~) the scat for the aggregate inauranoe o! $11,500.00 from •aeh o? said Paur agents, being ~ 6 Y y i $105.90. gm Yt is further ordered by the Court that the Canrty Clark be and is hsrsby ~I~ ~ authorized and dirested to pay ell of said premiums out et the Permanent improvement )11nd aeon the laannaae.apd 8ali7esy ad proper policies to so-sr the inaurenoa hereia allotted toy it ~~I eaoh of said egenoles. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 803. ORDER POTTING HARDY vZRDELL TO IIOR$ ON PD8LI0 ROAD. This 20th day eP April, 1958, it is ordered by the Court that County Prisonor, b Hardy 91rde11 be put to work sn pablia roads in Barr Oonnty ae provided law, in charge of Henry =okstsin, road foramen of Conmiasioners' prooinot No, 1. Said prisoner shall rsoeive!~, the sum of $1.00 par day fns eaoh day's road work perfonnsd by hie, soma Lo be eredltsd on the fins sad ooata sow owing Dy him to gear Cdnnty, together with other oonaidsrations agreed upon. And it ie further ordered by the Court that ShesiPi Frank Macao be authorized,' affi direotsd to place said Hardy Yirdell in the suatody of said Hoary iakatsia. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, b04, APP$OBAL OF ANNCAL REPORT OF J. T. MOOSE, County TaZ Collector. This 20th day t+f April, 1938, cane on to be osamlaoII..Shs annual report for yeas ending Deo. 31st, 1931, filed by County Taz Collector, J. T. Poore, oovariag fees and aompeasation oherged, eollsoted and nnoollsoted and dedustiona oleimsd for depaty hire and office ezpenses, sad it appearing to tLe Court that said report is correct, sews is hereby approves by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutea on pages B43 and 84d, were read in open Court and found oorreet and same are hereby ig all respsote approved by the Court, Chia the EOth day of April, A, D. 1938. AttOat: i /~ ~c~- =, Oouaty Clark , By / ~_~=3Dapnty. ~n y i o_aao..o..d-o THE SPATE OF T87CA8, ' COITNTY OF BBRR. BE ZT REB~MBERED, that on this 9th d~ of 11ay, 193E, there wad began end holden a Regales Term of the Commisadonors' Court of Bsrr County, Teaas, at the Oourt House thereof, in the tam of Berrvilla, Sezas, offissra present: Ches. Real, - - - - - - - - -County Judge, F. •. Barger, - - - - - - - - Coo®iaslonsr, Preoinat No. 1, Virgil storms, - - - - - - - Commissioner, Preolaot No. E, wm. Barges, - - - - - - - - - Ccamisaionar, Precinct No. 3, J. A. Peril, - - - - - -, Commiaaionar, Precinct No. 4, A. F. Moose, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, end the Court having bean regularly;l'i opened, the felloeing proesedingA ware had, to-*it; No. 605, REJEOTION OF PETITION OF W. S. CLARE, ET. AL. FOR NEIGHBORHOOD ROAD. This 9th day of May, 193E, oasis on to be eonaidered the petition ed' W. S. Clark and others, for a neighborhood road aorosa the lands owed by D. C. Hall k sane and W. S. Clark, in Commiesioaera' Precinct No. d of Berr County, Tezsa, said D. G. Hall !Sons being represented by Counsel, the Hon. N. G. Garrett and 1S@n; ,l. 0. Baker. IIpon motion of Camadaedoner Perixl, seconded by Commisalonsr F. A. Barger and na- animouely adopted, it is ordered Dy the Court that acid petition be and is hereby reysotsd for the raeaon that said petition and the anties Lhereoi not being in corm preaordbed by G ~ s' the lax Sa woh matter. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ao. 608, CLAIMB AND ACCOIINfB. These 9th, 10th and 11th days of MqV, 1938, oame on to be eremiaed and audited Dy the Court, the various claims and aooounts filed against %srr County and lta reapseii~s Commis- aio~ra' preoinota nines lees term of the Oourt, all of whieh oLaims sad aonoaats were apprevsi for payment Dy the Carnfy Clerk in aspante and out of rasp votive funds e• ahowa in Pol. s, pages 807 t0 811 inolneive, of the Minutes of Aooounts Allowed for %err Oounty, which are made a part Of thla order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ao. 807, In the MstNw of the Appldpatioa of Herbert L, Orate, sf. al. for 3rd Class Aoad. This 9th dqy of Mqy, 1938, oeme on to bs oonaidared the report filed by the Jury of V1 ax appointed at She regular April term of thla Court, to lay out sad sasses the damages for a third olase road from C. P. Cade'^ plane to Ingram-Hunt Aoe.d is Commissioners' pre- o snot No. 4 of %err County, shish report is hereby panned over to the nett term of this Court far final notion. dud it Se ordered by th• Court LDat said Jtirora of vlew De and ere hereby allowed the following pea dlsm out of B. do B. ~4 Fund of Eerr County for eervloss rendered, to be paid by the Caraty Clerk by proper warrants, to-wit: Henry`Dietert, 3 8gps, 9.00, 1111 lord 3 days, 9.00 M. D. Henderson, 3 drys, ~9.~10, Aoy %mP, 3 da,VS, 9.00, and 818 Peterson, E dep.e, 6.00. o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-e i t , Ad. 808, APPROVAL OF DISTRICT CLER%'3 QIIAATEALY RBPOAT. Thin 9th dny of May, 19SE, same oa to De ooneidered the quarterly report of fines Imposed, yudgmenta rendered end jury Ease eolleeted filed by Diatriot Clerk, A. •. Hartmann for quarter ending Apr. 30, 193E, whisk report is hereby aeospted sad npproved Dy the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ao. 809, APPROVAL OF REPORT dND FL68 OF J48TICS OF THL PEdCE OF PRECINCT A0. ORB. Thin 9th day of MqV, 193E, acme oa to be oonsii erect by the Court the report of E. H. Turner, Juatioe of the Peae6 of Preeinat Ao. 1 of %err County, 7bzas, for the month of dpril, 193E, of oriminal nurse filed, fines, ~udgoeant and ~nry teen oolleeted, totaling X38.46, entitling him to ¢81.00, le ea 109L, #18.90 in fees, sad it appearing to the Court chat said report is true sect oorrsot, alma Ss hsrsDy appr ovsd, sad the County Clerk is di rooted Lo pay said X18.90 Sn two warrenta on the Oounty Treasurer, one for X7.10 out of the R. & B. fend and the other for 111.80 out of the Ad Valorem fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o I No. 810, APPROVAL OF CODATY CLER%'8 AND COOPTY ATTORPEY'9 MOATHLY E%PENBE REPOATB. Thin 9th day of I[q, 193E, name oa to De ezamined the monthly raposta of County Clerk, Jno. R. Leavell, of astral sad neoeasary offioe ezpenses for months of FsDruary, Msroh and April, and the monthly reports of County Attorney, W. D. C. Jones, of his eotuel and ueoas- aary offioe ezpenaes for months of February end AIQil, xhish reports and asoh of then appsaring oorreot, are hsraDy Yp~rivad by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o