The Foregoing minutes on pages 62 to 64 hereof inolu si ve, were read in open Court aid found correct, and are hereby in all respects approved by the Court, this the 12th day of January, ~~A7. D. 1933. Attest:.~~`/ ounty Clerk By eputy. THE STATE OF TEXAS, C'~*`1~rvL~~aGL4eJC~ounty Judge 0-6-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 COUNTY OF KERR. (. BE IT REG~MBEREiI), t1~at on this 16th day of January, A. D. 1933, there was begun and holden a Speoiel term of the Commissioners' Court oP Berr County, Tezas, at the Court S3ouse thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Teaea, officers present: John S. Atkins, County Judge, F. A. Kerger, Commissioner, Precinct No. 1, H. G. Edens, Commissioner, Precinct No. 2, S9m. Barger, Commissioner, Precinct No. 3, N. H. Farr, Commissioner, Precinct No. 4, A. F. Moore, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, the following proaeedinga ware had, to-wit: yr724, AFI`ROVAL OF 0?3CIAL BODID OF C07STABLE OF PRECINCT N0. 2. This 16th day of January, 1933, came on to be ea~rined by the Court the official bond of E. T. Mangum, elected as ConstaD le of Precinct No. 2 of Kerr County at the ATovember, 1932 election, which bond appearing good and sufficient, is hereby in all things approved by the Court, and said E. T. bSan gum is dir eoted to to qu el ify for the duties of his office by taking the prescribed oath, after which acid bond shall be recorded by the County Clerk in the proper record oP his of Pic e. 7 ~ ~ o-o-o-o-o-o-o Collector's Number 18 CERTIFICATE OF CAP7CELIATION Comptroller's Number THE STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF KERR. WH&R6~8, for tho years 1930-1931, the following real estate was reported delinquent io the State for taxes, and it appearing to the satiafaotion of the Commissioners Court of Berr County, that the delinqu~oy of said land was erroneous Por reasons hereinafter given. Reported Delinquent '. Abstract Original in Name of: Number Date No. Number Grantee Henry Schumacher & Wife 309 9198 594 M. Short (1930) Heresy Schumacher & Wife 309 9198 594 M. Short (1931) Number Total Total County gores State Taz Tax 4 4.97 12,46 y~ 3 4 5.29 16.24 w Total 10.26 28.70 pp Reason for cancellation: Land never was deeded to Hy. Schumacher by T. J. Moore and thin land has been rendered for taxation by T. T. Moore and tease paid by T. J. Moore, therefore, this same land was doubly assessed to Henry Sohuma abet & wife Por 1930 & 1931. It is therefore ordered, adjudged end daaree$, that the delinquency of the above described land to the State of Tezas and County of Kerr was erroneous and should be can ae Lled and the Comptroller of Public Aoc am to notiried ~' the ec tion oP said Commi asionere Court, held at Kerrville, Teaes, this the 16th day of January, 1933, and said notion being cut by Article 5197 Revised Statutes, Aata 1895. Attest: ,County Clerk ~Ll~ County Judge By eputy. o-o-o-o-o- 728, ALLOWANCE OF CLAIIlhS APID A CCOUNPS. This 16th day of January, 1933, came on to be eaemined end audited Dy the Court,