S 9 ,702, COUNTY'S APPLICATION FOR LOAN FROM RECONSTRUCTION FINANCE CORPORATION FOR NEIDY. Thie 23rd day of December, 1932, came on to tie Donal dared the relief being offered through Governor Sterling by the Reoonstruo"ti on Finan oe Corporation for people in need and distress as a direct result of unemployment, and it appearing to the Court that Kerr County is in need for such relief or loan to take Care of its needy and distressed people during' the months oP January, February and March, 1933, St is therefore ordered by the Court that the County Judge be end is hereby authorized and directed to apply for a loan from said Reeo nst ruc tion Finance Corp or atioa to cover the estimated amount of relief neoessary for said period. o-o-o-o-o-o-o 703, ORDER AUT!-IORIZING PAY6'fESiT OF DAGLICES ASSESSED MRS. GEORGIA A. PETERS. This 23rd day of December, 1932, it is ordered by the Court that the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to pay unto Mrs. Georgia A. Patera the sum of $ out of the Kerr County Lateral Road Fuad by proper county treasurer's warrant, covering damages allowed by the Spocial Commissioners for the right of way taken and condemned across her land for State Highway No. 27 in Cause No. 102, State of Tesas Vs Georgia A. Patera in the County Court, said warrant for $500.00 not to be delivered unto her until she has removed all obatructioas now upon the strip of right of way condemned. o-o-o-o-o-o-o ' The foregoing mi nutea on pages 57-58-59 hereof, were read in open Court and found correct, end are hereby in all reap ec is approved by the Court, this the 23rd day of ~ December, A. D. 1932, Attest: ounty Clerk By eputy. Dun y ge ' 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 The State of Tesas, County of Kerr. BE IT ItF~![F,M.BERED, that on this 31st day of December, A. D, 1932, there wan begun and holden a Sp aoi al term of the Commisai Deere' Court of Eerr County, Tozas, at the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Tezaa, offio era present: Chas. Real, County Judge, F. A. Karger, Commisai Deer, preci nat No. 1, J. A. Peril, Commissioner, Preainot No. 4, A. F. Moore, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court haul ng been regularly opened, the following proaeedi ngs were had, Lo-wit: ,j704, i"6Yt.'iL:T OF PURCHASE PRICE APID DAMAGES TO PINK LEE FOR R/W FOR HIGHWAY N0. 27. This 31st day of December, 1932, came on to be ezamined by the Court the sworn account filed by Pink Lee in amount of $95.00 covering the purohase price of .13 of an acre out of Sur. 129, F. Trevi ao in Ingram, Tesas, used for right of way of State ?Iighway No. 27 including damages, which account is hereby e.llowed and shall be paid by the County Clerk by Co. Treasurer's warrant drawh against the Eerr County Lateral Road Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-a j/705, ~IJRCHASE OF Sf.7AT.L STRIP OF RI GIIT OF WAY FROM EARL MCNEALY FOR HIGRWAY N0. 27. This 31st day of December, 1932, came on to be ezaminad by the Court the sworn account filed by i:arl McNealy in amount of $18.00 covering the puroheae price oP a small strip oP land taken for the right of way of State Highway No. 27 through Ingram, which olaim is hereby allowed and shall be paid by the County Clerk by County Treasurer's warrant drawn against the Kerr County Lateral Raed Fund.