G ~ s of $10.00 as temyorary relief, cams to bsryti her upon demand by proper vouoher drawn _ p against tke ~d valorem hind. F o-o-o-o-o-e-o-o ~!~ No. 433, ~YlA'OAARY RELIEF FOR PHIL BIINi1TC%. Thin 11th day of January, 1932, camp on to be oonai dared the condition of Phil ~! Bundiok, end it appearing to the OourL that he is in dire need of easietenoe, he be and ie h hereby allowed the sum of $10.00 out of the Ad Valorem fund to be paid unto him in grooeries, milk sad other neoe aei ties of life during the month of Jamulry, 193E. G o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o I'. i N0. 434, TEMP.OBARY RELIEF FOR tBiB. ADA Fffi.LOWS. ~. ~ This 11th day aP deanery, 1932, it appearing to the Court that Ada Fallowa hen no mesas of support and is physio el ly unable to do nay work, and that Mrs. Joe Sterling I who has been boarding end taking ogre of Mrs. Fellos• lately is entitled to the sum of II $18.00 Dover ing the two weeks period ending January 10th, 1938. ~! Zt is therefore ordered by the Court that Kerr County pay said olaim of $18.00 ~~'~ out of its Ad valorem land affi the Clerk is hereby authorised sad direo tad to issue and u deliver oats Mrs. Joe Sterling proper vouoher to eover. o-o-o-o-v-o-o-o I~~ No. 435. REFUSIDING OF LI CENSR PEES O& DEMOLIBI~D OR DESTROYED MOTOR VEHICHLES. This 11th day of January, 1938, it appearing to the Court that Senate Bill No. 38 peased by the 4Ead Legislature, amending 3eetioa 3-A, 6haptar B8, Aote of the 2nd Called ill Session of the 41st Legislature, by adding Seetlon 3-B end Ssotioa C-1, prwidea for the ICI payment by the County Clerk by proper vouohera drawn against the Road d; Bridge fund of f !'. all oredit memorandums issued by the Oounty Taz Collector for refunds oa license fees i is on motor vehicles whioa have been demolished or destroyed. It is therefore ordered and decreed by the Court that td~e County Clark of %err County bs and Se hereby authorized end di raoted to issue and deliver unto J. T. Moore, County Tez Colleotor, upon presentatl on of say suoh oradit memorandum or memorandums, proper warrant or warrants dra*n upon the County treasury to cover the amount of such ore dit momorsadum or memorandums. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 436. APPROVAL OF REPORT AND FEES OF JCSTICE OF THE PEACE OP PRECINCT N0. 1. Thin 11th day of Tanury, 1938, name on to be eonai dared by the Court Lhe report of E. H. Turner, Juatioe of the Peaoe of Preoinct No. 1 of %err County, for the month of Deosaber, 1931, of criminal oases riled, fines, judgment sad jury Ease oolleoted, totaling $185.65, entitling him to $111.00, in fees, and it appearing to the Court that said report Sa true and oorreot, sums 19 hsrsby appr wed, sad the County Clark Ss di raoted to pay said $111.00 in twe warrants oa the County Treasury, one for $96.07 out oP the Ad Valorem fund and the other for $15.93 against the Road C Bridgs Fund. wo-e-o-o-o-o-o No. 487, APPROVAL OF REPORT d1dD FE6.9 OF JII$TICE OF THE PEACE OF PRECINCT NO. 8. This 11th bey of January, 1938, Dams oa to be oonai dared by the 6ourt the report of ^. %. Cowden, Juetioe of the Peaoe of Preoinet Ro. ~, of %err County, for the period ending Oet. 1st, 1931, of oriminal eases flied, P1nas, judgneat~ and jury fees aollaoted, totaling $9.70, entitling him to $9.00 In fees, and it appearing to the Court that said report is true and oorreot, aems is hereby approved, and the County Clerk is di raoted to pay acid $9.00 in two warra~a on tho County Treasurer, one for $7.42 agai ast Adv. Fund and +1.. ..4.hnn fn.. 31 _5A waein~t the Rofld & Bridge tnnd. -