~ `f S~ i for the reason that said petition end the notion thereof not being in form preaoribed by the le- Sa suoh matter. r ~ o-°-o-o-e-o-o Ao. 608, CLAIM9 AND ACCODAI'8. These 9th, 10th end 11th days of Mey, 1938, oeme on to be ermined affi audited Dy the Court, the various alelms and aooountn filed agatmt Esrr County and Sts respective Commis- aloaera' preoinote ainoe last term of the Court, all of which oleima sad naooaata wars apprond for payment Dy the County Clerk in amounts and out of rasp eotive funds as shown in vol. 6, pages 807 to 811 iaolueive, of the Minutes of Aooouata Allowed for Eerr Oouaty, whioh are made a part of this or des. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o g No. 607, p1 In the MaiMe of the 6pplipation of Herbert L. Crate, et. el. for 3rd Class Road. Thi^ 9th day of Msy, 1958, Dame on t0 be oomidared the report filed by the Jury o! ~~~ view appointed at the regular April term of this Court, to lay out and assess the damages for a third Diana road from G. P. Cade'e plane to Ingram-Hunt Hold Sn Commiaeiomra' Pre- ' oimt No. 6 of Eerr Gounty, which report ie hereby paeesd over Lo the nett term of this Court fan final eotlon. And it ie ordered by the OourS theL said Jurors of view be and are hereby ellowe8 the following pm' diem out of 8. d: B. ~4 Fund of Eerr County for eervlass rendered, to be pall by the Oouaty Olerk by proper warrants, to-wit: Henry~Dietert, 3 dgys, 9.00, Aill Gerd 3 days, 00 M. D. Hen~eraon, 3 days, 9.10, Hoy EemP, 3 daps, 9.00, and 816 Peterson, 8 days, 6.00. o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-e Ad. 608, APPROVAL OF DL4TRICT CLERE'3 QIIARTEHLY REPORT. Thin 9th day of May, 1958, same oa to De ooasidered the quarterly report of fines imposed, ~ud®fenLS rendered end yury fees aolleeted filed by Diatrlot Clerk, •. A. Hartmann for quarter ending Aix. S0, 1932, which report Sa hereby aeoeptsd end approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ao. 809, APPROVAL OF REPORT AND FEES OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OF PRECINCT R0. ONE. This 9th day of Mqy, 1938, Dame oa to be oo mitered Dy the Court the report of S. H. n ~ Turmr, Juatiae of the Peee6 of Preeinst Ao. 1 of Eerr County, 'peZas, for Lhe month of A April, 193E, of oriminal oaaee filed, tinge, ~ud~sent and Sury fees oolleeted, totaling X38.46, entitling him to X81.00, le ee 10˘, ˘18.90 is lase, sad it appearing to the Court imat said report is true sad eorreot, vamp is hereby approved, am the County Clerk is v YI direoted to pqy said $18.90 in two warrants on the Oounty Treasurer, one for X7,10 out Wq of the R. k B. fend and the other for X11.80 out of the 1d val ors fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 610, APPROVAL OF COIIHIR CLERE'8 AND COCPTY ATTOAAEY'3 MOATHI.Y EEPEASE REPORTS. This 9th day of May, 198E, Damn oa to be ezemimd the monthly reports of County Clerk, Jno. R. Leavell, of aetnal sad aeaeasary ofPioa eicpensos for months of February, Meroh and April, end the monthly reparte of County Attorney, A. D. C. Joins, of his eatuel and mees- nary oYfloe ezpensea for months of February an8 April, which reports and eaoh of them appearing oorreot, era hereby $ipiNtved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o