9th day oŁ 3iovember, 1903, which order is oP iecora in (ej Book F, pages 213 & 214, P~linutes of Commissioners' Court, &err County, Tezas, to determine whether or not a ma3orSty of the legally qualified resident prop~tp taxpaying voters oP said District desire the ft:aintenance Tax oP and at the rate of (b) Pifty cents heretofore voted in said District Por the 7nirp o.~ oP supplementing the State School Fund apportioned to said District, be diminished from (b) fifty cents to (c) twenty five ceirts on the One Hundred Dollars valua- tion oP ell tQasble property in said District. J. D. CJitt is hereby ap pointod presiding Officer of said election ar.d he she 11 select two Judges and two Clerks to assist him in holding the same, and he shall, within Pive days after said election has been held, make due return thereof to the Commissloners' Court oP this County as is required by law for holding a General ilec ti oa. All persons who are legally qualified voters oP this State and of This County and who are resident property tazpayers in said District, shall be entitled to vote at said election, and all voters who Pavor the proposition to diminish the said Tax shall have written or printed on their ballots, the words: "F03 DIMI NI SHIIIG SCHOOL TA% TO 25 C);NTS^. And those opposed to th the nroposi ti on to diminish the said Tax shn 11 have written or printed on their ballots, the words; ^AGLaINST DIMINISHING SCHOOL TA% TO 25 rE~JTS." The Sheriff oP this County shall give notice oP said el eo ti on by posting three notlces of said election in three public plaoes in said District for three weeks prior to the date of said election. Dated this 8th day of April, A. D. 1932, Cou~~ge, err nun , xas. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 TH8 3TAT8 08 TEXAS, i 1 COIINTY O8 SERH. 0 BE IT REMEQ~IBEHED, that on this 11th day of Ipril, 1932, there was begun and holden a Hegnlar term of the Commieeioaera' Court of Yerr County, Sezae, at the Court Honae thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Tezaa, ofiinsra present: (~ ~ 0 Chas. 23oa1, - - - - - County dodge, h 8. A. Karger, - - _ _ Commissioner, Prsoiaot So. 1, Virgil Storms, - - - - Commissioner, Preoinnt Ho. 2, i Am. Karger, - - - _ _ Commissioner, Preninnt Ho. 3, J. L. Peril, - - - - _ Comaisaionwr, Preoinot So. 4, A. F. Moore, Sheriff and Jno. 8. Laevell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, the following prooeeding• were had, to-wit: Ho. 488, CLAIMS AND ACCODNT3. This 11th day of April, 1932, Dame on to ba examined and aadited by the Court, the various olaima and aooo mte Piled ageinat Yerr County and its reppeotive Commissioners Preo mote ai nos la et term of the Court, all of which olaime end aeoounts were approved for payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out of reapeotive fande ae shown in vol. 6, page 201, et. seq., of the minutes of acoounts allowed of Karr Oonnty, Texsa, which are made a part of this order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o So. 689, CANVASS 08 3ETIIHNS 08 SCHOOL THIISTEE ELECTIOH BELD, April 2nd, 1932. Th1e 11th day of April, 1982, the retarna of the Sohool 9ruatee Elention held in