limit~~ia1' Kerrville near the corner of the Schreiner ~ pasture and the A. W, MoKillip pleae, i and it appearing to the Court that petitioners are entitled to the relief prayed for, said petition be and is hereby granted by the Lour-t, andtha Colmnissi on er of Precinct No, 1 is hereby author3zed.and directed to construct said slab or low-water bridge at the expense of his precinct, co nstruetion work thereon to start within 30 days. Also came on to be heard the plea of ,Messrs. E. C. Fisk and A. L. Starkey Por the continuance and improvement oP the sew portion'.of aaid.Kerrville & Harper road from Plestland Rlace Addition over the hills to its interaee tion with the old road, and Commissioner Karger of Precinct No. 1 agreed and he is hereby au thoriaed to put a caliche top on said nex por tic of said Kerrville f.~.T3arper Aoad, said work to be done as soon as possible, and to be paid Por out of the it[nds oP CommfsSionera' precinct No. One oP Karr County, OnO-O-O-O-O I?o. 750, ~iPPRO VAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF W, G. GARRETT, JR., COUNTY TREASURER, This 14th day oP February, 1933, came on to be examined by the Court the quarterly report of SY. G. Garrett, Jr., County Treasurer, covering receipts and disbursements of Karr County for quarter ending January 31st, 1933, and it appearing to tk~ Court that same is correct and in proper form, same be and is hereby approved by the Court and same together with the Court's certificates of approval shall be recorded by the County Clerk Sn the Loose Leaf record Por that purpose in Dis office. All cancelled bonds and interest coupons dis- charged during said quarter were destroyed by fire in open Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 751, TRANSFER CLOSING CERTAITI FUNDS AND ORDER DISPOSING OF~FQTUR~ CREDITS OF SAID FDDIDS. This 14th day of February, 1933, it is ordered by the Court that Yi, G. Garrett, Jr.; County Treasurer carry out and execute the following transfers oP hinds upon the records and books of his office, viz: '3.77 from Special Fund to Permanent Improvement Fund, 181.68 Prom i?ig hway No. 27 Fund to Karr County Lateral Road Fund, 36.08 from Ingram-Hunt Road Fund to R. & B. ~4 Fund, y48.25 from R. D, r~3 Sinking Fund to A. D. ~3 Available Fund. It is also 1lirther ordered and adJudged by the Court that said County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to hereafter place4 all moneys to which Perma- nent Improvement Fund is entitled to the•eredit of the Special Fund; and ell funds to which highway No. 27 '_'und is entitled to the credit of Kerr County Lateral Road Fund; and ell fund to which the Ingram-Hunt Road Fund is entitled to the Credit of Roed & Bridge Fund of Precinct No. Four (4); and all funds to which R, D. '~3 Sinking Fund is entitled to the credit of the R. D. ;~3 Available Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 752, APPORTIONNEt"T OF $30,000.00 ROAD & BRIDGE FUPIDS. This 14th day of February, 1933, it is ordered Dy the Court that the sum of y30,000.00 unappor ti oned funds col looted from auto license fees and taxes now to the credit of the General R. & B. Fund, be and is hereby apportioned among the Pour Commiasivners Precincts of Kerr County, as follows: To Commissi ones Preoi not No To Commissioners Precinct No To Commissioners Precinct No To Coammi.ssioners Precinct No One the sum of $14,550.00, Two the sum of $ 3,300.00, Three theaum of $2,700,00, and Four the sum of $9,450.00, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o