~ ~ S~ for the reason that said petition and the notice thereof not being in form preaoriDed by I the law in sash matter. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ao. 608, CLAIMB AND ACCOUSH'8. These 9th, 10th end 11th dgye oT Mqy, 1958, name oa to be ezsmined and audited by the Court, the various claims and aaaounta filed eBainet Eerr Coanty and its reepsotive Commie- aioaare' preainota sines lest term of iho Court, ell of which olelms and naoonnts were approved for payment by ihs County Clerk !a amarnte end out of respootive funds ae shown is Vol. 8, pages E07 to 811 inolnaiva, of the Minutes of Accounts Allowed for Eerr county, which are made a part of this order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 307, In the MttMR of the Application of Herbert L, Crate, et. el. for 3rd Cass Hoad. `. ~ Thi• 9th day of May, 1988, came oa to bo aoasi dsrsd the report tiled by the Jury of View appointed at the regu]ar April term of this Oourt, to lsy out and sasses the damages ~' I for a third class road Erna G. P. Cade'e place to Ingram-Hunt Rod0. is Commieai oners' Pre- k§i oiaot No. 4 of %err County, w'hieh report is hereby passed over to the nett term of this Court fm~ final action. dud it la ordered by the Court that said Jurors of view be end are hereby allowed the following per diem out of A. k H. ~i Fund of Eerr County for services rendered, to be paid by the Oouaty Clerk Dy proper warrants, to-wit; Henry~Dietert, 3 days, 9.00, Rill Hard 3 days, 9.00 M. D. Hen~ereoa, 8 days, 9.80, Hoy Eemp, 3 days, 9.00, end Sid Peterson, E dgya, 6.00. o-o-e-o-e-o-o-o-o Ad. 608, APPROVAL OF DLSTRIOT CLERB'3 QIIARTERLY REPORT. This 9th day as May, 19SE, same on Lo De considered the quarterly report of fiaea imposed, judgmante rendered end jury faea collected filed by Diatrlat Clerk, A. A. Hartmann for quarter ending Apr. 80, 193E, whish report is hm eby asoaptsd sad approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o j p Ro. 309, APPROVAL OF REPORT AND FEES OF TIIBTICE OP THE PEACE OF PRECINCT Ao. ORE. Thin 9th day of May, 1932, aema oa to be oonaii Bred by ihs Court the report of E. H. Turner, Tuatioe of the Peace of Preeinet Ao. 1 of %err County, Tezaa, for the month of April, 19SE, of criminal canes filed, fiaea, judgment and jury fees oolleeted, totaling #38.{3, entit11~5 him to ~E1.00, le ea 109L, X18.90 is feae, end it appeari ag Lo the Court that said report U true and correct, name Ss hereby approrod, am the County Clerk U di rented to pay said $18.90 is two warrants on the Oounty Treasurer, one for X7.10 out of the R. & B, faad sad the other for X11.80 out of the Ad Valorem fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 310, APPROVAL OF COUPTY CLEA%'9 AND COCPTY ATTORAEY'3 MONTHLY EEPES4E REPORTB. This 9th day of Mqy, 198E, name oa to De ez®ined Lhe moaffily reports of County Clerk, Jno. R. Leavell, of aatnal and naaeasary office ezpanses for months of February, March and April, and the monthly reports of County Attorney, lf. D. C. Toaos, of his actual and neaes- aary offioo ezpenaes for months of Febraary sad Apr11, which reports end each of them appearing oorreet, are Araby iilpr7lvad by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o