~O 3 ~ Ao. 471, DISF08ITIOP~OF iNiffiiE3T ON RAILY BALAACSS IN ADV., R. k B., JDRY 8: PERM, IMP. FON Thin 14th day of Meroh, 1938, it is orders d,by the Court that the County Treasurer f-' ~I hereafter place one-half or 50~ oY'the aggregate iatarest received by him from the depoaiL on-the Ad Valorem, Hoad~affi Bridge, Jury end Permanent Improvement funds, to the credit of the 6d Valorem fend, and he shall plane the other halt or 50~ of said aggregate interest reoei vsd Dy him on said Pour funds, to the~eredit of the Head nad Bridge fund. o-o-e-o-a-o-o-e No. 472, TRAISFER FROM R. D. ~3 9INSIN6 FOND TO R. D. ~3 AVAILIBI.E HfJfID. ~- This 14th day oT March, 1952, the County Treasurer is authorised sad di xeeted to transfer the erne of Thirty-five Dollars (35.00) frrom the Sinking Fuffi of Ho ad District No. 3 to the Available Fund o! said Head Diatri ct Ao, 3. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 473, CL9IDH5 AND 6000UNPS. This 14th flay of Maroh, 1938, same on to be •mminsd~and auditefl Dy the Court, the varioas el elms and aooounts filed ages net %err Couaty and its reepeativo Cc~isaionere Preoinota sines last term of Lhe Court, ell of -hioh si elm sad aoeenats were apyr cued for payment by the Couaty Clerk in amoants and out et reapeotive funds as shown is Vol. No. 8, pages 196 b E00 inslusive, of the miautea ~ acoounLS alloyed of Eerr Couaty, Tezas, rhioh are vmde a part of thle order. o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o No. 494, REFiJbID OF PENALTY AND INPERSST TO TAZ COLLECTOR TO BE PAID BAC% TO TAZ PAYERS. This 14th day of Marsh, 193E, it appearing to She. Court that J. R. Moore, 4az Collee- for aolleoted from some thirty taz payers nn8 turned over to the Couaty Treasurer, during the~mon the of 3eptmbew, Oots bar and No veaDOr, 1931, penalty and Sntersat in the aggregate sam of g39,ed, and it further appearing to the Court that such ps nalty sad in tern st bgeiher wl th the penalty and inters B< co lleoted for the Stab of Tema, meat .,, I be reiuade8 and paid Daek to said taz payers under a new law, it io therefore ordered by the Court thaS the Couaty Clerk issue and del leer unto •a1d taz Collaotor a voucher drawn against Lha Ad Valorem fund in the anm of X39.88 to oover penalty affi interest illegally reoei vei Dy Kerr County. o-e-o-v-o-o• ( No. 495. PERMISSION TO TABS LAY-OFF FROM OOHNTY HEALTH NtR2SE'3 WOA%. This 14th day of March, 1932, name on to be oonaidsre6 the applioatioa of M1 sa Ruth Jane _ I Moore, County Ae elth Nurse, coking for permission to isy off Pram her work in %err County Y for n period of 2'} months beginning June 15th, 195E and ending Aug. 31, 193E, without pay, in order to attend nu~er sohoil, and it appearing to flu Court that Miaa Moore'e aez'-isea oan be spared by %err County during said Lerm, her applioatioa is therefore granted by the Court and she shall be authorised to take suoh leave of abssaee :wi thout pay. O-O-O-Me-6-6 No. 474, FIR92 ADVANCE OF X500.00 TO TAE GOIIRfY TAS ABBESSOA ON AIS 193E COMMISSIONS. This 14th day of Marsh, 1932, W. G. Petereoa'e application fora X300.00 edvanoa oa hie 1931 Gouaty TaZ Assessor's eommieaioa was considered sad graII tsd by the Court, and r ~ the County Clerk ie hsreDy authors sal and dirested to pay said ~.i°00.00 oats said W. G. Peterson 1n three warrants on the County Treasurer for =100.00 eaoh, out of the Ad Valorem Bond and Bridge, and Courthouse & Jail 9lnkiag Funds, respectively. o-o-o-o-o-o-e-o-o