f G37 Eerr County for gnartar ending January 31st, 1932, Rhiah report having been found oorreet is hereby approved by the Court. o-O-O-o-o-O-O No. 484, COIINTY CLERK'S APJNUAL REPORT OF COUNTY FI rIANCES. This 14th day oP March, 1932, came on to be considered the annual report of the County's fins des filed by the Carnty Clerk for the year, 1931, and it appearing to the Court that same is correot in all re spa ote soma is hereby approved, sad the Court is of the opi nloa that the ezpease of publlshing alma should be saved by the County, o-o+o-o-o..o No. 485, ANN[TAL AEPOATS FOR 1931 oover ih& fees and aompeneatioa oharged and deduo ti one ali This 14th day of 4Earoh, 1932, came on to be coral doted the annual reports riled by the hereinafter named officers covering their feel and eompensat ion ch aged, eolleoted sad uncolleatad, affi dedue ti one of aimed by said offiaera for deputy hire affi oth ar office ezpense s, fer.year eadi hg Deo, 31st, 1931, ria: , Charles Reel, County Judge, Jno. H. Leavell, 0ounty Clerk, F. D. C. Joaae, County Attorasy, ^. G. Peterson, County Tez laseeeor, E. A. Turner, JusEioe of the Peaoe of Preoi act No. 1, Jeff Duno ea, Constable of Pteoi not No, 1, R. %. Cowden, Justine of the Pelee of Precinct No. 2, Levi Surber, ConatabU of Preoihot No. 2. And'it appearing to -the Carrt that each and all of said reports are made according to law affi the oont ants thereof are oorreot, same and eaoh of said reports are hereby approved Dy the Court, to be kept Dp the County C1arkla the proper file^ of hie ofPiee. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Colleot~'a Number 11 CERTIFICATE OF CAN~LLATION Camp troller's Number The State of Tezea, County of $err. ~ Abates e, for the year 1924 the folloring real eat eta wsa report delinquent to the State for Lazes, and it app erring to the satisfae ti on of the Cole sinners Court of Berr Carnty, that the delinquenoy of said laffi wne erroneous Por the raeeoas hereinafter given. Reported Delinquent is '- name of G. A. Burkett Lota 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, d, T, 8, 14, 15 & 18, Blook 6, Aalker lddltion is Center Point. Reason Por cancellation: DoubU_aesesaed see Farm B, page 87, line 1S in name of F. E. and Fannie Ahite. It is the rePOre orders d, adjudged and dsareed, that the delinquency oP the above r deaoribed land to the State ~ Teas and Oarnty of Ssrr wee erroneous and should be oea- eelled an6 the Comptroller of Pub11o Aooounts notified of the m tins of said Commisaioners Court, held at %errvil lo, Teas, this the 14 day of Moh., 1932, and said as tins being nuthorised by lrti nle 5199 Reviled Stntutea, data 1895. Attest: (sigaea) (comr, ct. seal) (signal) Chas. Real Jno. R. Leavell, County C1erY. County Judge o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Col lector's Nib er 12. THE STATE OF TEZAS,(~ COCNlY OF SERA. CERTIFICATE OF CANCE II,ATION Comptroller's Number AHEREAS, for the year 1929 th e'fo110xing real estate was reported delinquent to the State for tAZea, and it appearing to 'the anti efae Lion of the Coomzissioaere 1. Court of Eerr County, that the delinqueaoy of said land was erroneous for the reasons hereinafter given. Reported Delinquent in name of R. F. Hudman - Lot 15, B1oak 6, 0. P.