G Z s of 10.00 as to ra reli ei sems to be~So her u on demand b $ mp0 ry , 1 p y proper vouoher dram ~ against 3he..Ad Valorem fend. o-o-o-o-o-e-o-o „ No. 433, 9' ilOAARY REL28F FOR PHIL BUNIiICK. This 11th day of January, 1932, came on to be oonsi dared the condition of Phil Bundiok, end it appearing to She Court that he is is dire need of asaietanoe, he be end ie hereby ellewed the sum of $10.00 out of the Ad Vel orem fund to be paid unto him in grooeriea, milk affi other neoe sai ties of life durin8 the month of Jaontary, 193E. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 434, TEMPORARY RELI BF FOR MRS. ADA Fffi.LOWS. This 11th day of dennary, 1932, it appearing to the Court that Ada Fellows hen ao means of support and is physical ly unable to do any work, and that Mrs. Joe Sterling who hen been boarding and taking ogre of Mre. Fellow lately is entitled to the sum of $16.00 Dover ing the two reeks period ending January 10th, 1938. Zt is therefore ordered by Lhe Court that Karr Ceaaty pay said olaim of $18.00 'i: out of its Ad Vel orem fund and the Clerk Ss hereby authorised and direoted to is sue and '~~ deliver oats Mrs. Joe Sterling proper you abet to sever. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o f No. 435. AEFU4IDING OF LICENSE PEffi ON DEMOLISIiBD OR DESTROYED MOTOR VEHICHLES. This 11th daq of January, 1938, it appearing to the Court that Senate Bill No. 38 i psased by the 48nd Legislature, mmeadiag See ti on 3-A, Chapter 88, Aota of She ffid Called Session of the 41st Legislator a, Dy adding Seeti on S-B and Seotion C-1, provides for the !I payment by the County Clerk by proper vouohera dram against the Road do Hri dge fund of !'. ell credit memorandums issued by the County TeZ Colleator for refunds on lioense fees ~~; on motor vehicles whlah have been demolished or destroyed. It is therefore ordered and dsereed by the Court that the County Clerk of Kerr Covnty be and Se hereby authorized and di rooted to issue and deliver unto J. T. Moore, County Tar Colleator, upon presentation of say nosh oredit msmorsadnm or memorandums, proper warrant or warrants dram upon the County treasury to cover the amount of such oredit memorandum or memorandums. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 486. APPROVAL OP REPORT AND FEffi OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OF PRECINCT N0. 1. This 11th day of Jaoouary, 1938, ammo oa to Do eonai dared by the Court the repeat of S. H. Tamer, duatl ae of the Peaoe of Preoinct No. 1 of Kerr County, for the month of Deosmber, 1931, of criminal oases riled, fines, ~udgmeat sad fury fees oolleo tad, totaling $133.Sb, entitling him to $111.00, in fees, and it appearing to tlv Court that said report is true and aorreot, same is hereby approved, sad the County Clerk is 8l reefed to pay said $111.00 in two warrants on the County Treasury, one for $95.07 out of the Ad Valorem fund sad the other for $15,93 against the Road d, Bridge Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 437, APPROVAL OF REPORT AND FEES OF JUSTIOB OF THE PFdCE OF PRECINCT N0. 8. This 11th day of January, 1938, Dame on to be oonai dared by the Oourt the report of W. K. Cowden, Jus tioe of the Peeae of Preainet No. ~, of Kerr County, for the period ending Oat. let, 1931, of oriminal eases filed, fines, judgment, and Ivry fees oolleoted, totaling $9.70, entitling him to $9.00 in fees, and St appearing to tho Court that said report Se true an8 aorreo t, aeons is hereby approved, end the County Clerk is di rooted to pay acid $9.00 in two warrants on tho County Treasurer, one for $7.42 against Adv. Fund sad the other for $1.58 saei net the Road & Brldae fund.