THE 3~PdT8 OF TE7CA3, COIIN17 OF %E[tR. BE IT REMEG~EAED, that oa.thie 18th day of January, 193E, there i~ wen begun end holden a Speaisl term of the Commissioners' Court of Berr County, Tezns, at the Court House thereof, in the town of %errville, Tazae, of Pieers present: '~ Cffie. Ae al, - - - - - County Judgo, F. A. Barger, - - - - Oo~iaeloner, Preoinet No. 1, ~'~ Virgil Stomas, - - -. Comaissioner, Preoinot No. 2, ~~~~, 1~. %arger, - - - - Comaiaaioner, Preain of Ao, 3, ~,~, J. 6. Peril, - - - - Oom•isaioner, Preoinat Ro. 4, A. F. Moore, Sheriff and Jno. R. Lenvell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly '~ opened, the f of lowing pros endings wars had, to-wit: ~~ No. 440, PROTEST AGAINST CLOSING OLA C7CPR6$3 CREE% ROAD IN FRONT OF WM. BAAGER'S HOUSE. Thin 18th day of January, 193E, omme on to be oonaiderad the protest of Messrs. ~~ Albert Sohe llhase and Henry Lioh agai net the elosi ng of the piece of the Cyprs se Creak ~ Road along the reaidance of Commissioner Wm. Barger to be abandoned when new pieoa of ~'~ said road has been complstad and opened for travel, whioh protest was re~eotad by the Court and said old road shall De of owed when new road hsa been opened ea planned, with ezoaption that protestaffia with the permission given them by Comr. Wm. %arger in open oourt, shall have the right to oonatruot steps over the fenoea that may be a•eatad eorosa the ends of said piece of abandoned road, Por the conve nieaoe of their aohool children end oth em aohool children living on the Fredarlokaburg Road, and any and all of said ahilflren are hereby authorized to peas over and thrwgh acid enaloaure along the route of said piece of abandoned old road, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 441, LETTING OF CODITAACT ON CONSTRIICTION OF MAGNOLIA TANG PIERS AT CENTER POINT. Thin 18th day of January, 1932, emme on to De opened sad tabulated the bide received for the oonatruction of the aonorete piers for the Magnolia Petroleum Company's tank, nezt to State Higlsray No. 27 at Center Point, sa follows; :i 1. MoElroy & Sikes, 236.50, 2, Harrison Posey, 20.00, 3. 0. C. Newberry, 30.00, is 4. Claude Wellborn, 185.00, 5. W. W. Moore, E35.00, 6. C. S. Archer, E16.00. And it appearing to the Court that the bid of Claude Wellborn of $18b.00 oovering '~. all labor and materiel to be used in the ereotion of said piers according to plane and apecifiaationa, is the lowest and beat bid offered, same is heret!y soaepted by the Court and said Claude Wellborn is hereby direoted to make bond in the sum of $370.00 guaranteeing unto %err County his failful performance of said aontraot. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 442:. FI%ING TAEABLE VALUE OF SHEEP APIII GOATB FOR 1932. This 18th dqy of January, 193E, it is ordered Dy the Court that the tazable value of sheep for the year, 1932 be and is hereby fized at $2.00 per head, and the tazable value of goats for said pear be and le hereby fized at $1.50 per head, and the County Taz Asaesaor;ll, is hereby directed to sssass acme at said values. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 443, CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS. ~~i This 18th dqy of January, 1932, came on to be ezemined and au di tad by the Court the various al aims and seacunta filed against Berr County and its rsspeotive Commissioners '~'i Preoinots since last term of this Court, all of ~lah al aims and sooounte ware approved for !~~~ ~z