T~ sTATS of TEAS, !'. COIINTY 6F %ERA. ~ BE IT RF~ERED, that on_thia 18th day of January, 1932, there ~'~I was begun and holden a Speoial term of the Co~rmiasionera' Court of Earr County, Taaas, at the Court House thereof, is the town of %errville, Texas, oftieera preaeat: '~ Cffis. Reel, - - - - - County Budge, F. !,. Barger, - - - - 6om~ieaioner, Preoinet No, 1, Virgil Stosms, - - - Cometisaioner, Preoinot No. 2, ~i lit, Barger, - - - - Comaiasioasr, preoln et No, 3, ~~. J. A. Peril, - - - - ComYlsaloner, Prooinot No, ~, A. F. Moore, Sheriff and Jno, R. Lenvell, Gounty Olerk, and the Court having been regularly ~'~ i opened, the f ollowing proeeedinga wars had, to-wit: No. 440, PROTEST AGAINST CLOS]NG OLD GYPRSSS QREE% ROAD IN FRONT OF WM. BARGER'S HOUSE. This 18th day oP Janue7Ey, 193E, oane on to be oonaidered the protest of Masers. Albert Sohe llheae and Henry Lieh agai not the closing of the pieoe of the Oypre as Creek d Road along the residence of Commisaloner Wm. %argar to be abandoned when new pieoe of I~, said road has been completed and opened for travel, whioh protest wsa re~eotad by the Court and acid old road shall De elo aed when nev road ha• been opeaed sa plannod, with I eaoeption that protesta~e wish the permission given them by Comr. Wm, %arger 1n open oourt,~; ', shall have the right to oonetruot steps over the fenoea that may be seated aorosa the ends of said pieae of abandoned road, for the convenienoe of their sohool children and othor sohool children living on the Fredarlakaburg Road, and any and all of said ahildryn I,~ ere hereby authorized to pass over end through said eneloaure along the route of said piece of abandoned old road, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 441, LETTING OF C ~ITRACT ON CONSfRIICTION OF MAGNOLIA. TAN% PIERS AT CENTER POINT. This 18th day of January, 1932, came oa to Ds epened and, tabulate8 the bide received for the oonatruotlon of the oonorete piers for the Magnolia Petroleum Company's tank, nezt to State Highway No. 29 at Center Poini, ea follows: 1. Mo8lroy & Sikes, 238.50, 2. Harrison Posey, 20.00, ~ 3, o. C. Newberrg, 30.00, 4. Claude Wellborn, 185.00, 5. W. W. Moarce, 235,00, 6. C. S. Asher, 216.00. And it appearing to the Court that the bid of Claude Wellborn et ~18b.00 oovering I'~ all labor and materiel to ba used in the ereotioa of said pieta acoording to plena and ~~~ spe eifioations, is the lowest and beat bid offered, •ama la hereby taoeptad by the Court ~I~ and said Claude Wellborn is hereby directed to make bond in I the sum of X370.00 guaranteeing i~ i unt o %err County hie failtul performance of said aontraet. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 442,. FI%ING TABABLE VALUE OF SHEEP AI~-1 COATS FOR 1932. This 18th Bey of January, 1932, it is ordered by the Court that the tazable value ~ of sheep for the year, 193E be end Sa hereby iize8 at $2.00 '~, par head, and the tazable value ~ of goats for said gear ba and is hereby fized at X1.50 per head, and the County Tax Asaesaor is hereby direoted to assess same at said values. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 443, CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS. This 18th dr{q of January, 1932, came on to be ezemined and audited by the Court the various al aims and ~eacunta filed against %err County and its respeotivo Commisaioners Preoinats since last term of this Court, ell of adrioh elaima and eooounta ware 8pproved for ~~