54 N0. 682, APPROVAL OF COUNTi' CLER%+S QUARTERLY TABUL4R STATEMESIT OF Kf~iR COLTNPY. This 12th day of December, 1932, came on to be examined by the Court the Tabular Statement for Quarter ending Oct. 31st, 1932, filed by County Clerk, John R. Leavell, of the Indebtedness, Expenditures and Receipts of Kerr County, which statement or report appearing correot and in g oper form to the Court, is hereby in all things approved in open Court. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 683, APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLERK+S QUARTERLY REPORT ON FINES, ETC. This 12th day of December, 1932, cmme on to be considered by the Court the Quarterly Report filed by the County Clerk of Fines imposed, Judgments Rendered and Jury Fees Collected in the County Court of Kerr County for quarter ending Oct. 31st, 1932, and it appearing that said report is correot and in pxro per farm, sema ba and is hereby in all things approved by the Caurt. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 684, APPRCYAL OF SdONTHCiE%PENSE REPORTS OF COIINTY CLER%, JNO. R. LEAVELL for Sept-Oct-Nov This 12th day of December, 1932, omme on to be examined by the Court the monthly reports for September, October end November, 1932, filed by the County Clark, covering his actu al and necessary office ezpanses, which reports appearing correot, be and are hereby in all respects accepted and approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 685, Iuoi]THLY REPORTS OF COUNTY 13EALTH IIURSE FOR Sept., Oat., & November, 1932, THIS 12TH DAY OF DECE6SDER, 1932, came on to be heard by the Court the monthly reports Piled by b~iiss Ruth Jane Moore, County Health Nurse covering herwork and activities during the months of September, October and IQOVember, 1932, which reports are hereby accepted by the Court and shall be filed by the County Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 687, ORDER ESTABLISHING COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAYS ACROSS JOHISSOII CREffi AT INGAAM. This 12th dqy of December, 1932, came on to be considered by the Court the appli- cation of John R. Furman, President of the Guaranteed Home Financing Company, a corporation, of Kerrville, Texas, asking the Court to enter an order of record in its minutes designating and establishing the public road rift-of-ways claimed and owned by %err County across Johnson Creek at Ingram, Texas, on the Ingram & Hunt Road, and it appearing to the Court that it will be to the best interest of all concerted that said application be granted. It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that the old rie,~t-of- way across the collapsed concrete bridge on Johnson Creek at Ingram, Tezas, together wl th the right-of-wap or road as now traveled across the concrete slab above said ruined bridge (both rift-of-ways extending up on the highest bank on each side of said Creek), be and are hereby declared, designated end established as the property of Kerr County, conditioned, however, that if and when said bollapaed bridge is replaced by another bridge by Kerr County, tIs present road across the concrete slab or so much thereof as may then be dis- continued, shall revert to and become the property of said Guaranteed Home Financing Company present owner of the creek bottom between said two right of ways, its successors or assigns, without coat or expense to said corporation. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o i .,.,,.,,...: ,k, :~x:.n, _,.,:, ...,.,