G 3T ~ Tur mr, Tuati ce of the Paeoe of Precinct No. 1 of Kerr County, which reduction is hereby aca ep tad by the Court, and each monthly eaoount of said Justice's trial fees shall according ly be reduced 10~, PPP o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o and ieea ten per Dent far the remainder of 1932. o-o-o..o-o-o-o Ro. 464, APPROVAL OF OOIIN1'Y TREASURER'S QUARTE$LY RHPORT. This 9th day of Feblvary, 1932, owe oa to be eznmiaed and audi tefl the Quarterly report of A, B. Williamson, County Traaaurer of Kerr County, oovering receipts and disburee- mania for gyarter ending January 91 at, 1982, wh1eD report having Dees found aorreot waa approved end ordered reao riled or filed 1i the Minutes of County Fina noes of Kerr County. All retired bonds and int~oet ooupona insludad-~aad-fL3~ed with said report rers destroyed by the Court Dy Darning. o-o-o-o-o-o p No. 463, REQUEST FOR 10,$ REDIICTI ON IN THE COUNPY COMutI S5IONS nND FEES ,OF SJ7C COLR. MOORE. pi Whereas, all other County Officers have had their salaries or aommi as ions reduoed F 10$ for the remainder of 1932, beginning Feb. let, 1932; sad Whereas, the matter of Kerr County obtaining a 10~ reduoti oa Sn the County commis- ryI' aiona of J. T. Moore, Taz Collector of Kerr County Den not be taken up by the Court at this p time owi~ to Mr. Moore's absence from hie offioe; IP€ THEREFD R6, after ~a eonai deratlon of the matter bg Colleotor Moore, it ie hoped ,~ and eapaoted by the Court that said Collector will voluntarlly riduos his County oonmiasi one No, 466, TAANSFBR OF INTEREST ON DAILY BALANCES FOR 1931 TO R. & B. FUNDS OF PAE CINCTS 1 k 3. Thin 9th dtLV of FeDruar y, 1932, it appearing to the Cwrt that Precincts Nos. 1 and 3 are entltled to a credit to their R. & B. Panda ea interest on daily balances by reason of having oo nai derable amounts of money 1n the R. k B. fund of Kerr County throughout 1931, it is therefore ordered that the County Clerk transfer and credit to the R. & B. fund of Praoi net No. 1 the sum of $140.00 and unto the R. k H, land of Preoinot No, 3 the anm of $240.00, shish sums of mommy are accepted by Commdasionera, F. A. Karger and Wm. Karger in full settlement of their olaima for such interest. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 46d. APPORTIONMENT OF $13,000.00 ROAD & BRIDG$ FUNDS. Thin 9th dap of February, 193E, it is ordered by the Court that $13,000.00 unappor- tioned money in the R. & B. Fund of Kerr County be apportioned among the four C®mis el Duets ~Preai note of Kerr County, ea follo wB: i 48~ unto A. a B. Fund of Preoinbt No. 1, $5,305.00, 11~ unto R. & B. Fund of Preoin~t No, 2, $1,430.00, A O9~L unto R. k B. Fund of Preoinot No. 3, $1.170.00, 31~ unto R. & B. Fund of Preoinot No. 4, $4,095.00. And the County Clerk is authorized and dl rooted t• aredlt eaoh of said precincts with ' ~ amount apportioned to it herein. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o r- ~ No. 467, TRANSFER OP $4,000,00 FROM R. & B. IVTID TO R. 4. B. AFSrODIDING WARRANT SINKING F[7IID. This 9th day of February, 1982, it Is ordered by the Court that th• County Treasurer ani County Clerk transfer the sum of $2425.00 from A, tc H. Fund of Praainot No. 1 and $1575. from R. k B. Fund oY Preoi net No. 4, to the R. 8 B. Refunding Warrant Sinking Fund, same to take Dare of the warrants and inters at maturing dtaCi ng year, 193E.