No. 611, REPOHT OF COUNTY HEALT$ NURBE. ~ ~ `/'6 Thin 9th day of Meg, 1932, same on W be heard by the Court the report of Mien Ruth Jans~ u Moore, County Health Nurse oovering oounty Health work during the month of April, 1938, which; report ie hereby soaepted Dy tho Court and ordered Bled by tho County Clerk. o-o-a-o-e-e No. S1E, TEHPOAARY RELIEF FOR PAATIE9 IN FINANCIAL DISTRESS. i Rh1s 9th day of Mme, 1932, it ie ordered by the Goart that saoh of the following III named parties be and is hereby sllewod the sum of mousy out et the Ad Yalormm Puna of Eerr I~h Coaaty, set opposite his ar her name, far saoh month apeoified, to-wit: P~ II, Mra. A. J. Reynolds, aum apt $EE.50 per month for months of Hay, Tune and July, 1938, payable is two semi-monthly payments o? $11,85 sash. J. B, Clermont, sum ad' $8.00 per month for moatha of May, June and July, 193E. ~~~ Jim Tuttle, sum of $4.00 per month for months o! Hay, June and July, 1932, ii C. A, k Etta Moody, sum at $18.00 par month for months of Meg, June and July, 1938. '~ a Mrs. W. M. selth, sum of $10.00 per month for months of Mey, June and July, 19SE, payable ;' to Roy Key. ! Y~;3 Dr. W. L. 9eoor, sum of $4.00 per month Por saoh of said three months, covering Moody rent, ~~ ~t~y4_ Jno. R. Furman, sum of $10.00 oovsring prise house rent up to Hay 8th, 1938. l Soma Bundiak, sum of $8.00 per month for saoh of said three months, payable on 15th saoh moats. Phil Bundiok, enm of $8.00 per month far saoh of avid three months, i~ I Jasper Hnnnioutt, sum of $8.00 per month fez saoh of said three months, pe~yablo to V1rg11 Beefier. J. A. Wilson, sum of $8.00 per month far saoh of said three months. ~~ Eeah of said ellowanoes to be paid by proper warrant, issued by the Oounty Clerk in favor of person entitlod thereto ae aforesaid, e-o-o-o-o-o-o-m ' N'o. 513, EZCHANGE OF LAt~ FOR IMPROFBEDQiY OF SCHLTI.ZE RIIAAL ROUTE POST ROAD IH PRECINCT ~1. Th18 9th day of Hay, 193E, it appearing to the Court that it is to the beet intereat~li n of Kerr County end the traveling public that the 9ohulae HurJ~fal Route Post Road is COmmia- 1 aloners* Preoinet No. One of Kerr County ba changed sad improved by oaauring from Herman Seh~lfiae a strip Of new right od way for same, ifhieh Mr. 9ohulze agrees to deed unto Serr ~' County in consideration of reoelving by dead from Harr Oouaty that portion of said road P abandoned in making saoh change, both traota to be aeedod by Lhe field notes eooording to ~I aotuel survey thereof made by the Oounty Surveyor on the ground, ~i~ It le therefore ordered and adjudged by th® Court that saoh change and improvement it of said road be made, and Cou~y Judge, Chaa. Real is hereby authorised sad diraetei to j for sad oa behalf of Karr County, y ezesute and deliver.unts said Harman 8ohulze a Quit-Claim deed oaverina the abOndoned portiea~9 !i of said road if and when he hoe reserved proper quit-olalm deed in favor of Kerr County exeeutod by said Herman Schulze ooncveyiag ante Kerr County the desired new right of way, o-o-o-o-o-o ili i No. 514, TAA2d3FEH FROM AVAIL6BLS C. H. & J. FOND TO AD VALOREdS FOND. 2hia 9th day of May, 193E, it is ordered Dy the Court that the balaaoe of $39.86 ,; be transferred by the County Treasurer from the Available C. 8. Ie J. Hand to the Ad Valorem ~'I i. fund. o-o-o-e-o-o No. 515, APPROVAL OF COUNTY THEASUREA~S gIIAATSRLY REPORY. This 10th d~ of May, 1932, omme on to bs exeainad the Quarterly report filed by COUaty Treasurer, A. B. Williemaoa for quarter ending, Apr. 30, 1958, covering reasipta end disbursements of Kerr County, which report together wish oanoelled bonds, eoupone end war-