- 6 3 y~4,00 out of the Ad Valorem Pund oP Kerr County, as 'Cempoxary relief for the month of January, 1933, same to be paid by the County Clerk by proper vouahere as follows: The allowance for Tom Hollomon payable to him in person, The allowance for Homer McGee payable to Virgil Beaver, and The allowance for lY. J. Pipkin payable to Chester Sohwe thelm. o-o-o-a-o-o-o 719, ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS. This 9th day of January, 1933, came on to be examined and auditefl by the Court the veri o~ claims and aooounte filed against Kerr County and its respeo tive Commiaeionere~ preci note sinoe last term of this Court, all oP whioh of ai ma and accounts were approved for payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out of rea peatl ve funds as shown in the Minutes of Accounts Allowed for Kerr County, whioh are im de a part of this order. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0 ~i720, Ai'PAOVAL OF REPORT AISD FEES OF JUSTICE OF TIIE :PEACE OF PEECIlICT No. ONE. This 9th day of January, A. D. 1933, oame on to be oo nai der ed by the Court the report of E. H. Turner, Justine oP the Peaoe of Preai not No. 1 oP Barr County, Teaas, for the month of December, A. D. 1932, oP arimi nal cases Piled, Pines, judgment and jury Pees oolleoted, totaling X102.35, entitling him to $57.00 lase 20~ $11.40, $45.60 in Pees, and it appearing to the Court that said report is true and oorreot, same is hereby approved, and the County Clerk is di rea tad to pay said $45.60 in two warrants oa the County Treasurer, one Por $11.74 out oP R. & B. Fund and the other Por $33.86 out of the Ad Valorem Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~{721 January 9th, 1933, it apps eri ng to the Court that it is necessary Por the Court to recess to a later date this week in order to take oars of aertein business pending, it is ordered that the Court recess until Tanuary 12th, 1933 at One 0'ol ook P. M. o-o-o-o-o 722, 1':IE COTLT.IISSI OT SRS COURT of Kerr County, Teass, re-convened at the Court House is Kerrville, Tezea, this 12th day of January, 1933, at One Opel ook P. M., with all its offia era present, and the to llowi ng prooeedi nga were had, to-wit: o-o-o-o-o-o-o ' ~ X723, TRANSFER TO CORRECT ERRORS IN THE DEPOSIT OF Tf1E TA%ES COLLECTED FOR OCTOBER & NOVEMBER. This 12th day of Jenvary, 1933, it is ordered by the Court that the County Treasurer make the following transfers upon the books oP hie office Por the purpose oP adjusting and i oorreo ti ng the errors made in the deposit of taws oolleoted by the Taz Collector during October and November, 1932, which taws were deposited by the Colleotor to the r~speotive - ( Puads under the 1931 taz levy instead of under the the 1932 tax levy, to-wit: yy188.60 from Permanent Improvement Fund to Spaniel Fund, $368.62 Prom Road & Bridge Fund to Spe of al Fund, ~ ~ ~ 83.fii Prom Jury Fund to Spacial Fund, ~ j105.06 Prom Jury Fund to C. H. & J. Sinking Fend. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o 723, ALLD VTATICE OF ADDITI OiIAL CLAI315 AND ACOOUNPS. This 12th day oP January, 1933, came on to be examined and checked Dy the Court the ~ ~ additional claims and aoe aunts Piled against Kerr County and its respective Commis si on ere preoinota si noe lest day of this Court, ell of whioh olslms and ac oounts were approved for payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out of respective funds es shown in the Minutes of Accounts Allowed Por Kerr County, which are made a part of this order.