G `fl ~ the var Soae eahool dietriote of Kerr County, Tszae, oa Saturday, April 2nd, 198E, were ~~ opened and oanvaeeed by the Commiead one re' Court oY Kerr County in regular session, ea r' shown on pages 99 and 100, in Yol. 2, Reoord of Eleo ti on Retarne oP Kerr County, Tezas. I M p o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 490, DA6fAGE9 TO CHAS. APELT ON BOEHNER 80AD IN COMMISSION"aRS' PBECINCT N0. 2. This 11th day of April, 1932, it appearing to the Court that Cha e. dpelt Sa entitled to damages in the sum oY X5.00 Por triangle of land taken Yor approeoh oP the Boerner Boad at State Highway No. 27 in Commiaei onere' Preoinot No, 2 oY Kerr County, and the County Clerk Se hereby authorised and direoted to pay said damages oY ~5. 00 onto said Chas. Apelt by proper warrant drawn against the Kerr County Lateral yo sd Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 491, PAYMENT FOB CO NSTBUCTION OF HIGHWAY TAIL DITCH TO JOE BOHNBBT. This 11th day of April, 1932, it appearing to the Court that dos Bohnert did aon- etruot at hie own labor and saps use the aeoeeeary Leil di toh to highway No. 27 on hie 4 land and that he is entitled to the sum of X30,00 therefor. Ths County Clark is therefore r - ~ authorised and direoted to pay onto said doe Bohnert said sum oY X30.00 out of Lhe Kerr County Lat oral 8oad Fund by proper warrant, in tall peyme nt for the olaim bald s 48ainet Kerr County by reason of digging said Lail ditoh. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o •NO. 492, ALLOWANCE OF SCHOOL TRUSTEE ELECTION PER DIEM. This 11th day of April, 1932, all offiaera holding sohool trustee eleotion da Kerr County on Apr. 'Lnd, 1932, ere allowed a per diem oY X1.00 snob out oY the Ad Yel orem Ynnd, to be paid by the County Clark by proper warrants ieaued in their Savor eooor dangly. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 453, APPROYAL OF $EPORT AND FEES OF BUST ICE OF TBE PEACE OF PBEC INCT N0. ORE. This 11th day oP April, 1932, oame on Lo be non ei dsred Dy the Court the report of E. H. Turner, Juetiae oY the Peaoa oP Preainot No. 1 oY Karr County, Tazaa, Por the month u oP Marah, 1532, oP oriminal eases ailed, Pi ne a, judgment and jury Pees oalleoted, totaling Wtl $46.80, entitling him to x$54.00 lase 10~, $48.60 in Yese, and SL appearing to the Court that said report Sa true and oorreot, same ie hereby approved, and the County Clerk is direoted to pay acid 748.60 in two warrants on the Conaty Treasurer, one Yor $42.04 out oP the Ad Yal orem Pund and the other Por X6.56 out oY the Road & Bridge Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-e Ths State oP Tezae, ~ In the Commieaion era' Court, Kerr County, Terse. County of Ksrr. ~ April Tsrm, A. D, 1932. h In the Matter oY the Appliastion ~ ~ Applla ation Por third Claee Road. oP Herbert L. Crate et al. ~ On this 11th day of Apr11, A. D. 1932, name on to be heard the Applioa tio^ oY C Herbert L. Crate and seven of here, ireeholdera oY Praoinnt No. Four, for a new 8oad Mp beginning at a point in the west line oY lend owned by A. B. Burton, out oY original Survey X133, A. Heineman, between two atreame or ohannels oP the Guadalupe River. Thenae eeat- wardly down with said nhennele, pagsi ng aoroae said Burton Lrsat, or oeaing the Biver on to r and aroasing the lands owned by Jim Dowdy, Louie Grnsnwald and P. S. Griffiths, to aonneat with the present Ingram-Hunt Highway at a point on the GriPYitha' treat, and it appearing to the Court that not tae oY said Applioation has bean given, ea regaired by law; IT I3 THEREFORE ORDERED BY THE COUdT, That M. D. Hendereo n, Hoy Kemp, Sid Peterson, ~~ Will Ward and Henry Dietert, five freeholders oY said Oounty, Da and are he rsby appointed