No. 73g, APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLERK'S QUARTERLY TABULAR 9TATEMEIPT OF KERR COUNTY. Thie 14th day of February, 1933, oame on to be examined by the Court the Tabular Statement for quarter ending January Slet, 1933, filed by County Clerk, Bohn 8. Leavell, of the Indebtedness, Exyendituree and Receipts of Kerr Coanty, whioh statement or report appearing correct and in proper form to the Court, ie hereby in all things approved in oysn Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-s No. 739, Apyroval OF COIINTY CLERK'S QUARTERLY gEPORT OF FINES, ETC. ~~. Thie 13th day of February, 1938, oame on to be oonaiderad by the Court the quarterly report filed by the County Clerk of fines imposed, ~adgments rendered and ~nry tees oolleotsd in the County Court of 8err Coanty for quarter ending January 31st, 1933, and it appearing that said xvport is correct and in proper form, same b• and ie hereby in all things approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 740, APPROVAL OF DISTRICT CLERK'S FINAL REPORT OF FINNS, ETC. ' Thia 13th day of February, 1933, oame on to ba oonalderad by the Court the final report filed by the former district clerk, A. A. Hartmann of fines imposed, judgments ran- ' dared and fury faea oolleotsd in the Diatriot Court of Karr County for period ending Deo. ~, 31st, 193E, and it appearing that said report is oerreot and i^ proper form, same be and 1e hereby in all things approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~~~ No. 741, APPROVAL OF DISTRICT CLERK'S QUARTERLY REPORT OF FINES, ETC. Thia 13th day of February. 1933, oame on to be ooneiderad by the Court the quarterl report filed by Dietsiot Clerk, Gao. M. Doyle of fines imposed, ~udgmenLa rendered and fury fees collected in the Diatriot Court of Karr County for quartet ending Jan. Slat, 1933, and „ it appearing that said report ie correct and 1n proper form, came be and is hereby in ell things approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 742, APPROVAL OF MONTHLY EBPENSE REPORTS OF COUNTY AND DISTRICT CLERKS. Thie 13th day of February, 1933, oame on to be ezamined by the Court the monthly reports for Deo. 193E and Jan. 1933, filed by the Coanty Clerk, Jno. R. Leavoll and the monthly report for January, 1933 filed by the Diatriot Clerk, Geosge M. Doyle, covering their actual and necessary office ezpenaae, whioh reports appearing oorseot, era hereby in sll reapeote accepted and approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 743, APPLICATIONS OF COUNTY CLERK AND COUNTY TAK ASSESSORS FOR APPOINTMENT OF DE PUT IBS. ~,I This 13th day of February, 1833, oame on to be considered the application of Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk for authority to appoint three deputise at an aggregate ', salary not to azoeed $3,000.00 for the currant ilsosl year, also the application of E. H. Nichols, County Taz Assessor for authority to appoint one deput* at a salary of #b0,00 per month, whioh ayylioatione be and are hereby approved and granted ti,V the Oourt 5• prayed tor. ',; o-o-o-o-o-o-o SSo. 744, ORRER SETTI27G TisRt,:S of JUSTICE'S COT]RT OF PRECINCT N0. 4. This 13th day of l~ebruary, 1933,,c~e on to be heard the application of Ed Smith, Justice of tae ?eace of "reci not No. 4 asking that the Court set the time for the monthly terms of ti:e Justice's Court of Precinct No. 4 to begin on tic 2nd Iaonday each month, and (. 8 ~, it appeariT~ to the Court that the Pixing by the Court of such dates for said Justice's C