y-~ No. 654, COURT RECONVENED. In pursuance of recess taken Dy the Ccurt on November 15th, 1932, the Court recona ~ at 9 O'clock, this Novmmber 17th, 1932, with all of its me mbera present and the following proeeadi ngs were had, to-wit: No. 855, ALLOWANCE OF ADDITIONAL CLAIMS AGAI FIST THE COUNPY. This 17th day of November, 1932, cams oa to be ezmmined by the Court additional of and coo wnta filed against %err Con my and its respective Commission tee' Precincts, wh ioh claims end ncoou nts were approved Por payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out of Ili nda as shown by the minutes of eoeen nts al loa ed for Rerr County which are made a pert of this Order. o-o-o-o-o No. 856, PURCHASE OF 1985 5Q. FT. OUT OF LOTS l4 & 15, BLOC% 14 OF 1PESTLAND PLACE ADDITION FROM MRS. H. H. }f$ARY FOR RIGHT OF WAY OF HIGHWAY N0. 27. This 17th day of November, 1932, it is ordered by the Court that Kerr County purchase from Mra. H. H. Parry 1,986 square feet out of Lota 14-15, in BIocK 14, of Weatl en8 Pleoe Additi oa to the City of Karrvi lie, Tezas, embraa ed in the right of way oP new State-Highway No. 27 between %errville and Ingram, Tezas, for the sum of $350.00 including pr op ettp damages flllewsd by the Court. Smme to be paid by the County Clerk by County Treasurer's warrant drawn agai net the Kerr County Lateral Road Fand upon delivery of proper R/W deed to said 1985 square feet of land ezeauted by acid Mrs. Perry in favor of the State of Tezas together with two par till tale eaea relseaing same from the out atandi ng liana thereon. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 857, PURCHASE OF LOT 10, BLOC% 25, WESTLAND PLACE ADDITION FROM FRI T2 RADELEFF FOA RIGHT OF WAY OF r7TATE HIGHWAY N0. 27. This 17th day of Novmmb er, 1932, it Se ordered by the Court that Kerr County purchase from Fritz BadelefP all of Lot No. 10, in Block 25, of Weatl and Place Addition to %errville, Tezas, pert of which lot is embraced in the right of wqy of nee State Rig hasp No. 29 between %errvi lie and Ingram, Texas, for the sum of $475.00. Said Fritz Radeloff shall ezecute tro deeds, one deed to the portion of said lot embraced is the A/7f of said highway in Pavor of the State of Tezas end another deed covering the balanos of said lot in favor of The %err- ville Development and Loan Company and the County Clerk shall deliver unto said Fritz Rade- leff a warrant on the County Treeaur er drawn agai net the Kerr County Lateral Road Fund in said sum of $475.00 upon delivery of said two deeds to him. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 658, PURCHASE OF LOT 15, BLOCS 24, WESTLAND PLACE ADDITION FROM MRS. FRANK MICRON FOR AI GfFP OF WAY OF STATE HIGHWAY X89. This 17th day oY November, 1932, it Ss ordered by the Court that Kerr County put ehaee ` from Mrs. Frank Miohon, individually and as Ezeoutriz under the W111 oP Frank Mi chon, deed., all of Lot No. 14, in Hlook No. 24, of Westland Place Addition to %errv it le, Tezas, part of which lot 1s embraced in the right of way oP new State Highway No. 27 between Kerrville and Ingram, Tszea, Por the sum of $265.00. Said Mrs. Frank Miehon shall ezecute two deeds, one deed to the portion oP said lot embraced in the A/W of said highway in favor oP the State of Tezas and snot her deed covering the balance of said lot in Yavor of The Kerrville Development and Loan Company and the County Clerk ah all deliver unto said Mra. Frank 161 chon s warrant oa the County Treasurer drams agai net the Karr Oounty Lateral Road Fund in said sum of $285,00 upon delivery of said two deeds to him. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o