I for the reason that said potation end the notion thereof not being in Corm prescribed by ~~ the law Sn nosh mn tter. o-o-o-o-e-o-o No. 608, CLAIMB AND ACCODNf3. These 9th, 19th and 11th days at May, 1938, Dame on to be ezmined and audited Dy She Court, the varloun claims and accounts ailed against Eerr County sad ate respsetive Commie- aioaera' precincts since lest term of the Oourt, ell of which nlaima and aaoonats warn apyroved for payment Dy the County Clerk Sn asnanta and out of raspeetive funds as shown in Vol. 8, pages 807 to 811 iaolnatva, of the Minutes of Accounts Allowed for Eerr County, which are made a part of this or deZ. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ao. 607, In the Ma{was the Applipation of Herbert L. Crate, et. el. for 3rd Class Road. Thi• 9th dqy of May, 1938, name on to be oomldsrsd the report filed by the Jury of view appointed at the regular April term of this Court, to isy out and ssaesa the damages for a third class road cram G. P. Cnde'e place to Ingram-Hunt Aoed in Commiaeiomrs' pre- oimt No. { of Eerr County, which report Ss hereby panned over to the nezt term of this Court far final lotion. And it Se ordered by the Court that said Tutors of vier be sad ors hereby ellowe8 the following per diem out of H, d B. ~4 Fund of Eerr County for aarvioss rendered, t0 ba paid by the County Clerk by proper warrants, to-wit: Heary~Dietert, 3 days, 9.00, Will Ward 3 dqs, 9.00 M. D. Hands:son, 3 days, 9.10, Hoy Eemp, 3 days, 9.00, and Hid Peterson, 8 days, 8.00. o-o-e-o-s-o-o-o-o Nb. 60g, APPROVAL OF DISTRICT CLERE'3 QIIARTEHLY REPORT. Thin 9th day at May, 1858, same ea to De ooaeidered the quarterly report of fines imposed, ~ud~enta reordered and fury fees oollepte8 filed by District Clerk, •. •. Hartmann for quarter endi~ Apr. 30, 1932, which report le hersby asesptad nad appravad by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o r No. 809, APPROVAL OF REPORT AND FEES OH JII9TICE OF THE PEKE OF PRECINCT N0. ONE. This 8th day of May, 193E, Dame oa to be oo nattered by the Court the report of 8. H. Turner, Tuetiao of the Pesos OS Pteeinet No. 1 of Eerr County, TeYns, for the month of April, 193E, of criminal Dusan i11ed, fines, 'udgmont and ynry Sean collected, totaling ;38.46, antitiiag him to ;81.00, Uae 1996, ;18.90 Sa rasa, sad it appearing to the court chat said report is true and correct, same is hereby ayprovad, affi the Conaty Clerk is di rooted to pay said ;18.90 in two warrants on the Oounty Treasurer, one fos ;7,10 out of the R. & B. fund and the other for ;11,80 out of the Ad valorem fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o I No. 610, APPROVAL OF CODPTY CLERE'S AND COIIRTY ATTORNEY'S MONTHLY EEPEHSE REPORTS. Thi^ 9th day of May, 1938, Damn oa to be ezemimd the monthly reports of County Clerk, Jno. R. Leaven, of aetuel end moeasary office ezpensee for months of February, March and April, end the monthly reports of Conaty Attorhey, W. D. C. Toms, of hie eotusl and 17eoea- sary Dittos ezpenaes for months of Febrnm~y end hail, which reports end each of then appearing correct, era hereby iY1plWvsd by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o