24, WESTLAND PLACE ADDITION FOR RIGHT OF WAY OF STATE HIGHWAY N0. 27 FROM HENRY MOLL. - Thia 22nd day of Ootober, 1932, it is ordered by tlv Court that %err County purohase from Henry Noll ell of Lot No. 13, Hlook 24, of We all and Plaoe Addition to %errvllle, Tezas, part of whioh lot is embraced is right of xay of new Stato Highxay No. 27 betxeen %arrville and Ingram, Tezna, for the cum of X275.00, Said Henry Noll shall ezaoute txo deeds, one deed to the portion of said lot embraoed in the R/W of said higbxay in favor of the State of Tezas and another dead covering the balance of said lot in favor of Tha Kerrville Development and LOAN COMPANY end the County Clerk shall delleer unto said He my Noll a warrant on the County Treasurer drawn agai net the %srr County Lateral Hoad Fund in said sam of $875,00 upon delivery oP acid two daeda to him. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ao. 881, PCRCHASE OF B.SG ACRES OF RIGHT OF WAY FOR HIGHWAY N0. 27 FAOM IDA AE&4 ESTATE. Thin 22nd day of Oa Leber, 198E, it 1s ordered by the Court that Kerr Oounty purohase Yrom She Ida Hees Estate 2.88 aorea of land out of Survey No. 180, W. Fosgata, embraced is the right of xay oP sex State Aighway No. 27 between %errvilU and Dram, Tazae, Yor the sum of p333.76, same to be paid (287.00 to Julius Real, Admr. of said tstats and $88.75 to Aalter Sti eler, Gunrdi en of Emil Aeea, minor, by the County Clark by proper warrants drawn agai net the %err County Lateral Hoad Fund upon szeoution and dal ivory of proper deeds Yrom the heirs of acid Ida Aeea Estate end said Guar dl an of 'Emil Heea, minor do favor of the State of Tezaa ooveri ng acid treat of right of way. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o