and is hereby granted ea prayed for, and that said road be and is hereby established as a tf~, public road of the third clasa:,j~40 feet in width along the route above designated end na nor traveled with ezeeption of slight changes to ba made therein Yor the purpose of atraighten- ing and improving said road when County work is done thereon, such County work t0 be done thereon as soon ea the Commie si oner oP Preoi not No. E has funds available for eu oh purpose, o-O-o-o-o-o-o No. 650, REDUCTION IN WILD CAT BOUNTY. This 15th day of Novmmber, 1932, it is ordered by the Court that the bounty nor being paid by Kerr County on wild cats be and is hereby reduced from $3.00 to $2.50 each, same to be paid out of the Ad Valormm fund upon presentation of proper affidavit as required by the order of this Court recorded in 401. H, page 618, of the Minutes of Chia Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 651, CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGB FOR RIGHT OF WAY FOR HIGHWAY X27 FROM GEO. P. WALKER & W This 15th day of November, 1932, County Judge, Chas. Real ie 8.i rented Dy the Court to proceed with proper condemnation proceedings against Gee, P, Walker and rile, Charlotte T. Walker for the parpoae ~ acquiring the right of way for State Highway No. 27 aarosa their lands ea'now boated end being ed netrveted, o-o-o-o-o-o No. 652, ORDER FINALLY CLOSING THE MATTER OF CANCELLING THE $200,000 KERR COUNTY ROAD BONDS. This 15th dap of November, 1932, it apps grin g to the Court Prom the is tter wrltten by Walter A. %oona, Asst. Attorney General of the State of Tazas, dated Oot. 22, 1932, that County Judge, Chea. Real has Polly complied with the order oL' this Court passed Oct, 10th, 1932, recorded in Vol. I, page 27, of the minutes oP this Court, cenvasaing the Returns and declaring Result of the Election to cancel the unlsaued $200,000.00 of Kerr County Road Bonds; therefore, Zt is ordered by the Court that the performam a of the seta of the County Sedge under acid order be recorded in the minutes of the Court, together with the above mentione8 letter from the Attorney'Genaral~s office, as follara: OFFICES OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL, AIISTIN October 22, 1932. Honorable Chae. Real, County Sedge, Kerr County, Kerrville, Tezea. Doer Sir:- Ra: Kerr County, Tezas Aoad Honda. I have ezamined the transcript of the proceedings, including orders of the CoIDmia- sion~s~ Court, notice of el ac ti on; end the order of the Cmmmiaelonera~ Court cancelling the $200,000 Barr County Road Bonds authariaed at en sleotion held oa Ngvember 15, 1930. This record is in the pro par form and I have aD certified sad transmitted a Dopy to the Comptroller. With kindest personal regards, I mm, WA8-s as - Van H. Howard & Company, Frost National Bank Building, San Antonio, Tazea. Vary truly yaura, WALTER e. KooNs Assistant Attorney Oomral. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 853, COURT'S RECESS. This 15th day of Novmmber, 1938, it is or der ad that the Court take legal reaesa until 9 O~olook A. M., Thursday, Novmmber 17th, 1932, for the purpose of completing business now before the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-a