~~ Na, 753, TRANSFER OF $200.00 FROM R. & B. FUND TO A. & B. FUND OF PRECINCT N0. 3. INTEREST. This 14th day of Febraasy, 1933,, it is ordered by the Court that the County C1erk~ transfer the svm of $200.00 from the general Raced & Bridge iVxnd to the R. & B. Pond of Commisaio r~rs ]?reci not Ao. 8,, to cover interest allowed by the Court to said precinct on Its daily balenae during 1932, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 754, TRANSFER FROM R. & B. NOS. 1 & 4 FUITIS. TO R. & B. WARRANT SIPIIffSSG FUND. This 14th day of Pebraary, 1933, it is ordered by the Court that the County Treasurer transfer the sum of $4,000,00 from the genarnl Road do Bridge fund to the Road & Bridge Refunding 1Parrant Sinking Fund (o1dJ for the purpose of taking Dare of warrants and interest coupons coming due ageinat said Sinking Fund during 1933, said $4,000.00 to be oharged by the County Clerk, as follows: $2425_00 against A. & B. ~1 Fund and $1575.00 against R. & B. //4 Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o No,_ 755, TRANSFER FROM R. D. ~l SINffiISG FOND TO R, & H. ~1 FUND. This 14th day of February, 1933, it is or da red Dy the Court that the County Treasurer be authorized and direotefl to transfer, the sam of $1,626.00 Prom the Sinking Fund of Road Distriot No. One So the Road k Bridge No. One Fund, same Dowering said amount loaned by R. & B. yl Fund to said Sinking Fuad on the 4th defy of Oo tob er, 1932, o-o-o-o-a-o No. 756. TRANSFER OF $2,500,00 FROM GENERAL FIJIID TO R. & B. FUND OE PRECINCT N0. ONE. Thin 14th day of February, 1933, it in ordered by Lhe Court that the County Treea~ be authorized and directed to tra~fer the sum of $2,500,00 Prom the General Fund oP %err County to the Road & Bridge Ido. One Fund, to cover emounta loaned by R. & B. ~1 fund to ~ha General Pund on Ootober 10th and November 15th, 1932. , o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 757, ORDER FIKIIdG COUNTY JBDGE'S AiJ~ COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT'S SALARIES. This 14th day of February, 1933, it is ordered by the Court that the salaries of the County Judge as County Judge affi ezoffioio County Sohool Superintendent of Kerr County be and are hereby fined at the Pollowi ng amounts for the yesfs, 1933 and 1934, via: As County Juflge the cum Of $1,000.00 per annum, and As eaoffioio County Sohool SUp~intendent, the sum of $600.00 per annum. It is further ordered and adjudged by, the Court that said aggregate salary of .$1,600,00 per annum be paid by the County Clerk out of the Ganernl Fund in monthly ihstall- ~menta of $133.33 eaoh, payable on or after the first day of eaoh Dale ffiar month, and 1/4th of said County Judge's salary shall at request of the Court at a future date, be transferred to the General Fund out of the Road & Bridge Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 758, ORDER FIZING COUNTY CLERK'S FeT nuY. On this, 14th day of February, 1933, it is ordered by the Court that the County Cl ork shall bo cello xed to pay out for doyuty_hire out of the Saes of hie office, the sum of $3,000,00 per annum during the yearn 1933 and 1934, and it is further ordered and adjudged by tiie Court that the annual salary of the County Clerk of Kerr County be and is hereby fixed at an aggregate sum of $1800.00 for each of said two years as follows: $1450.00 per annum sa County Clerk, $250,00 per annum for keeping the finance ledger and $100.00 par annum for indexing. Same to be paid out of the General Fund in monthly 1aaSal~laiats of $150,00 eaoh, payable on