G 4 3 ~ THg sTATa of Taus, COIINTY OF BffiiR. B% IT Rae®®ffitED, that ea thin 50th dq of Apr11, •. D. 1955, (.' there wu began eat hblden a 8pesia2 tern of the Commiaei oners~ Court of Berr County, Tessa, at the Court House thereof, in the town of %errville, Tessa, offioera present: Chao. Real, - - - - - - County JudB•, F. •, Barger, - - - - - Comaiaaioaer, Preoinot No. 1, Virgil 9toffia, - - - - -Coffis dsaer, Preoinet Ao. S, wm. Barger, - - - - - - Comaitel seer, Preoinet Ao. S, J. A. Feral, - - - - - -Cemmiseioner, Preeinat Ro. 4, A. F. Moors, Sheriff and Tno. R. Leavell, County Clark, and the Court having Deen regularly opened, the following prafeadlaga were had, to-wit: Ro. 499, PIIRCHAS% ~ ADDITI GNAL RIGHT OF wAY FOR ffiGHIfAY R0. S9 FROM CHAS. APSLT. This 20th day of April, 1985, SS is ordered b9 the Court that Berr County purehese from Chae. Ape1L the addltleasl strip K right of way average width about S} feet, talma frn' State Highway Ro. 27, eoroae the home plans ed' acid Apslt, for the sum of $4.04, and the County Clerk is hereby direetsd to issue and deliver ante said Ohae. Ape It a warrant against the Barr County Lateral Hoad Fund for $4.0{ in payment of said estra right of way. o-o-a-e-o-o-o-e Ao. 500, PAYMENT OB 1/2 ~ ADOLF BTIaL%A'8 FffidCING CLAIM ON ffiGHSAY N0. 9 OD'P OF R do H ~.% F This 20th day of April, 1955, it ie ordered Dy the Court that this Court~a order pee sad at the February, '32 term, bs ohanged and emended eo ea to provide for the payment of the unpaid oar-Dalf of the fenoi ng eleim of Adolf Stialar upon c~pl etioa of said fenoe, - - -.e by the County Clerk by proper warrant out of the Rand & Bridge ~5 Fund instead of out of the Fart County Lateral Hoed Fund ea ihenii direeted. o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-e N0. SO1, TRANSFER OF $200.00 FROM R. D. #3 FUND TO SINffiNG FOfID OF ROAD DISTRICT No. S. This 80th day of April, 1952, it is ordered by the Court that the County Treasurer Ds and is hereby nnthoriaei sad direoted t0 trnasfe! the eam of $800.00 from She Available Faad of Boad Distrist No. S to the Si nkiag-Ttad of Road Dietriat No. S, for the purpose of retiring the remaining outatendi xtg Donda against said Road Distrlot No. 3. o-o-o-o-e-o-e-o-e 4 Ro. SOE, PORCHABa OF LNSURAPC% ON OOIIRT HOII9aB JAIL HIIILDING AND CONTENPB FOR 8 YSAA3. This EOth day of April, 1988, o®e oa to be ooneidered by the Court the matter of renewing sad oontinuing of the fire ineuranoe expiring ea the Court House k Jail building on April 80th, 1958, sad it is ardersd Dy the Court that the following fire ineursaoe and tornado sad hail inauranoe be purohesed sad pissed en Baia court Hou es eC Jail Building of Berr Oounty and its oonteata, to-wit: Hire Inataeme Sn the enn of $85,000.00 oa said building for 5 years beginning 4-30- Fire inauranoe in tho stmt of $16.000.00 on the reoorde, fasnlturs, fizturee end sgnip- moat of aeid Duiddirg for period of 5 years beginning Apr. 50, 1985, eaa Tornado and Hail inem~snae in the sum d $10,000.00 en aeid building for a period of I 5 years bagi~iag thi• date, Ala. 80, 1952. Said Smutanoea to be divided among and ptaeheaed from the following ageneee, vie: $6000.00 of fire inaurame on said building, from J. w. Oarpentas for sum of $35.30, Fr9m Aeal k Brooke, Burton, 111111amaon t Gibson, Garrett Inatasme Agenoy end Fawestt Insnranoe lgenoy, sash, X5000.00 rite inauranoe ~ said bnildiag, $4000.00 rire ineurenoe oa ooatenta of said Dui ldiag, sad $2,600.00 tormdo and hell insuranoe a~ said bnildiag,