of said Adolf Stieler, and the r~ai ning one-half amounting to $370.50 to be paid unto said Ado1P Stieler upon proper evidanae oP the oompletion of said 2,6 miles of fending, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 447, APPROVAL OF REPORT AND FEES OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OF PRECINCT N0, 1. This 8th day oP February, 1932, came on to be considered by the Court the report of~! E, H. Turner, Justice of the Peace of Preoinat No. 1 of Berr County, for the month of January, 1932, of criminal cases filed, Pines, judgment and fury fees colleoted, totaling $81.85, entitling him to $72,00 in Pees, and it appearing to the Court that said report is true affi correct, same is hereby approved, and the County Clerk is direoted to pay said $72.00 in ~;~I two warrants on the County Treasurer, one Por $15.75 against the Road & Bridge Fund and the ~~~I other for $56,25 against the Ad Valorem Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 448, APPROVAL OF REPORT AND FEES CF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE CF PRECINCT N0. 4. This 8th day of February, 1932, came on to be considered by the Court the report of Ed Smith, Justice oP the Peace of Precinct No. 4 of Kerr County, Por the month of Tanuary, 1932, of criminal asses riled, Pines, judgment and fury fees colleoted, totaling $10.00, entitling him to $9.00 in fees, and it appearing to the Court that said report is true and correot, same is hereby approved, and the County Clerk is directed to pay said ~V, $9.00 Sn two warrants on the County Treasurer, one for $1.80 against the Road and Bridge Fund end the other Por $7.20 against the Ad Valorem Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~i No. 449, APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORTS OF OFFICE E%PENSE OF COUNTY ATTORNEY. This 8th day of February, 1932, dams on to be ezamin ed the monthly reports oo ve rin~~~., I, office expenses oP County Attorney, W. D. C. donor for months of Ootober, 1931 to January, 1932, inclusive, Pi led by said County Attorney in due time, which reports and each of them are hereby approved by the Court. , o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 450, APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORTS OF OFFICE ESPENSE OF COUNTY CLERK. This 8th day of February, 1932, Dame on to ba ezamined by the Court the monthly '~i ~'i!, reports oP office ezpensea of County Clerk, duo. R. Leavell, for the months of Ootober, 1931 to January, 193E, inclusive, each of which reports were Yiled in due timo, whioh ,~ reports and each of them is hereby approved by the Court. ', o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 451, DECE6dBER ADTD JANUARY REPORTS OF COUNIR HEALTH NCRSE. This 8th day of February, 193E, cams on to be ezaminsd the monthly reports of Miss Ruth Jane Moore, County Health Nurse Por the months of Deasmber, 1931 and January, ~, 1932, both of which reports are hereby approved and ordered filed by the County Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 462, TEt~ORARY RELIEF FOR CITIZENS IN FINANCIAL DISTRESS. ' This 8th day of February, 1932, it is ordered Dy the Court that eaoh of the following named parties be and is hereby el to wad the sum of money out of the Ad Valorem fund of Karr County, sat opposite hie or her Hama, for eaoh month as designated, to-wit: ~' Mrs. A. J. Reynolds, sum of $25.00 per month for months of February, Maroh and April, 1932, '~ payable each month in two equal payments of $12.50 eaoh. J. B. Clement, sum of $8.00 per month for each of said three months. '', Jim Tuttle, sum of $4.00 per month for each of said three months. ~ ', C. W, and $tta Moody $11.00 for February, $14.00 for Mar oh and $14.00 Por April. Mrs. W. M. Smith, $10.00 for eaoh of said three months, payable to Aoy %ey. ' ~!e I Dr. Wm. Lee Seoor, $4,00 per month fcm eaoh of said three months oovering Moody house rent. Tohn. R. Furman, $10.00 per month for esah of said 3 months, covering Price family house rent, beginning den. 8th end ending April 8th, 1932. G 3/ Emma Bundlck, $10.00 per month for each of said 3 months, payable on 15th of each month. Phil Bundi ck, $4.40 for February, $10.00 for Meroh an6 $10.00 for April. Saeper Bunnioutt, $8.00 per month for eaoh aG said three months, payable to Virgil Beaver. finch of said al loannass to be paid by proper warrant issued by the ~Couaty Clark in favor of person named above, on or after its maturity Bats. o-o-o-o-o..o-o N0. 453. APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION OFFI CBRS. Eleo Lion Offioera were appointed Dy the Carrt, this 8th day of February, 1932, ea shows on pages 107 to 109, ins lusive, in Vol. 1, Record of Elects oa Jlidgea of Serr County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 454, E%ECCTI ON OF CONTRACT FOR CONSTRIICTION OF MAGNOLIA PEfROLEOM'COMPANY'S CONCRBTfi TANS PIERS AT CENTER POINT. This 8th day of February, 1932, Dame oa to be reoonsi dared the making of bond by Claude Wellborn oovering the Tai thful perfoiwa nos of hie oontraot for the Dons truotl on of the oonorete oil tank pieta for Magnolia Petroleum Company at Center Point, Pe~ae, and it appearing to the Court that due to the feet that ,said eontraotor shall reoeive no part of the oontraot pride for said projeot until the oompietad piers are aaoep tad by the Magnolia Petroleum Company, no bond is neoeasary, therefore the making of eaoh bond as heretofore required by the Court, is hereby waived, and the oontraot entered into by the County Tudge and said aontraet^`oovering said pro ~eot Sa hereby eooep tad and oonfirmed by the Court, and the County Clerk is hereby di rooted to reoord name ih the minutes of the Court, sa follows: "State of Tezas, County of Serr. Yhia agraeme nt made and entered into by and between Serr County, floting herein by and through its County Ju~a, thereunto duly authorized, sad Claude iell- born of Center Point, Tezas, witneasath:- That for sad in Dona ideration of the sum of One Hundred and Eighty-five Dollars ($185.00) to be paid by Serr County unto Claude iellborn sa hares natter net forth, said Claude Wellborn hereby agrees and bi nda himself, Dia hel rs and assigns, to furnish at hie ova cost end ezpense, all necessary mated ale sad labor and thereKth to ooaatruot within flirty (30) working days, certain ooasrete oil tank playa upon the property owned by Magnolia Petroleum Company adjoining State HigDway No. 27 near the Railroad Depot at Center Point, Tezas, said piers to be Dona trusted strictly in acoordanoe with the plans and apeci- fieatioae agreed upon arrl made a part of this oontraot. IIpon completion of said piers end the eoaeptanoe thereof by said Magnolia Petroleum Company, Serr County shall promptly pay unto said Claude iel lbora said full oontraot pride of $185.00 in Lash. WI TiBSS our, hands in duplieata, this the E7 day of January, A. D. 1932. Virgil St arms Witness: Comr. Preot. ~2 of Serr County, Tama. Piled FeD. 8, 1932. Jno. R. Laavel 1, Co. Clerk By i, A. LoohtŪ, Dsp." Serr County, By Che a. Beal, County Judge. Claude Wellborn o-o-o-a-e-ego