~~nc,~ -__ ,'~ ~ for the amount of $88.00 covering the moving oS~houae from the land owned by Julius Bittel embraeed in the right of wqv of new State Highway No. 29, whioh of aim appearing fuat and unpaid is hereby allowed and shall ba paid, by the County Clerk Dy proper warrant drawn agai rant the Kerr County Lateral Road Farad. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 627}, PURCBASB OF 8.06 ACRES OF-RIGHT OF WAY FOB. HIGHWAY 87 FROM SIIK ROHINSOR. Thin 22nd ,day of OotoDer, 1938, it is ordereQ by the Court that %errCOUaty purohaee from M1as ,Sun Robinson 2.08 narea of lead out of the F. Trevino Surveys Roe. 129 and 130, embraeed in the right of w qy of ne- Stets Highway No. 87 near Ingram, Sezas, oonai~ting of two traots or stripe of land, fca a pri oe of $500,00 being $E37.00 for lead sad $263,00 allowed for pxo party damages. Said sum of $500.00 to be paid by the County Clerk to Bald Sue Robinson by pounty Treaearsr~e warrant drawn agai net the Kerr County Lateral Road Fund upoa ezeauti on sad delivery of proper right of we~y Geed covering said lend or right of way to the State of Tezae. O-D-O-O-O-O-O-O The foregoing minutes on pages 34 to 37 hereof, inelusive, were read Sa open Court and found oorreot, and arehe reby in all reaps eta approved Dy the Court, this the E2nd dqq of Ootober, A. D. 1938. Attest: ~w'U p anty Clerk, y eputy. ' ounty Judge. 00-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-00 THE STATE OF TEAS, COUNTY OF KKAA. BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this 29th day of Ootobar, A. D. 1952, there wen begun end holden a Speo iel term of the Commis ai onera~ Court of Kerr County, Ts~s, at the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Rezas, ofilcere present: Chen. Real, - - - - - - County Judge, F. A. Barger, - - - - - Commiesi over, Preoinot No. 1, J. A. Peril, - - - - - Co~iasl oner, Preoinot No. d, A. F. Moore, Sheriff and Jno. B. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court haul rag been regularly opened, the following prooeedirags were Dad, toait: No. 828, PURCHASE OF .10 OF AN ACRS OF RIGHT OF WAY FOR HIGHWAY 27 FROM PINK LEE. This 29th day of Oetober, 193E, it is ordered by the Court that Kerr County puroha se from Pink Lee .10 of an sore of land ouL of the F. Trevino Survey No. 189, embraeed is tDe right of way of new State Highway No. 27 at Ingram, Tazas, for the sum of $40.00 ino luding property damages allowed by the Court, same to be paid by the County Clerk by Cqt Treas. warrant drawn against the Kerr County Lateral Aoad Fund upon ezeoution and delivery by said Pink Lea of proper right oP way deed thereto in favor of the State of Tezae. ,y o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 829, PURCHABE OF .927 OP AN ACRE OF RIGRT OF WAY FOR HIGiIlAY 27 FROM W. C. MARSHALL. Thin 29th dom. of Oetober, 1932, it is ordered by the Court that Kerr,Crninty puraha se Prom W. C. Mer shall .987 of an sore of land in two stripe or traots, out of the ~. R. pliver Survey No. 128, embraced in the right oY way of new State Higlnray No. 29 between Kerrville M and Ingram, Tezae, for the sum of $69.50 plus $380.50 pr op~ty demage^ allowed by the Court, Bald total sum oP $450.00 to be paid by the County Clerk nyto ea Sd W. C. Marshall by Co.~ Treas. warrant drawn agai net the Kerr County Lateral Road Fund upon ezeoution and delivery by said Marshall of proper right of way deed to said two stripe of right of way in favor of the State of Tezae, aceompanied by duly ezeouted release releeairag same from the lien now