3 No. 764, ORDER FI%IISG COIlinENSATION OF C01dJtISSI ONERu. This 15th day of February, 1933, the compensation of the Cozrmiasionara oY %err Couaty ~ is hereby fized by the Court for the Ye era, 1933 sail 1934, acoo riling to law, as follows: Each conmmis si on er shall receive $5,00 per day 8e~~pe3'd16z,for eaoh day served by him as a member of the CoA~mis ai oners~ Court to be paid out of'~the General fund and each commis- sioner shall further receive $5.00 for each day served IL inspecting and suparviaing ra ads, same to be paid out of the Road & Bridge fund of his reap eati ve preoinat, provided however, that the total oompa neatlon of each commiasi oner shall not ezoeed'~- the following amounts agreed upon,'to--it: Commissioner of Precinct No. 1, sum of $900.00 per year, Commissioner of Preoinnt No. 2, sum of $500.00 per year, Commissl oner of Precinct No. 3, sum of $500.00 per year, Commissioner of Pre ei not No. 4, sum of $700.00 per year. It is further ordered by the Count that from time to time the said salaries of Said Commissioners shall be adjusted so tlwt their Courts per diem be paid 1/4th out of General Fund and b/4thsont oP Aoad & Bridge Pund, and that their road supervision fees be paid 3/4th out oP Road & Bridge Fund sad 1/4th out of Geaeral Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 765, ORDER FI7CING SALARY OF COURT HOUSE JANITOR. This 15th day of February, 1933, it is ordered and adjudged by the Court that the salary oP Zrvin Parks, Court House Janitor end Bfieohanic be and is hereby fized at the avm of $780,00 per annum Por the years, 1933 and 1934, to be paid by tho County Clark by proper warrants drawn against the Special Fund, in Ei semi-+IDOathZy iflatai lmefltp of $32,50 eaoh, each year. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 766. ANARD OF DEPOSITORY OF COUNTY, COUNTY SCHOOL and COUNTY TRUST FUNDS. This 15th day of February, 1933, came on to 'be opened by the Court the separate and only bids, Yiled Dy Chaa. Schreiner Bank, (Uainoorporated) oY Kerrville, Tezas, offering its services as depository of all County, School and Trust Funds aY Kerr County for ensuing two years, and offering to pay 1~}$ interest on all daily bal anc ea, and it appearing to the Court that the bids of Charles Sahrei nor Bank are the beet bids obtainable, it is therefore ordered by the Court that same be and are hereby accepted and said Bank is awarded the County De poaitory for all County, School_and Treat Panda of the County for the next two year at ono end ono+half per Dent interest on daily balances, and said Beak is directed to make good and aufYloi ant bonds as depository of each oP acid Panda in th6 proper form pr ascribed - by law and submit same to this Court for approval, which bonds are hereby fized in the following amounts: Ae Couaty Depo ei, tory, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $100,000.00, As County Depository oP all School Funds, - - - - - - - - - - - $25,000.00, As County Depository of all trust funds, in hands oY Co.& D1at.Clerka, $1,000,00. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 767, ACCEPTANCE OF STATE BOARD OF COUNTY & DISTRICT ROAD INDEBTEDPIESS A7IARD,(Co.wi de bon This 15th day of February, 1933, the Codsal oners' Court of Karr Couaty unanimously ratified and confirmed County Judge Atkins accept anew oY the tentative and preliminary award of the State Board of County and Di strict Road Indebtedness, making 21.35 or $53,367. of the $250,000.00 Kerr County Road Hond issue ale Bible to per ti cipate in the State~a ^County and Road District Iiighwey Fund^. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o