(~rf 7 rants were duly inspaoted and audited by the Court, and all found oorrast, end said report wen aooerdingly appxovsd Dy the Court end ordered raoordea in the loose-leaf binder in ~' the County Clerk 4 ofrio• for that purpose, end all oanoelled bonds and ooupone were destroy- ed by the Court by fire. o-o-o-o-o-o No. ,518, EEAMINLTION OF TAE IN9ENTORIEB OT A88E8SMENTB FOR 1938. Thin 10th day o! May, 1931, after each member of the Court hnviag taken the oath rehired .by law, oame on Lo be ezemined by the Oourt Bitting as a board of equalization, the inventories of eaeesamenta made to Bad talwa by County Taz Lasesaor, w. G, Peterson for the onrreat year, all of whioh inventorie• wore oarefully inapeeted, oorrested Bad . egnallaed and approved, with eaoeptisa of about 100 assessments whioh ahodld^Deinaiaed. It Se therefore ordered by the Oourt that it will convene end Bit as a board of equaliaeti oh oa Monday and Tuesday, May 30th end Slat, 1932, at the Court House in Eerrville, Tema, for the purpose of equalizing ea near as possible said unsatisfaotory aesasamente, end the bounty Clerk Se di rested to give proper notioe Dy publieatioa of the time when this Covrt will meal ae auoh Equalization Board, sad said Clerk shall also further notify eaoh i of Bald property owhere in person by mail to appear before said Bo mid of Equalisation one-half of them to apps ei' before said Board oa May SOth ehd the other half on May 31st. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 517, APPROPAL OF Tnsnrt.ea BTLTSA'fl±NT OF INDEBTEDN~*38~, E%PENDITURES AId1 RECEIPTS BY CLERE. Thi• 11th day oY May, 193E, oame on to be ezamiaed by the Court, the tabular statement filed by the County Clerk, Jho. R. Leavell, covering Eerr Couaty~e ihdebtedaesa, eapenditurea Bad receipts for quarter ends ag Lpril 30th, 193E, whioh report having been found oorreot is hereby approve8 by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 318, ADyERTIBEMENT FOB BIDS FOR FEEDING COUNTY PRISONERS, IF LEGAL. This 11th day of May, 1932, it appearing to the Court that the ezpense of feeding County pri eonera should be reduoed, Bad it Se ordered by the Oourt that the County Clerk upon finding same properly authorized by law, shall advertise in 8 weeks of the Eerrville Mountsip 8ua for bide for feeding the County Prisbnera for one year, beginning June 15, 1932. ~ 8aid b1~b to De file6 by, and to be opened at, nett term of the Court. If bi d• oannot be legally oellad for under the aw, said matter will be taken up by the Court at Sake nezt tern, o-o-o-o-o No. 519, SECOND AD9AI~E ON 1932 TAE d33E330R8' COMP4S8i0N8. • I Thi• 11th day of May, 1932, oeme oa to ba considered the request of County Taz Lsaea- sor, for a aeoond advaao• of X500,00 oa hie 1938 County Tea Lsaesaor~e oommisaioas, and it appearing to Lhe Court LhaL only X300,00 should be advenoed to said assessor at this time, sad •ame is hereby allowed, to be paid by the County Clerk in amounts Bad out of Panda as fellows: 80.00 out of the Road & Bridge Fund, ,. 20,00 out of the Permanent Improvement Fund, ,00 out of the Court House & Tail Slaking Fund, 28.00 out of Road Dietriat ~2 8lnking Pond, ,00 out of $err Oouaty Road Bond 8lnkin8 Fund, and ., ,00 out of Road Distrlot No. 1 81ak1ng Fund, C~ by proper warrants drawn by said Clerk on the County Treasurer. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 320, ORD~ CLOSING SINEING FCND OF R06D DISTRICT N0. 3. This 11th day of May, 1932, it appearing to the Court that all outstanding bonds end interest eoupone against ROad Diatriet No. 3 of Serr County have been paid Bad satisfied,